Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3222: The choice of geniuses

"Who said that Lord Dragon Sovereign is dead? The blood of your dragon is just that Lord Dragon Sovereign stripped off your own blood and Dinghai Divine Orb and delivered it. Master, every Lord Dragon Sovereign came like this."

Chitaki said lightly.

Lin Feng's eyes were a little bit more surprised again.

He said it!

It turned out to be this way.

"Then Long Sovereign is still in the demon world?" Lin Feng asked again.

"The Dragon Race exists in an independent space. We call it the Dragon Domain. As for the presence of Lord Dragon King, we don’t know if it is there. Every Lord Dragon King exists for a special mission. After they stabilize the Dragon Race, they will Leaving, no one knows where he went."

Chitaki raised his head and said with a bit of melancholy.

They were all left by the Dragon King to assist the new owner. As for their original Dragon King, they didn't know where they went, but they could feel that the Dragon King was still alive.

This is the perception of a cashbox, and this perception exists in their hearts.

It turned out to be so!

Lin Feng nodded, but his heart began to mutter. At this moment, the surrounding aura began to rise one after another. These guys really didn't doubt themselves at all!

Feeling the appearance of these monsters, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Of course, what he wanted, the effect has now come out, a little stupid is a little stupid!

Feeling this, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

I don't know what realm these guys can reach now.

Lin Feng is in a good mood now.

Chitaki was constantly hovering, checking the appearance of these gatekeeper monsters.

The cultivation base is still too low, and he was easily deceived by the master! Seeing the appearance of these monsters, Chitaki couldn't help muttering in his heart that the monsters who were deceived by their masters would not have good results in the end. Chitaki sighed in his heart and thought silently.

But who made these monsters not obediently obedient! This is also the result they should bear!

Thinking of this, Chitaki groaned, his expression a little bit more than I like.

Lin Feng is not in the mood to study Chitaki's good mood at this time. His expression is focused on the previous things. Now, Lin Feng just wants to know when these guys will fall. They are all good things after eating, and they are bullied. Weak monsters, if you take away all their treasures, you can definitely make a fortune!

And now there are not many monsters on Gushe Mountain, and no one will know if you have done it yourself!

Lin Feng smiled happily and contentedly.

"All fell down, Master, you can take action!" Chitaki's body trembled and said to Lin Feng.

"Okay, let's do it now!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, he smiled, and said, "Good guy!"

Lin Feng held the Fengtong sword all the way, and all the monsters fell to the ground, looking drunk one by one.

What you want is this effect!

Seeing the look of these guys, Lin Feng smiled very thief!

"Wait, I will give you some fairy spirit stones, and you will fill up your shuttles. What we have to deal with next is not so easy to deal with!" Lin Feng said softly.

"Thank you, Master!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chitaki and Houchu's eyes lit up immediately. Even Boqi was released by Lin Feng. Although it was on the mountain, it was also very moist, Boqi It will not be too uncomfortable to be here.

"Master!" Sansuo followed Lin Feng, and the three shot faster. Soon, the monster beasts were lined up by the three people, and Lin Feng took all the treasures of the three monsters. .

"Master, do you want the meat of this monster beast?" Chitaki smashed the corner of his mouth when he was speaking. Although he is a genius, he also wants to eat this monster beast meat. I don't know how many years he has not eaten it. Monster meat!

"These guys spend time and drink every day, and the meat is old and loose, not tasty." Lin Feng shook his head with a look of disgust.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's expressions immediately became serious, each Tina turned a deaf ear to these things, and the master said something that was not delicious, they were in no mood to understand!

Lin Feng took away the materials from them, and then searched their cave.

One by one, they are so rich.

"There are some things that you can't take away if you want it." Lin Feng sighed and took away everything.

"Let's go, let's go up, there shouldn’t be many monsters in this area!" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Chitaki. He didn't know when Chitaki fell into the lower realm, but Lin Feng could see that this The guy must have spent a lot of time in the fairy world.

"It should have almost gone out. After all, they have to fight with so many high-level cultivation experts. These guys have long been eager to try. How could such a good opportunity be missed at this time!"

Chitaki said disapprovingly, "Let's just go directly in. Go directly to the junction of the two worlds, and you should be able to find what we need."

Hearing Chitaki's words, Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then moved into contemplation, and said, "You said, would anyone have the same idea as us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ entered the Gushe Mountain?"

Such an idea may not be absent!

"Yes!" Chitaki nodded and said softly, "Some geniuses will take advantage of the chaos to enter Gushe Mountain, and then take the opportunity to enter the demon world for a good experience in order to achieve their cultivation goals, but these geniuses are basically behind. A powerful backstage, even the Demon Realm, has to consider it before daring to start."

Chitaki whispered to Lin Feng.

"Those people in the demon world are still afraid of powerful cultivators, if I were not afraid!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"The competition in this heaven is just to have some exercises. It must be impossible to be really ferocious. The monks and monsters below are nothing more than experience. The low-level monsters reproduce very quickly. Kill some. The Demon Realm is not the Human Realm. Ordinary humans will pass away in the blink of an eye. It is not a problem for a monster beast for hundreds of thousands of years. The Demon Realm does not have such resources to raise!"

Hou Tu smiled and said, "After all, they are in a far less favorable position than the immortal world."

"No wonder!"

Lin Feng nodded, smiled, and said: "If this is the case, let's have a good treat. Speaking of which, I haven't seen the scenery here and played well!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone who was still walking stopped there, one by one looking at Lin Feng a little weird.

Lin Feng's words immediately made them want to crooked.

This guy in front of me is not a good character either! When I heard this, it didn't seem like I couldn't find trouble.

"Actually, Master, I think we can go to another place and have a good look. There is no need to stay here." Chitaki said dryly.

"Stop making trouble, let's go find something first, I can feel its position." Lin Feng frowned and looked at a certain position on the top of the mountain.

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