Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3864: The most valuable 3 pieces

Jia Yingzi snorted coldly.

He has already said what should be said, and he does not believe that this person does not understand what he means!

Lin Feng smiled.

This is also true. If someone else buys it, it is indeed only useful for the Yinzong. Whoever auctions off the Yinzong and resells it. As long as Yingzi makes it clear, then the price for the Yinzong will be lowered, and there will be no benefit here. But by the way, he is also useful!

"No." Lin Feng said with a smile, "At the auction, I was relying on myself, right?"

"A good one depends on his own ability, ninety thousand!"

Jia Yingzi shouted.

"Ninety-one thousand."

Lin Feng still only added a thousand magic coins.

The original price of this spar was about 60,000 magic coins, but the current price has been raised to 90,000.

Lisi's brows frowned slightly.

"Ninety thousand...nine thousand!" Jiayingzi gritted his teeth.

This is the continuation of everything in him, if that guy follows...

Jia Yingzi was still thinking about it, and Lin Feng shot directly.

"One hundred thousand!"

The audience was quiet, Jia Yingzi sat down in a chair.

"One hundred thousand times..."

"Twice a hundred thousand..."

"One hundred thousand three times, congratulations!" Lisi knocked down the hammer, but she was a little unbalanced in her heart. As expected, this guy Lin Feng was wealthy and didn't care about magic coins at all!

Lisi felt relieved again thinking that Lin Feng was from the fairy world.

But what made Lisi puzzled was what Lin Feng did with so many magic coins.

After buying the spar, Lin Feng didn't make another move, but got up and quietly left the auction.

Lin Feng went to the gambling field in the east of the city.

The business of the gambling field today is relatively bleak.

Because most people went to the auction, the shop was almost empty.

"It's been a long time." Seeing Lin Feng come in, the old man said hello with a smile, "I haven't seen the son in the past few months. I thought the son would not come anymore!"

Hearing the words of the old man, Lin Feng waved his hand, and he would definitely come. Long Yu said that there are many good things here. Before seeing his own good things, Lin Feng was naturally unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

But today I got what I wanted at the auction house, and now I have something to gain. Lin Feng is in a good mood and smiles a bit more when facing the old man. He pointed to what Lin Feng planned to ask for before, and said:

"I am going to buy a few more rough stones today."

"Hope God can bless me to make good things."

Lin Feng smiled and put one million magic coins on the table, and the old man nodded.

"My son's luck is good."

The old man led the way and led Lin Feng to go inside, "During this time, the speed of loading goods has been relatively slow. Recently, the business in the store has been relatively good, and more rough stones have gone out. I will take the salary to look inside. There are still some in the inventory. Not many rough stones."

The old man said softly.

I don't know what's going on in these three months. There are as many rough stones sold as in previous years, especially those rough stones, all of which are genuine, and the ones left are fakes.

On the surface, their gambling shops are prosperous, but in fact, only these fakes are left, the real ones are gone, and their losses are quite large.

Thinking of this, the old man looked a little tired. =, looked back at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng followed behind with a smile, with a sincere attitude and a simple look of Lin Feng. The old man's mood improved a lot, and he relaxed a little along the whole.

"My son, here we are."

"Thank you."

Lin Feng smiled and turned and entered the warehouse.

"This is what I should do, thank you son for taking care of our business." The old man said with a smile.

Lin Feng laughed, but he didn't know if the old man knew if he had taken so many real rough stones, would the old man want to take a knife and chop him.

Lin Feng walked around, taking a look at each rough stone and knocking on it.

Choosing the rough stone was originally a long process. The old man didn't bother Lin Feng, and let Lin Feng choose here. Seeing Lin Feng's good mood, the old man's face also had a little more smile.

He still had some impressions of Lin Feng.

Although luck is good, the things that are opened are not considered to be the best ones, and they can barely be considered good.

"Only these three pieces are good, exactly one million." Lin Feng picked three rough stones.

"I'm going to cut." Lin Feng shook his head and said:

"Thank you for the kindness of the old man, but this time I think it over, I think I will try it myself, so the old man will not bother."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Look, the price I chose this time is not high, just because I am afraid of losing too much."

The old man put his hand away in embarrassment.

"Yes, the price of these three stones is indeed not high."

The old man's gaze swept over, and the marks of the three stones were blocked by Lin Feng. He couldn't see the quality of the stones, but it seemed that there should be two problems.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good.

As long as it is not the ones who come to take away the real rough stone every day.

Thinking of this, the old man's heart opened up a bit, and he made a request.

"My son, have a cup of tea together?"

"No, I can't wait." Lin Feng had a smile on his face. The old man looked over and saw that Lin Feng's eyes were looking forward to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The old man smiled.

Isn’t it true that he was back then? When he waved his hand, he said, "Then I won't disturb the son."


Lin Feng put away the stone, turned around and left.

This time, what Lin Feng took was naturally the best three of all the rough stones in the gambling stone workshop in the east of the city.

Although the price of these three rough stones is not high, Lin Feng can see clearly that the contents of these three pieces are not at all ambiguous.

"Next time, I can't bring the rough stone out so easily."

Lin Feng looked back at the case of Shale City East Gambling Site and shook his head.

Now that the mined rough stone was at the auction, Lin Feng knew in his heart that sooner or later he would know that he was involved in it, and Lin Feng would not take the best if he didn't take it away.

Not long after going out, Long Yu blocked Lin Feng's way.

"Senior, it’s been a long time since I saw you, did Senior find it?" Lin Feng immediately put a smile on his face when he saw Long Yu, and said with a small smile, "Senior’s time here is not bad. I just got three good ones. Baby, do you want to..."

Long Yu snorted coldly, blowing his beard and staring.

Still swapping with this kid?

I exchanged baby with this kid once, and his old life is probably gone.

"Boy, come with me."

Long Yu's words are all depressed.

It's all this **** kid!

This time he went to see the old woman. In order to be able to clarify what happened this time, he paid a lot. But watching this kid, this is clearly a very comfortable life!

"Senior Long, what's wrong with your face?"

(End of this chapter)

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