Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3480: Xing Luo's choice

Don't chase the poor.

The two teams returned to their own hills, Lin Feng handed out the healing medicine, went to the forest to check the monsters, and handed over the originally agreed pill to the monsters.

These monster beasts are now employed by Lin Feng. Although these monster beasts are unhappy, they naturally choose to shoot one by one because of the face of the pill.

After dealing with these, Lin Feng supplemented and perfected the formation at the foot of the mountain, but moved the position of the formation on a small scale.

After finishing all these things, Lin Feng returned to the mountain. As soon as everyone rested, they all became a little tired.

"Recover quickly, remember, we are on the battlefield now, and none of us can guarantee when those guys will appear, so everyone must be prepared."

When they heard the words, everyone nodded.

After taking the pill, everyone began to recover quickly, and the entire valley once again returned to calm. If it were not for the previous battle, no one would have thought that a very grand battle was fought here before, and now, everything All disappeared.

The people outside were also sighing about this battle. They really didn't know how to learn, plan strategies, and closely linked each other. Everyone had to admire the talents of these guys on this battlefield.

The other three houses that hadn't been on guard at this time finally realized that this is a battle. In the battle, no one can be a friend of another, but an enemy.

Even if it is cooperation, it is nothing more than mutual use.

"Xu Ruzhen **** it!" On the site where Xingluo Academy is located, Tang Luo has wounds on his back, and Tang Duoduo is treating the wounds for Tang Luo. "Sister, I tell you, I firmly disagree with you marrying Xu Ruzhen!"

Hearing Tang Luo's words, Tang Duoduo was taken aback, and Lin Feng's smile appeared in his mind.

I don't know how that guy convinced Xu Ruzhen.

Don Duoduo's thoughts flew away.

Tang Luo turned his head and saw Tang Duoduo's appearance, his heart jumped.

"Duoduo, you won't still be thinking about that guy Xu Ruzhen!"

"I didn't." Tang Duoduo hurriedly shook his head, "I just...it's just..." Tang Duoduo gritted his teeth, and Lin Dasheng couldn't tell her name. Would she tell her brother?

If I told my brother that the person she liked was never Xu Ruzhen but Lin Dasheng, my brother would be even more crazy.

"I'll treat the wound for you." Tang Duoduo stopped talking.

"Nothing is fine." Tang Luo turned his head and said dryly.

Tang Duoduo mumbled and didn't speak any more. At this time, he was always absent-minded. Even though he was an enemy, when he saw Lin Feng, Tang Duoduo found that she could not start at all.

That guy always looks cynical in his clothes, but he doesn't know how, Tang Duoduo only feels that in his heart, in his eyes, he sees that guy!

Coming out of it, Tang Duoduo went up to the top of the hill, watching the banner of Qingshan Academy in the distance swaying constantly, and Tang Duoduo's mind also stirred.

That is Qingshan Academy!

In the next battle, she could see Lin Feng again, and Tang Duoduo's mouth raised a faint smile.

However, how long did Tang Duoduo have been thinking about? The place where Zixiao Academy was located, suddenly the atmosphere of war broke out. Qingshan Academy directly attacked Zixiao Academy. The students at Zixiao Academy were injured. Qingshan The academy passed by with full momentum. Zixiao Academy was not an opponent at all. Especially, Shi Jia and Ding Xiaoxiao from Lin Feng's side attacked and destroyed the formation together. The cooperation between the two was intimate, and there was no way to realize it. The situation here.

"Let's go!" Tang Luo greeted everyone and said loudly.

"Brother, don't go!" Tang Duoduo stopped Tang Luo, "Our people are all injured. By this time, our hilltop is empty, and there is Zhenwu Academy!"

Hearing Tang Duoduo's words, Tang Luo was silent. After a long time, he nodded. Indeed, he really wanted to get a share of the pie at this time, but... they were all injured, and they really didn't have the ability to share the pie.

"The Great Sage Lin!" Tang Luo looked at Lin Feng's direction, gritted his teeth, his face was vicious.

However, Tianhuang Academy was not so lucky. They took action. However, as soon as they arrived on the battlefield, Zhenwu Academy rushed to Tianhuang Academy, and turned to surround it, and the two academies joined forces to kill Tianhuang. After the Academy and Zixiao Academy, the two academies divided their resources and returned to their respective strongholds.

Seeing this scene, Tang Luo was silent.

Their failure is already in sight, and both of them have been resolved over there, and the one that has not been resolved is their Xingluo Academy.

"Brother, cooperate with Qingshan Academy." Tang Duoduo looked at Tang Luo and whispered, "First defeat Zhenwu Academy, and then, in our battle with Qingshan Academy, we will definitely not lose."

Hearing Don Duoduo's words, everyone nodded.

Indeed, the most urgent task now is to dismantle the cooperation between Qingshan Academy and Zhenwu Academy. At this time, this partnership is easy to dissolve. Qingshan Academy and Zhenwu Academy are originally weak and strong.

A combination of strong and weak cooperation, the weak are not dependent. The final result is naturally very clear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, captain, Sister Duo Duo is right! "

"We also support Junior Sister Duoduo's decision!"

Everyone said to Tang Luo in a few words.

"In that case, okay." Lin Feng nodded, "Everyone, get ready first, don't worry, since we are here, we are not timid people, we can only deal with a group of guys." Lin Feng's face With a smile, said,

When they heard the words, everyone's eyes immediately brightened, and Tang Luo went to the top of the hill where Qingshan Academy was located.

Cooperation is very fast, and Tang Luo returned with joy.

After losing two academies, the next three academies did not continue to fight. Instead, they rested for three days. After everyone recovered to their best condition, they were ready to fight.

Qingshan Academy combined with Xingluo Academy to deal with Zhenwu Academy.

Xu Ruzhen did not expect that Xingluo would cooperate with Qingshan Academy.

"Let's cooperate." On the battlefield, Xu Ruzhen and Tang Luo faced each other, gritted their teeth and said.

"I'm not your opponent. It's better to be Qingshan Academy than you, isn't it?" Tang Luo said with a smile, "At least, Qingshan Academy is the weaker. Our winning side is bigger."

"Don't you think you are leading a wolf into the room?" Xu Ruzhen's face was a bit calm. Lin Feng's strength, he knew that this guy not only has strength, but also has a strong strategy. That guy is obviously not the kind that will be easily let go. Other people.

The most important point, Xu Ruzhen can see, Qingshan Academy is for the champion!

Xu Ruzhen wanted to talk to Tang Luo about something, but Lin Feng had already joined the battle, and Tang Luo joined the group of guys in front of him.

"I said your level is still a little bit worse." Lin Feng smiled and looked at everyone. "If it's hotter, our battle will be even more exciting!"

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