Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3855: Heavy bleeding

Lin Feng nodded without hesitation.

"That's good." Lisi breathed a sigh of relief and sent a copy of the information to Lin Feng. When she took it out, Lisi was still in pain.

The person on the opposite side is a real human being.

However, it is worth it for the benefit.

Lisi gritted her teeth and placed the information in front of Lin Feng.

"Look for yourself, this is the information I want to give you." Lisi bit her lip slightly and raised her head to look at Lin Feng. "Although Mary is a member of the demons, she has been living in the human world for these years, so Everything about her has been restricted, and even her body has been strongly restrained. To release the restraint on Mary, she needs a pill of at least Level 6 Immortal Grade."

Lisi bit her lip slightly and looked at Lin Feng, "This time, I was bleeding."

"Although the banning pill is a sixth-level immortal pill, even an ordinary seventh-level immortal alchemist may not be able to refine it."

Lin Feng held the document and did not open it, but raised his head to look at Lisi.

The refining of the lifting pill is very difficult.

"Yes, but if it is a Demon Realm Pill, even if it is only a semi-successful product, the powerful medicinal effect can help Mary. At most, Mary suffers from internal injuries and will not have much impact."

Lisi sighed helplessly and said.

"Our demons no longer have a seventh-rank alchemist. The only one is enshrined in the imperial city. In recent years, almost no pill will be refined. Otherwise, even if it costs a lot of money, this It's absolutely impossible for me to come to beg you."

Lisi looked at Lin Feng and said fiercely, "Furthermore, these are the secrets of our Demon Realm. If the royal family knows that I have spread these out, I will be beheaded!"

Lisi's expression faded.

Seeing Lisi's serious look, Lin Feng knew that Lisi was not lying.

"Prepare medicinal herbs." Lin Feng sighed, "I can't guarantee that I can complete the seven-pin pill, but I will do my best." Lin Feng looked at Lisi, somewhat helpless. Said, "I hope I can surprise you."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lisi immediately raised her head and looked at Lin Feng, her eyes twinkling with stars.


Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"I'm going to prepare now, you wait for me." With that, Lisi turned around and went out. Lin Feng sat there waiting, not in a hurry, opened the information and looked at it slowly.

Lisi had prepared all the materials. This woman, if she didn't find him, she would probably find other people, otherwise she wouldn't have prepared such complete materials.

To lift the ban Dan is very difficult to refine.

Now that this woman has been found, Lin Feng knows that she will not stop until her goal is reached, but he still has a good impression of this woman.

"Master, do you really want to refine?"

"I saved Mary. It's not bad to be able to help her recover." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Take it as a cause and effect to repay. I saved her because of the cause, and helping her is an effect."

"That's true. Maybe that woman will have some contact with the master in the future, so she will need your help from the master continuously."

Liu Shuo nodded.

Lin Feng smiled.

"This is one of them. Another point is that I have already broken through the level of Da Luo Jinxian, but Senior Xuanwu asked me not to go to the Soul City, but to consolidate my Soul and completely consolidate my Soul. It has always been like this. Refining the pill will not only consume the soul. In this process, I can not only consolidate, maybe there will be a small arc. Refining the pill is a good choice."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo nodded again.

Soon, Lisi came up with the storage ring, with everything in it, and everything Lin Feng needed was prepared inside.

Lin Feng could tell that Lisi should have been prepared long ago.

This woman...

Seeing the full smile on Lisi's face, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. Although it was mutual benefit, Lin Feng still felt a little funny when she saw this woman's smug look.

"How about? Three medicinal herbs, is that enough." Lisi asked Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.


"There are also a lot of medicines that I have given you. The medicinal herbs are in ten copies. If you have time, you can also use it to practice your hands first. This will make it much more convenient when you refine the Pill of Relief. "

Lis smiled like a little fox.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, "The price, let's talk about it then, don't worry, I will definitely give you the best price!" Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "I can't see that you are a pretty woman. It will be calculated!"

"There are not many alchemists in the Devil Realm. After being occupied by the two big guys, the Yin Yin Sect and the Demon Sect, there are even fewer alchemists. As you know, the disciples of the Yin Yin Sect and the Demon Sect are both It is impossible to become an alchemist."

Lisi sat there with a smile, "It's rare that there is a high-level alchemist. Since you have all appeared, I will make good use of it. Isn't it right?"

Lisi said it for granted.

Lin Feng touched his nose and nodded instead.

"At first, there is nothing wrong with what you said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but there is still something wrong." Lin Feng stretched out his fingers and shook, "Miss Lisi, don't try to squeeze an alchemist. "

Lin Feng lowered his head and looked at Lisi with a smile.

Lisi suddenly met Lin Feng’s eyes. The smile in Lin Feng’s eyes made Lisi stunned for a moment. Lisi stepped back a bit, swallowed her saliva, and looked at Lin Feng’s current appearance. Not very welcome attitude.

Lisi swallowed.

"You... you step back a bit."

"At such a tender moment, is Miss Lisi's words a bit horrible?" Lin Feng put his hand through Lisi's waist and said with a smile, "Or does Miss Lisi think that there is free lunch in this world?"

Lisi stepped back and escaped Lin Feng's restraint.

I knew that Lin Feng was only joking, but Lisi's face was still red and turned into a big persimmon. Seeing Lin Feng's mean look, Lisi snorted.

This grunt stopped in Lin Feng's ear, but it was a bit more squeamish.

Lin Feng straightened his body.

"Don't come to this set!" For a long time, Lisi gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Feng viciously.

"Sure." Lin Feng nodded, "Everything is settled, and the molesting is over, I will leave first, Miss Lisi, see you then." Lin Feng turned and left.


This guy hasn't given the address yet!

Thinking that Lin Feng would do something extraordinary from time to time, and the herb she had given a discount last time, the guy didn't understand the morals and opened the auction by herself, Lisi grabbed Lin Feng's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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