Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3754: Danger zone

"Dangerous places are often safer. Zhao Luoran would definitely not have thought that we would come back to this place." Lin Feng said in a low voice, "That woman is more arrogant and always relies on her intuition and ability to do things, so let's Just feel relieved and heal your wounds here, and you will never be discovered."

Yao Ziyi laughed out loud when she heard Lin Feng's words.

"it is good."

Yao Ziyi nodded gently, and she absolutely trusted Lin Feng.

"Chitaki, go to the depths of the valley." Lin Feng whispered to Chitaki.

"Yes, Master!" Chitaki's body turned over, and directly led Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi to the depths. The depths were still bare black soil, with only a layer of ice that was not very heavy.

"That's it." Lin Feng made a simple cave. "We are hiding in this place. Looking at the environment here, it should be very suitable for us."

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Yao Ziyi nodded and found a place to cross-legged and calmed down first. Lin Feng sat cross-legged relatively close to the entrance of the cave, arranged a number of hidden formations at the entrance of the cave, and arranged a number of formations at the entrance of the cave. Fa was relieved to cross his legs and began to practice.

Poqi's hand was at the entrance of the cave, and waves of ripples covered the surrounding atmosphere exactly like the outside, guarding the two people inside.

Divine consciousness occasionally interspersed in the sky. Although the ancestors of the Zhao family could not take action, they did not intend to let Lin Feng and the others go. He completely released his breath, looking for Lin Feng’s footprints everywhere, but he was able to. Searching wherever I reached, I couldn't find Lin Feng's breath.

how can that be?

Feeling that his spiritual consciousness has achieved nothing, the ancestors of the Zhao family's cultivation base is a treat. Even if these two people have the ability to surpass their cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible to exceed his ability to detect in such a fast time. The scope of coming, unless...

The ancestors of the Zhao family took a lot of seriousness this time, and the whole mind was constantly on the shuttle at noon, looking for traces that Lin Feng might be hiding.

"Boy, I don't want to believe that you can still run out of my Wuzhishan!" Old Ancestor Zhao snorted coldly, increasing the output of soul power.

Zhao Luoran stood beside the ancestors of the Zhao family, and when she saw the ancestors of the Zhao family, Zhao Luoran's brows also frowned.

This Lin Feng, is it true that he will disappear like this?

After a long time, the ancestors of the Zhao family gave up and looked back at Zhao Luoran.

"Who recommended this kid? Or did he come to make trouble by himself?" The ancestor of the Zhao family swept across Zhao Luoran's body, and asked with a bit of dignity.

Zhao Luoran's heart was startled.

The ancestor of the Zhao family suddenly spoke, causing Zhao Luoran's original thinking to stop immediately. After hearing the words of the ancestor of the Zhao family, Zhao Luoran tried to think for a while.

"It's Zhao Junping from the Nanzhao family. It is the one who focuses on alchemy and has the worst cultivation base among all the direct disciples of the family." Zhao Luoran organized the language and whispered, "It is estimated that he was sent to investigate our details. of."

Hearing what Zhao Luoran said, the ancestors of the Zhao family nodded.

"It turns out that this is the case. We only need to strengthen our position. This time, you are doing the right thing. As long as our position is firm, other people will definitely not be able to investigate our affairs clearly, otherwise it will be our biggest mistake. "

Zhao Luoran smiled and nodded when he heard the words of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

"Luo Ran, you are not young anymore, and you should learn to master general affairs. Remember your ancestral religion. I teach you to come out with a mission. Remember your own mission."

Zhao Luoran nodded affirmatively when he heard the words of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

"Ancestor, rest assured!"

The ancestors of the Zhao family nodded, turned around and went straight ahead. After walking for a while, the ancestors of the Zhao family seemed to have thought of something, and looked back at Zhao Luoran, "Have you found the child of the boss and his wife?"

Seeing the nostalgia in the eyes of the ancestors of the Zhao family, Zhao Luoran's heart jumped unconvincingly, and then shook his head.

"All these years, there has been no information about that child, as if that child never existed."

"Impossible, the blood of the boss has been stripped out. There is definitely a child who has appeared, otherwise the boss will not strip the blood out, and step up efforts to find the child back!"

Zhao Luoran nodded.

Watching the ancestors of the Zhao family leave, Zhao Luoran's face immediately became gloomy. After standing in the hall for a long time, somewhere in her mind suddenly lit up.

"Go, all the disciples will find me in this place!"

The place Zhao Luoran found was naturally the place where she had discovered the mineral vein earlier.


Seeing Zhao Luoran pointed out a place that was not related to a horse or a cow, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other. Why did this lady suddenly change her mind again?

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. This guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Just go to this place and look for it. Maybe that guy went there!"

Zhao Luoran raised his head and said naturally, "Remember, you have to be more careful in the past~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng and Zhao Gang and Zhao Yan were already injured in the battle. He can't run far!"

After hearing what Zhao Luoran said, the family disciples nodded one by one, turned around and went directly outside. Zhao Luoran sat in front with a faint smile on his lips.

Three days passed at once.

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a suffocating breath.

The battle with Zhao Gang and Zhao Yan was very dangerous, but he was also a blessing in disguise. This time he seemed to have obtained some good things. Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

"Good fellow, the cultivation base has improved a bit." Lin Feng felt the gushing power in his body, and Lin Feng's whole mood became relieved.

"Master, Miss Yao Ziyi can't do it!" Poqi whispered, "The disciples of the Zhao family have been looking for the mineral veins for these years. Those guys seem to have realized something. Now they are beginning to perceive the traces of the surrounding formations. We also hide them here. It won’t be long."

Lin Feng chuckled when he heard Boqi's words.

"Then please satisfy them."

With that said, Lin Feng opened the formation and went out. After scanning the surroundings, Lin Feng found a disciple who was alone and rushed towards that side. .

The Zhao family disciple hadn't reacted yet, and Feng Tongjian directly chopped off the disciple's head.

After going back and forth several times, after three or four Zhao family disciples died, those Zhao family disciples finally realized.

"The target has appeared!"

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