Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3778: Corpse

Lin Feng nodded, comforted the villagers, and gave the children some snacks. The child Anxie looked excited holding the snacks. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of the cruel and inhumane action of the corpse on the earth, Lin Feng's whole body The breath came up again.

These corpse Yin sect disciples should be killed.

Lin Feng's evil spirit flashed past, and he quickly recovered his gentleness. After handing in the meat of the demon, Lin Feng returned to rest in a simple small courtyard in the village. The village chief had already prepared everything. Xiaoyuanzi was not too big. , But wins in being clean, obviously the villagers took a lot of effort to send it.

Some sparse vegetable plots in the back mountains were planted with crops. During the day, Lin Feng could see the villagers working in the mountains, but when the sky was still dark, all the villagers returned to their homes and lay on their beds.

These villagers have taken precautions against the disciples of the Demon Realm from the heart.

After resting in the village for half a month, Lin Feng left behind a lot of monsters’ meat and left quietly. These villagers were already pitiful enough. Lin Feng had no reason to disturb their lives and let them live here. Not well adjusted.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was relieved.

Leaving the mountain forest, Lin Feng returned to the small town over there. The town had probably lifted its blockade, and the disciples of the corpse Yin Sect began to relax. Lin Feng took a bag of magic coins and quickly entered the city.

"Okay, the scar is forgotten to hurt, these guys, it's much easier for you to deal with, Master." Feng Chen snorted coldly and said.

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded, walked around the city, and found an inn to live in. This time, he didn't rush to make a move. The previous few shots have already made the corpse Yinzong be on guard, even though the city gate The guard was not so strict, but Lin Feng could see that the Corpse Yin Sect spontaneously formed a team and started patrolling outside the city. If he had arranged a formation in the past, it is estimated that he would be arrested soon.

However, Lin Feng naturally had his way to deal with it.

After a few days of rest, after thoroughly confirming the structure of the city, Lin Feng began to set up invisible outside the city. After understanding the patrol time of the patrol team, Lin Feng acted in several places at the same time. It is not easy for those patrol teams. I bought the array where I found it.

Because of the patrol team, it took Lin Feng four or five days to complete the formation. After the formation was set up, Lin Feng began to draw all the patrol teams into the city.

The patrol team recognized that Lin Feng was here to fight the outpost. All the corpse Yin sect disciples showed an enemy attitude towards Lin Feng, their eyes were cold, and they shot directly at Lin Feng.

Feeling the appearance of these patrol disciples, Lin Feng's mouth raised a faint smile.

After introducing all the patrol teams into the city, Lin Feng went out of the city and directly triggered the formation.

"Tsk, it's stupid."

Seeing this scene, Wu Shuo sighed again.

"But people, they are constantly growing amidst stupidity and failure." Lin Feng sighed, "This hand, we can't use it, but it can kill so many corpse Yin sect disciples. Not bad, this time, let's go to the main city of the Corpse Yin Sect to take a look."

Chitaki zoomed in and carried Lin Feng forward.

After confirming the location, Chitaki took Lin Feng directly to the north.

"Master, you really are. Only then have you left the Far North and you are going to the North again. It seems that your troubles this year are all in the North." Chitaki controlled the shuttle in his hand. He whispered to Lin Feng, "This time, I'm afraid you are going to the Northland again for a good fight."

"This is not killing precepts." Lin Feng rolled his eyes. "This is to clear up trouble for our motherland and create a more convenient and comfortable world of cultivation for our descendants!"


Chitaki was speechless, his master's cheeky, he really couldn't learn.

After walking like this for more than half a month, Chitaki and Lin Feng stopped outside the sect of the corpse Yin sect.

"There is no city, there is one in the sect." Chitaki whispered to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the huge creature in front of him. The whole corpse Yin sect looked like a tomb. The entire sect was covered by mountains in the past, and a strong devilish air accompanied the smell of the corpse. Constantly lingering around, guarding at the entrance of the corpse Yinzong were two diamond-like corpses. The whole body of the corpses exuded a silver and bronze light, and the powerful aura avoided all other cultivators who wanted to approach.

"Tsk tsk, this is a really good guy!"

Lin Feng looked at the two corpses with stars shining in his eyes, "It would be great if we could take these two corpses as his own."

"Master, you don't have the technique of cultivating fruit corpse Yin sect, and holding the corpse is no use." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xing Wei whispered.

"Isn't there any stagnant water? Let's pour some stagnant water on this corpse. Why don't this corpse follow us willingly?" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a gesture.

"That is only useful for living things, but this corpse ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a dead thing. Although they are refined by the corpse Yinzong to make walking corpses, they are still dead. As long as they are dead, there is no The way is reversed."

Lin Feng seemed to say something, and finally opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Then destroy it."

"These two corpses are equivalent to human beings, at least the aura of the immortal emperor. Master, you have no way to deal with them for the time being!"


Lin Feng stopped speaking.

Sometimes it’s a complete nightmare to come out with Xingzheng. This guy will always speak out in a speechless manner. For this, Lin Feng is already familiar with it. Thinking of this, Lin Feng can only show Waved his hand and stopped talking.

"Find a place to settle down first." Lin Feng walked around in front of the corpse Yin Sect and found a small inn to stay.

In the afternoon, Lin Feng came out again.

The inn was almost full of people. Many people were talking and laughing. Seeing Lin Feng's single figure, several disciples approached Lin Feng.

"Hey, little brother, you are also here to participate in the selection of the disciples of the corpse Yin sect next month. This time, the corpse yin sect will select thirty disciples to enter the outer door!" Smile, "As long as we are selected, we can cultivate our own corpse yin sect disciples just like the corpse yin sect disciples inside, and ask those disciples to do things for us in various cities!"

Hearing this man's words, Lin Feng's heart moved a little, and he turned to admiration and said:

"Yes, I am also here to participate in this selection meeting, hoping to enter the corpse Yin sect practice and become the first disciple of the demon world from then on."

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