Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3335: Increase the difficulty

A group of guys around Lin Feng clamored loudly, with smug smiles on their faces. Lin Feng trembled when he saw the appearance of these guys.

"Okay, your battle has been postponed until tomorrow. Let's go back and take a good rest. This battle, but I am exhausted, and Qi Hao is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The shot is too harsh. Up."

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, everyone nodded, and followed Lin Feng’s walk towards the outside. After a while, Lin Feng suddenly stopped. Seeing Lin Feng standing still, everyone stopped following Lin Feng and turned to look. With Lin Feng.

"What's wrong, mentor?"

"Someone is following us." Lin Feng's mouth squirmed, not from the fifth hospital.

"That's it?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's expressions began to be on guard. Sure enough, after walking for a while, everyone felt the aura behind them. Not only was one person following them, there were obviously a lot of them. People are following them!

These Jiahuis are too damning!

Feeling this scene, everyone's expressions went cold, their eyes were serious, and they were all guarded.

"It should be the animal hunting team. I don't know that the **** set it up. Everyone should be careful." Lin Feng paused and said, "These guys are not good stubbles, they must be aimed at human faces."

"It's really not going away, these guys, they are all in the city now, and these guys didn't let us off!"

"This is bullying for what we are doing!" After everyone felt this scene, they laughed and said.

"Let's go, since they are all here, don't greet them well, they really treat us as sick cats!"

"The point is, we didn't disclose that we were students of Qingshan Academy, who did it?" Zhao Qingluo said, everyone was silent, you look at me, I look at you, The faces looked at each other.

Yeah, who did it?

"Our affairs, only we know, and there is..."

Hongyan tutor and dean!

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, looking at each other.

"Bring you like this?"

"I always feel that the dean is giving us a set!"

"Shit, the old guy just can't see us well." Lin Feng said directly with a grunt.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, everyone bowed their heads and didn't say anything, saying bad things about the dean and marriage. They really didn't dare.

"Then what shall we do now?" Xiaobai leaned in front of Lin Feng, "In previous years, there was no such thing as fun. Everyone just completed the task directly."

"Since it's here, it's natural to let it go." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Anyway, it's what we have to deal with, so we can deal with it together."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's bodies trembled. Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, everyone only felt a chill on their backs, but silently felt distressed for those animal hunting teams.

The mentor of them, the members of the animal hunting team, will suffer.

"Everyone will go back to rest at ease, and we will play the game tomorrow. As for these animal hunting teams, I will give you a good check." Lin Feng said to everyone with a smile.

"Don't worry, mentor, we will complete the task strictly."

"Boy, these animal hunting squads are used to train you. They are not allowed to use formations, bombs, potential energy positions and sword fields. They can only fight in a regular manner."

As soon as Lin Feng's mind started to turn, Hong Shan's voice came over.

For training?

"Don't worry, the animal hunting squad I found for you is all bad things. Even if you deal with it, there is no problem." Hong Shan still smiled and said, "But you guys have too much cultivation. It’s stronger, and you have to control it, otherwise it won’t work for other students."

Hearing what Hong Shan said, Lin Feng just shrugged indifferently.

He really didn't care about this.

"I know. Since I didn't come over to make trouble, I know how to deal with it."

Hearing Lin Feng's Hu, Hong Shan raised his eyebrows. He was thinking of saying something, but after feeling that Lin Feng seemed unwilling, he condensed his mind and nodded instead.

"That's good." After that, Hong Shan disappeared from Lin Feng's range of perception.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lin, what happened to you just now?" Xiaobai asked, approaching Lin Feng's face.

"Exchange life with beautiful women, do you want to try it too?" Lin Feng smiled and said, looking at Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai hurriedly shook his head, glanced at Zhao Qingluo cautiously, pursed his mouth, and said, "Big Brother Lin, I am a good man in the family. You can't lead me to harm."

"Why, I'm still worried about kneeling durians. Look, the cultivators have thick skins. It's fine to kneel occasionally." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Xiaobai's body trembled, before turning to look at Lin Feng with a serious face, and said, "Big Brother Lin, Qing Luo is a good girl. Don't you always transmit some messy thoughts to him?"

Lin Feng walked with his hands behind his back ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Feng walked in the forefront, but Xiaobai's support team had always followed Lin Feng.

"When this game is over, Ji Zhao, you are responsible for the business here, we will leave first, I think, we may have a big battle next." Lin Feng arranged the next thing.

"Don't worry, mentor, we will never be ambiguous about the matter of earning celestial spirit stones, mentor, don't worry, we will earn you enough celestial spirit stones to carry forward our pill shop!"

Ji Zhao said with a smile, "I have all thoughts about it. When I graduate from Qingshan Academy, I will accept what your mentor said earlier. I will go back to my home city and create a Danpu."

"Have aspirations!" Lin Feng said with a smile and patted Ji Zhao on the shoulder.

Everyone talked and laughed and moved forward. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped. On the roof of the building not far away, a man was standing there. Seeing that man, Lin Feng frowned.

This guy has such a powerful aura, and Lin Feng can clearly feel that the guy's killing intent has been aimed at him.

"That is Mo Gang, the leader of the Golden Wolf Hunting Group. The Golden Wolf Hunting Group is one of the relatively powerful hunters in Yingcheng. The Golden Wolf Hunting Group has a bad reputation, but Mo Gang's cultivation level has reached. Jinxian’s status, so the average hunter lags behind and doesn’t dare to deal with Mo Gang at all."

Standing beside Lin Feng, Qi Hao whispered.

"So what?" Lin Feng sneered.

Since he came here, he has to deal with it regardless of whether it is troublesome or not!

(End of this chapter)

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