Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 432: The popular teacher Xu

Xiao Nishang, who had always had such a fierce temper, had nothing to do with Shang Lin Feng. He couldn't say that Lin Feng, and he couldn't beat Lin Feng, and Lin Feng could only stare and angry.

"Haha! I was right! Xiao Nishang, or...you just use the condition I promised you?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"How to use it?" Xiao Nishang questioned.

"Just use that condition to ask me not to call you crazy girl!" Lin Feng took the opportunity to urge.

"I want to be beautiful! Hmph! Lin Feng, I will cherish this condition. If you dare to mess with me, I will..." Xiao Nishang gave Lin Feng a white look and threatened.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Feng said without fear.

"Huh! I'll just let you in class...oh no! It's a striptease in front of the schoolmate, and see if you can't take off!" Xiao Nishang gave a smirk and said triumphantly.

"What? Striptease? All right! Crazy girl! If you are ruthless, you really deserve to be a mad girl! What a shame!" Lin Feng said with regret.

"Average! Lin Feng, am I not for you? As your deskmate, what about you, I have to learn some useful skills from you!"

Xiao Nishang replied unwillingly. At the same time, she watched the pictures on TV and found that the class Xu Minjing was teaching was Gao (2), so she asked Lin Feng strangely: "Lin Feng! Why is Gao (2) on TV? Is there no me in the class?"

"You? Haha! Crazy girl, the video for this promo was filmed last month. At that time, you hadn't turned, where did you come from?" Xiao Nishang pouted and pointed to the TV as soon as Lin Feng was half laughing. "That's normal without me, but why is there no you on it?"

"What? Without me? Impossible? When filming, I remember I was there! I was awakened when I was half asleep..."

Lin Feng's eyes widened and looked at the TV screen. Sure enough, as Xiao Nishang said, when the camera was about to switch to the next table where Lin Feng was, it was immediately cut off and spliced ​​to other corners.

"This...what's going on? Why do you change the angle every time you dangle to me!"

Lin Feng, who was deeply disgusted by the director, couldn't help protesting.

"Crazy! Did you forget? When the director came to film last month, you slept on the table! Just raised your head to see and fell down again, then the director must cut the scene with you... …"

Fat Zhang Zhen poked his head from his position and said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"This **** director..."

Hearing this, Lin Feng could only grumble his mouth, and severely despise the director who cut his own picture in his heart.

The TV propaganda film of Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School lasted 15 minutes, and Xu Minjing's shots totaled more than five minutes, accounting for a quarter of the entire propaganda film. Among them, there is not only the scene of Xu Minjing patiently attending the class, but also the scene of Xu Minjing smiling and speaking as the representative of the teacher of No. 1 Middle School.

Moreover, the director even regarded Xu Minjing as the spokesperson for Zhi'an No. 1 High School, making Xu Minjing smile and read out the school motto and philosophy of Zhi'an No. 1 High School, as well as the enrollment guide.

However, what I have to say is that the director positioning of this promo film is completely correct. After the promotional video of Fujian Provincial No. 1 TV Station was broadcast, it immediately caused a sensation.

Xu Minjing was immediately crowned the title of "Teacher of Beauty", especially in Zhi'an City. At this time, those unmarried school-age men who watched Fujian Provincial Radio 1 saw Xu Minjing on TV, and their eyes were jumping. Bright red love. Many people even started to call some of their relatives and friends who were teachers in No. 1 Middle School. They wanted to know what the name of this No. 1 Chinese and American teacher on TV was, or whether he was single...

Therefore, within ten minutes after this promotional video was broadcast, most of the teachers in Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School received phone calls surprisingly uniformly.

"Hey! Lao Li, what's the name of the beautiful female teacher in the promotional video of your No. 1 middle school? Do you have a boyfriend? You are not interesting enough! There is such a beautiful female teacher who would not introduce me to..."

"Teacher Wang! I have something to do with you! My son is 27 years old this year, and has nowhere to go. He has always said that he didn't see the right one, but he just watched TV and found that one of your promotional videos That female teacher is very eye-catching, can you please lead me to introduce it..."


Not only the teachers and school leaders of No. 1 Middle School, but even the students of No. 1 Middle School, many have received calls from their parents or older brothers.

"Small! Didn't you go to a middle school? What is the name of the female teacher in the promotional video of your school, and is there anyone? Your unbelievable cousin watched the promotional video and insisted on asking your aunt to call me I'll show you..."

"Cousin! Brother's lifelong happiness lies with you, can you help me get the phone number of that beautiful teacher in your school?"


No one thought that this was originally intended to promote a promotional video of Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School, but instead, the highly photogenic teacher Xu Minjing suddenly became a hit in Zhi'an City.

"Teacher Xu, take a look... I have another call, I must ask you."

"Oh! Teacher Xu, an old leader from my side called... to ask about your situation for his son, you said... How should I answer this?"

"Teacher Xu, I asked me about your situation again! I think, you should just get a martial arts contest..."


In the office of the high-level English group, the phones of other teachers except Xu Minjing were almost blown up. Basically, just after hanging up a call, another call came in.

"Teachers, I'm sorry! I...I don't know it will cause you such a big trouble..."

Seeing this situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xu Minjing didn’t know whether she should be happy or worried, and her own mobile phone was actually about to be blown up just now, but she did not want to pick it up and forced it. Shut down.

And not only the teachers around Xu Minjing, but even several school leaders, they just came over to ask about Xu Minjing's personal situation while continuing to call.

Of course, when Xu Minjing answered them, he honestly said that he was single. But this is too much to add! There were already several school leaders who wanted to help Xu Minjing introduce someone. Xu Minjing could only tactfully use her graduating class to sprint for the college entrance examination.

Xu Minjing was originally a beautiful female teacher of Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School. After the fire of the No. 1 middle school's promotional film, she instantly became a beautiful female teacher in Zhi'an, and even has a tendency to become a beautiful female teacher in the entire Fujian Province.


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