Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3850: gambler

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll come and take a look too." Lin Feng's gaze swept around, "Everyone said that the gambling stone in the Magic City is a must, so I came here to see if it was like that.

"Haha, Brother Lin has a good vision!" Yunshen gave Lin Feng a thumbs up, "I tell you, in this magic city, the most rich thing is this gambling on the stone. It may be tomorrow. You are a master!"

The smile on Yun Shen's face deepened, and his eyes became a little crazy.

A deeply poisoned gambler.

Seeing Yun Shen's appearance, Lin Feng sighed and shook his head.

It's no wonder that this guy has been gambling here all the time. It turned out to be extremely poisoned, and he just couldn't bear to leave here.


Lin Feng saw Yun Shen's appearance and shook his head.

"Brother Lin, this rough stone is good." Yun Shen suddenly pointed to a rough stone and said to Lin Feng with a smile. Lin Feng didn't speak, but just smiled.

Seeing that Lin Feng was indifferent, Yun Shen sneered and went to the front. Lin Feng was happy and leisurely. After walking around the hall, he didn't find anything good. The things in the general area were still a bit too bad.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head, but Yun Shen over there replaced all the magic coins with stones.

Lin Feng followed.

The rough stone here needs to be cut with a weapon.




Yun Shen stood there, eyes scarlet looking at the rough stone on the stage.

"Luck is really bad." An accident flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. Seeing this, he shook his head instead, "No."

"It is estimated that too many bad things have been done, so luck is gone."

"Tsk tusk, I still want to get rich overnight, this guy's luck is a bit too stinky."

Yun Shen saw that his rough stone was missing one piece at a time, and soon left with disappointment. When he left, Yun Shen cheered himself up. The next time he comes, he will definitely come back.

When Yun Shen left, Lin Feng put the rough stone on the table.


The person who opened the stone glanced at Lin Feng and quickly opened two rough stones for Lin Feng. Both rough stones produced good things. Although they are not very valuable, they are rare good things in ordinary areas. Up.

"It seems I was lucky today."

Lin Feng put away his things and said with a smile, "I want to try my luck over there."

With that said, Lin Feng took something and went inside.

Seeing Lin Feng's back, the old man shook his head, and then put a smile on his face.

Everyone who bet on rocks started with good luck in the general area.

"This place is a bit different." As soon as Lin Feng paid the magic coin, Chitaki whispered, "Master, I feel that this place is tricky."

"There is something tricky. At least one third of the rough stones inside are fakes. They are sold together!" Lin Feng shook his head, "Look at the prices of these rough stones, compared to ours. But it’s more than one-third cheaper. This boss is also a smart person. Lower the price and more people can serve, and he can earn more."


The violent snorted coldly.

"It's just a means." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "Where in this world are there things with low prices and no money? This does not exist, and the purpose of existence here is nothing more than satisfaction Those who are more in need."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo fell silent immediately.

What Lin Feng said was the truth.

"The human world is really troublesome." After a long time, Xingzheng said viciously.

Lin Feng just smiled, turned around and picked two rocks out.

The things that came out were neither good nor bad, but they didn't lose money. Lin Feng took the things and left.

"Master, you can solve it all at once!"

Chitaki whispered.

"This is too much trouble."

"Yes, Master, we ransacked this place all at once, isn't it great?"

"You want to expose yourself to the crowd." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, "Let's not rush about this kind of thing. You see, the owner of this casino can actually fake and sell it here, indicating that he is here. The skills in this magic city are not bad. If we do it all at once, it will be really troublesome."

Liusuo was silent immediately.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Out of the gambling house, Lin Feng did not rush back, but quickly followed Yunshen.

Yunshen didn't walk fast. Probably all the magic coins were lost. Yunshen looked a bit embarrassed at this time. Lin Feng followed Yunshen all the way forward and stopped at the edge of the city.

Yunshen's nest is here.

"This guy is quite good at finding a place. Who would have thought that the bright and beautiful Yunshen would place his house in such a shabby place."

"Humans, there are too many crooked minds!" Violent snorted and stopped talking.

"This kid is quite clever." Zhuyin said with a smile, "But this kind of gambler, that's it. He thinks he hides well, and no one knows where he is. This kind of person deserves it. This is how my life passed."

"You are all wrong."

Lin Feng shook his head and looked at Yunshen in front of him.

"This kind of person doesn't want to arrange the nest here, but because he is poor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and can only live here."

Lin Feng followed Yun Shen and went inside.

The Yunshen courtyard was quiet.

As soon as he returned to the yard, Yun Shen's expression immediately changed.

"Lost... I lost..."

"Damn it, I lost!"

The aura in Yun Shen's body suddenly became severe, and as soon as the aura of Great Perfection at the peak of the Golden Immortal Stage was released, the surrounding low-level cultivators began to run outside.

This guy is the nightmare here.

Originally, there would be no high-level cultivators in such a poor place, but this guy happened to appear.

This guy was cruel enough to them, and almost all of the magic coins they earned were snatched by this guy to Ou.

"It's really a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats."

Seeing the cultivators constantly fleeing, Xingzhen sneered and said.

Lin Feng did not speak.

The cultivators surviving here do not have a high cultivation base, and they are low-level personnel, without a strong backing, and no strong cultivation base, and even their talents are average.

Being able to survive is their only attitude in living here.

But their only attitude is now obliterated by these guys.

This is a kind of sadness.

However, Lin Feng didn't have time to pity these guys. What he wanted to do was to stifle the trouble in the cradle.

Before Lin Feng made a move, Yun Shen's face came out with a gloomy face. Lin Feng avoided. Yun Shen went directly outside the alley. As he walked, Yun Shen crushed another piece of the jade dish previously handed to Lin Feng. .

At the next moment, Yunshen stood still.

(End of this chapter)

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