Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3884: Out of the shell

Lin Feng's mind moved, and the dragon egg appeared in Lin Feng's hands.

The dragon egg soaked in the stagnant water exudes a radiant light, the green brilliance shines on the dragon egg, and a shallow crack appeared on the dragon egg.

"Let's see what's going on?" Lin Feng greeted Liusuo to come out, still a little nervous.

He could clearly feel the existence of dragon blood inside, and the powerful stone made Lin Feng very comfortable.

Lin Feng's mood suddenly rose.

"It's about to break out of the shell." Liusuo all leaned forward, looking at the dragon egg in Lin Feng's hand, all in a good mood.

"Congratulations to the host!"

"Taiyang is also overwhelmed, but he didn't expect that he would break out so quickly!"

"Hehe, we can grow up with Taiyang in the future."

Liusuo's mood was very good, and Lin Feng's mood flew up with everyone. Is he going to wake up? Looking at the little guy in front of him, Lin Feng's heart was also a little bit more expectant.

Lin Feng nodded.

He is also very happy.

One day outside, ten days inside. Speaking of it, the dragon egg had been inside for almost three years, and it was finally about to break out of its shell.

Lin Feng's mind swept around.

"Porch, go to the island, let's find a quiet island and wait for the little guy to be born."

"Okay, Master!"

Poqi was in a good mood, and he took Lin Feng to the front. Feeling the situation inside, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. He wanted to see what he would be like when he broke out. Look like!

Liusuo also followed Lin Feng nervously.

Poch found a piece of wood in the sea.

The woodcutting stone stands quietly on the beach, very quiet.

Lin Feng put the dragon egg in a small hole in the woodstone, and the stagnant water continuously poured the dragon egg.

The dragon egg quickly absorbed the stagnant water given by Lin Feng, and the dragon shell cracked faster.

"I'm nervous." Chitaki said nervously, "I don't know what the little thing will grow out of."

"I really like it."

"Come out quickly."

"Taiyang can be regarded as keeping the clouds open and seeing the moonlight, thanks to meeting our master, otherwise he won't have such a good future!"

Liusuo chattered endlessly, and Lin Feng just sat and watched with a smile.

He could feel that Liusuo was in a good mood.

"By the way, let me ask you a question. Didn't you say that only Taiyang is a girl?" Lin Feng looked at Liusuo, "Why is the wife of the candle shade too?"

"Hey, the two of them are unfair and not female, not men and women!"

Chitaki waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

"That's the reason why Chitaki gets hit the most." Chitaki's body trembles immediately after a cool and swish sentence.

Obviously, the candle shade should have cast a lot of shadow on Chitaki.

"Bah, if you shoot alone, I'll be afraid of you?" Chitaki rolled his eyes, "It's your husband and wife who are too cheap, and they are combined in mixed doubles. Do you want a face?"

"Now I'm not afraid of you, Master, I tell you the candle shade, when we go back, let's fight for three hundred rounds!"

"He is also born. The bullying I have received now will be returned to you together in the future." Candle Yin said solemnly, without being affected by Chitaki at all.

"Can you two have a face? Two of you teamed up to bully me, and it looks like we are very powerful. If I just hit the wall by myself, are you guys so cheap?"

Chitaki's voice became sharper.

But the candlelight will not be moved by Chitaki's words.

"We are one."

The candle-yin laugh is more negative.

We are one!

Lin Feng's body trembled, and a possibility appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

If it can be achieved, then...

Sister Tongtong and Zixia might also exist like this!

The candle's shadow only felt chilly on his back, and Lin Feng's gaze made the candle's shadow recede.

"Master, you can tell me what you want to do."

Lin Feng’s gaze made the candle Yin a little flustered. Seeing Lin Feng was still looking at him, the candle Yin immediately whispered, "No matter what it is, I am willing to do it for you. Master, don’t worry. !"

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"It's okay, there is nothing to do right now." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I just look at you more familiarly, so look at you more."


Candle Yin certainly didn't believe Lin Feng's words.

The master looks like it is going to be eaten and wiped clean, and the candle-shade eyes are weird. Could it be that this is the hidden side of the master, but, it doesn't work?

The candlestick went back a bit again.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, do you trust your master so much?" Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo nodded affirmatively.

"Master, you are the best!"

"We all know it!"

"The master is very understanding."


Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng looked speechless.

He could see it, these guys simply owe it.

At this moment, the dragon shell suddenly heard a slight cracking sound.

Lin Feng immediately looked down at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A small mouth appeared, and there was a small mouth gnawing at the shell.

this is?

Coming out?

Lin Feng straightened his body and looked at the little things below, with a little more expectation on his face.

Young dragon, he really hasn't seen it!

"Will it be bad if this little thing has too much shell?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Liusuo.

"The shell of our dragon clan is the energy source for our dragon to grow for the first time. This is a good thing for Taiyang and can give Taiyang more help." Chitaki immediately whispered to Lin Feng.

"Yes, this dragon shell has been nurtured by dead spirit water, and the energy contained in it has already surpassed other dragon shells. This is a good thing for Tai Yang."

Lin Feng nodded.

This wait is half a month.

After half a month, Lin Feng finally waited until the little thing completely appeared in front of him.

The little thing the size of a little finger was green all over, if it weren't for the small beard on the head and the claws below, Lin Feng once thought it was a very beautiful little snake.

However, the breath on the little thing is not weak at all.

At this birth, the little thing has already reached the golden immortal stage cultivation base, the small body is tight, and powerful power can burst out at any time.

Lin Feng teased the little things.

The dragon's bloodline was nurtured by Lin Feng, and there was Lin Feng's breath on it.

As soon as the little thing saw Lin Feng, he immediately approached him affectionately, twisting his body constantly in Lin Feng's palm with a look of excitement.

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