Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3758: Zhao Wenxing

Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi are together.

The Patriarch has already spoken, no matter who kills them, they can directly become direct disciples and become the focus of the Zhao family!

This is a rare opportunity!

Such an opportunity is not available to idlers!

Kill these guys in front of you!

Everyone's eyes were shining with excitement, and their eyes were constantly scanning around, and each one became more and more excited.

On the other side, Lin Feng and Zhao Wenxing confronted each other, and their domains opened at the same time.

"Jiejie, boy, you are very capable, but this time in order for me to enter the Zhao family, boy, you must die." Zhao Wenxing raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, his hollow eyes bursting out after speaking about the Zhao family. The dazzling light comes.

Seeing Zhao Wenxing's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

It was another fool who was deceived by the Zhao family.

"Fight!" Lin Feng took a mouthful, waved his hand, and an attack only went over there. Feeling Lin Feng's shot, Zhao Wenxing's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and he held the long sword directly against Lin. Feng's long swords were paired together.


When the two collided, the surrounding spiritual power began to be constantly disordered, and the surrounding space also began to continuously deform. The bodies of Zhao Wenxing and Lin Feng quickly retreated, and both of them retreated several meters before they stood still. Lin Feng was holding the Fengtong sword, the strength on his wrist was still scouring his wrist.

Lin Feng shook it for a while, shook off the strength on his wrist, and attacked Zhao Wenxing again.

In the collision just now, the cultivation bases of the two people are similar, but the next battle, the two people basically have to face, who is better at the battle inside.

The battle circle between Lin Feng and Zhao Wenxing is constantly expanding around, and the battle between Yao Ziyi and those Zhao family disciples has become more and more exciting.

Under Yao Ziyi's ice field, the Zhao family disciples attacked more and more slowly. Yao Ziyi's body shuttled inside, and the Zhao family disciples' injuries and deaths became more and more serious.

Seeing the appearance of these Zhao family disciples, Yao Ziyi shook her head.

Some of these disciples' cultivation bases are indeed above the Golden Immortal stage, but these disciples' cultivation bases are very impetuous. Obviously, their cultivation bases were not achieved through their own efforts. It was with the help of external forces that this caused them to be unstable, and the cultivation base was not enough to see in front of Yao Ziyi.

"It's so pitiful!" Lin Feng glanced back, and after seeing Yao Ziyi's shot, he turned to shake his head.

"I really feel sad for these disciples. All of them are obviously masters. What a pity, this cultivation base is not enough to see here!" Lin Feng shook his neck, turned to look at Zhao Wenxing, and said with a smile. "Is this the Zhao family you want to enter? Now it seems that this Zhao family is nothing more than that!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Wenxing's face became more and more gloomy, his eyes flashed with scarlet light, and the area below became more and more solid.

"Master, it's the Shura domain, and this kid's domain is the Shura domain!" Chitaki suddenly whispered to Lin Feng, "Master, be careful!"

Shura domain?

Hearing Chitaki's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, and his gaze fell on Zhao Wenxing's body. What he didn't expect was that the field of this guy in front of him was so powerful!

Among all the domains, the Shura domain can definitely be regarded as a very powerful domain. Of course, the Shura domain is not something ordinary people can perceive. He needs to pass countless killings and perceive constantly during the killings. The biggest feature of the Shura domain is , That is, the stronger the killing intent of the applicable field, the stronger the field will become.

"Jiejie, boy, you are looking for death!" Seeing Lin Feng's body stopped unexpectedly, Zhao Wenxing's long sword pierced directly towards Lin Feng.

The icy killing intent spread at noon. Lin Feng thought he had gone through the **** storms of Bai Yujian, but in front of the guy in front of him, Lin Feng didn't even have the strength to admit it.

Killing intent, substantive killing intent flowed around, and the entire aura became dark, as if countless people were struggling and roaring, but they couldn’t escape, they could only use all their energy. It was passed to Lin Feng, who appeared abruptly.

A torrent of power that wanted to tear off Lin Feng was squeezing towards Lin Feng constantly. Lin Feng's body was squeezed by Bai Yujian. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape at all.

"damn it!"

Feeling this, a shadow flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and the aura of his whole body was suddenly lifted, and then he sprinted forward continuously.

Powerful auras kept surging around, and Lin Feng's body kept moving forward, sprinting with this force.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of a sword sound in the void, a white light flashed, and the long sword pierced directly at the location of Lin Feng's heart.

"Are you here?"

Feeling Zhao Wenxing's shot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng's mouth evoked a faint smile, and after a long sword, the whole body directly greeted the past.

The two swords collided, no, two areas collided.

The surrounding world began to be distorted continuously, and the sound of the collision between the two disappeared into this world silently. The surroundings became quiet for an instant, and everyone seemed to stop in an instant and looked here.

Zhao Wenxing's eyes were still shining with the light of the yin bird, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Feng, completely immortal.

"Lin Feng, you asked for this!" Zhao Wenxing's eyes flashed gloomy, and said to Lin Feng viciously.

"You asked for this." Lin Feng cracked his mouth and showed his big white teeth. He even showed a polite smile at Zhao Wenxing. Zhao Wenxing was taken aback when he saw Lin Feng's smile. , A more powerful aura suddenly swept from Lin Feng's body, and that aura rushed directly towards Zhao Wenxing. Zhao Wenxing only felt the darkness in front of him. The next moment, the golden arm had penetrated Zhao Wenxing’s. In his body, the potential energy stance blossomed under Lin Feng's feet, and the field of gravity directly crushed Zhao Wenxing down.

Bai Yujian passed through Zhao Wenxing's brain from behind and instantly locked Zhao Wenxing's consciousness.

"You are very powerful, but you look down on me too much." Lin Feng stood in front of Zhao Wenxing, sneered, and turned and directly attacked the Zhao family disciples behind.

The only way out of the valley has been blocked by Zhao Wenxing.

(End of this chapter)

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