Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3241: What I said, count it!

"Let's go, follow this kid, this kid's aura is falling a little bit, and soon this kid will not be able to continue fighting anymore. After all, it is the tutor of our Qingshan Academy. It is better to get it back."

Hong Shan clicked the corner of his mouth and said.

Lin Feng didn't know when he stopped. When he stopped, Lin Feng only felt that his body's strength was gone. A familiar light flashed before him, and Lin Feng went to sleep.

"You can only hide in the master's clothes." Chitaki cautiously crawled into Lin Feng's clothes, followed by the thick soil and Porch, and the three climbed side by side onto Lin Feng's back.

"Why don't we go in through the sleeves?" Hou Tu couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, I followed you in. This time the master broke out, and the power in our body was almost drawn by the master. Take a good rest and wait for the master to come over and fill us with resources."

Poch said in a muffled voice.

Lin Feng's battle would be wonderful if he saw it.

The whole is on the verge of an outbreak.

It was precisely this kind of explosion that protected Lin Feng as a whole. No one could see what Lin Feng looked like. Even the fairy spirit army thought Lin Feng was the guardian of Datou Village.

Lin Feng didn't know how long he had slept before waking up. When he woke up, he was still on the bed at Tie Zhu's house in Datou Village. Outside was the voice of Tie Zhu's wife, and a strong fragrance came from the kitchen.


Lin Feng's stomach screamed in despair, and Lin Feng sat up.


Lin Feng clutched his head, and a deep pain penetrated his entire body. Lin Feng wanted to move, but he couldn't move at all, it was too painful.

"Now I know it hurts!" A chilly voice rang in Lin Feng's ear. Lin Feng opened his eyes, and Dean Hong Shan was holding the big monster beast's hoof and eating very happily.

"I said the dean, anyway, I'm also fighting for the honor of Qingshan Academy. Isn't it a bit unnatural for you to do this?" Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

This old man still eats so many delicious foods in front of him!

I am hungry now!

"Go to your **** for the glory of Qingshan Academy. You said that your kid is capable, you kid is good, are you going to let everyone target you? If it's not for the remoteness of this place, you will be treated when your kid shines. You’re blocked, and the villagers respect you and voluntarily guarded this secret. Otherwise, you think you can still lie here. I tell you, you’ve been quarreled by various sects, maybe your little Life is long gone!"

Hong Shan jumped up and pointed at Lin Feng, blowing his beard and staring.

Those guys are not fuel-efficient lamps! No matter what sect Lin Feng entered, it was the other sects who finally offended him. Every genius wants it, and everyone is afraid of it. Such a genius, no matter which sect he enters, is the catastrophe of other sects. Facing Lin Feng, only endless Kill. Kill and escape!

Thinking of this, the flames of Hongshan slowly settled down.

"Eat!" Hong Shan waved his hand, and Lin Feng only felt that his pain had alleviated a lot. Hong Shan put a hot pot on it, which were all good tonic materials.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, it can be regarded as a comfort to myself.

"Thank you Dean." Lin Feng said this from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for Hongshan, Lin Feng really couldn't guarantee that he would have such sufficient resources.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank me? How are you grateful to me? Just the few words you just said?" Hong Shan groaned, "I tell you kid, this time you can live, it's your own good fortune, but next time you do it, it will be I can't protect you anymore!"

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and squeezed a piece of monster meat into his belly. As soon as the meat entered his belly, Lin Feng only felt that his whole body was warmed up, and his exhaustion began to slowly fade away, every cell in his body. They are constantly filling their bodies.

Comfortable, so comfortable.

Lin Feng has never enjoyed such comfort.

Nima is so cool!

Lin Feng couldn't help but shook his head and let out a sigh of relief.

Instead, Lin Feng thought of Datou Village.

"How is the village?" Lin Feng looked at Hongshan.

"It's repairing, don't worry, I have taken the things back and buried them again. The students rearranged the formations for the villagers, although they are not very powerful formations. By then, the next few decades will be much quieter. In order to get the villagers out, they also set up a simple teleportation array, the teleportation distance is not large, but in the future, the small village will definitely have more connections with the outside."

Hong Shan knew what Lin Feng was thinking. Looking at this, Lin Feng said with a gentle expression.

Hearing what Hong Shan said, Lin Feng nodded silently.

Faeries? He has time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is going to visit them!

As if seeing through Lin Feng's thoughts, Hong Shan rolled his eyes and said, "I tell you, the fairy army is not so shocking. You don't want to think about the money, even if the marquee is in front of the fairy army, The more you must respect!"

Hearing Hong Shan's words, Lin Feng sneered, respecting a group of beasts who had taken precedence?

Lin Feng couldn't do it!

"Dean, don't worry, when I was in Qingshan Academy, I wouldn't bother with these fairy soldiers." Lin Feng said with a calm smile on his face.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Hong Shan was stunned for a moment. This kid is still going to trouble the fairy spirit army?

"Boy, I'm all for your good." Hong Shan sighed.

"The kid knows that the dean is for my own good, but for a lifetime, I am not cultivating immortals for longevity, I am cultivating immortals, I just want to approach the world's injustice!" Lin Feng's voice was very magnificent and said loudly.

"How come your kid is so stubborn!" Hong Shan rolled his eyes, "Can't you be a little smoother in the first life?"

"I have already made my long-cherished wish. Now that I have made my long-cherished wish, then I will not regret it. I have done what I said. At least, I will not forgive these fairy soldiers who hurt the villagers!"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Hong Shan sighed.

"Let's go with you kid, but after eating, we have to hurry. You sleep for a month. If you continue like this, we don't have classes at Qingshan Academy!"

Hearing what Hong Shan said, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment. Was it only a month in the blink of an eye?

Time really flies!

Lin Feng gave a wry smile, but he also increased the speed of eating.

The next morning, Lin Feng and Hong Shan got up early, and they stood on the cloud and took a look at this familiar village.

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