Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3266: Treat the piebald giant cow

"What disease did they have?" Alice also looked at Lin Feng curiously.

"They got stones." Lin Feng smiled and said, "There are too many piebald giant cows here. These piebald giant cows live here all year round, and certain things in their bodies accumulate, so they have formed stone disease."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Alice nodded.

"Then just get a stone crusher to knock down their stones."

"This stone is a disease for them, but it is a good thing for us." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Do you feel that your urethra is blocked by something? It's very uncomfortable?" Lin Feng couldn't directly communicate with these variegated giant cows, and could only use the method of mind communication to pass on his own meaning.

"Yes, boy, what can you do to cure our disease?"

"I'm an alchemist, alchemist, you know, among the many cultivators who have come into the secret realm of the wilderness, there must be an alchemist, and he has traded with you, right?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the piebald giant cow, "It just so happens that I know a pill that can help you get things out."

As he said, Lin Feng waved his hand and a pill floated in front of the piebald giant cow, "If you believe me, you will eat it. I will cut a small hole from your belly. Take out the stuff that's stuck in your body, your cultivation base is higher than mine, and a small opening will not kill you, is it?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the piebald giant cow.

The piebald giant hesitated, swallowed the pill, and lay down on the ground, looking at Lin Feng with a pair of vigilant eyes.

Lin Feng found a scalpel, and after disinfecting it, he cut through the belly of the piebald giant cow with a little bit of spiritual energy, and took out a piece of bezoar worth about a catty.

The bezoar was taken out of the variegated giant cow's body, still braving, the pill that he ate for the variegated giant cow immediately took effect, and the wound was continuously healing.

"I said, I won't lie to you, how do you feel about it now?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the head of the piebald giant cow.

The head of the variegated giant yelled, and then, all the variegated giants looked at Lin Feng, waiting for Lin Feng to take action.

Seeing these piebald giant cows look trusting, Lin Feng with a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth patted the giant piebald giant body, and said, "Don't worry, I will heal you."

With that, Lin Feng looked at the piebald giant cow behind.

"There are three thousand in total, and the sick one should look like two thousand." Alice turned her head to look at Lin Feng, with a bit of gloat in her eyes.

Huge project!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Alice's words.

"It's okay, take it slow, I'll be faster, it will take so long!" As he said, Lin Feng cleaned the scalpel and looked directly at a piebald giant cow.

Of course he has a way to make the bezoar fall into pieces and flow out, but what he wants is the bezoar from the piebald giant!

If you collect the bezoars seriously, Ken Geocentric can talk a lot on your phone, but Lin Feng doesn't like the bezoars!

These piebald giant cows live here every day, and the bezoar on their bodies is the best!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

As long as he has the bezoar from these variegated giant cows, if he goes back, he can refine a lot of detoxification pills!

Bezoar is the holy product for detoxification.

Even the ferocious snake venom must retreat in front of the bezoar.

Lin Feng collected it with a smile.

These piebald giant cows have always lived in this space. Although the space has no wind and waves, but the water and plants are beautiful, it can be said to be one of the perfect small worlds.

Moreover, when Lin Feng was collecting, he found that the bezoars on these piebald giant cows were all red, and even had a familiar smell, the smell of a dragon tomb!

These piebald giant cows have been to the area where the Dragon Tomb is located!

Lin Feng's heart jumped, he couldn't wait to know something from the variegated giant cow, but in the end he was serious.

The variegated giant cows lay in front of Lin Feng. After Lin Feng handled them, they immediately walked away with a smile. With Lin Feng’s pill for the primer, these variegated giant cows only need a cup of tea time, and immediately You can live a life.

It took five full days for Lin Feng to deal with all the piebald giant cows.

"Thank you, sir." The variegated giant cow who took the lead looked at Lin Feng with gratitude.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lin Feng's heart moved a bit when he saw the appearance of these variegated giant cows, and asked, "There are not many aquatic plants suitable for you here. Where do you usually eat aquatic plants?"

Immediately felt it, and then asked.

"Here, naturally, there is no suitable aquatic plants for us, but there is only half a month for us to go in. We all eat once in half a month, and then come back to live here~www.wuxiaspot.com~this Once, we came back."

The piebald giant cow whispered to Lin Feng, "In recent years, more and more piebald giant cows have become ill. Everyone feels that something seems to be supporting their foreheads in their bodies, but they can’t find the reason. We are afraid..."

Nothing was said behind the drawing board giant.

"Don't worry," Lin Feng said with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth. "In the future, I will tell you to eat some herbs, and you will never get this disease again." Lin Feng's mind moved, and the lines of spiritual power outlined a few lines. The appearance of growing herbs was put into the mind of the piebald giant cow.

"When you see these common herbs in the future, eat more, you will naturally not be bothered by this."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the variegated giant cows' eyes lit up, and one by one looked at Lin Feng with some gratitude.

Lin Feng smiled.

"My lord, you want to go to the place where we graze. Let us take you there. In half a month's time, adults can enjoy the surrounding scenery." The piebald giant said to Lin Feng, taking the initiative. The body was sent to Lin Feng.

He wanted Lin Feng to bear his body.

"Okay." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, letting the piebald giant cow carry him and Alice forward.

There is really nowhere to look for it!

Lin Feng sat on the back of the cow, squinting his eyes slightly.

Walking forward, Lin Feng felt some different breaths, wind and sunshine.

This place is also windy and sunny, but its radiation area is so small that you can't calculate it at all!

That's it!

Lin Feng sat on the giant piebald cow, and all the way forward, the mood of the giant piebald cow seemed to fly. Lin Feng buried a few wireless spots around him from time to time, wherever the giant piebald cow went, mighty. Dust was raised.

"Someone there!"

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