Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3802: Caso

Corpse yin sect?

Lin Feng pondered for a while and then nodded.

"Take me to see him, I will pay." Lin Feng raised his head, his voice was not too high, and Caso was relieved. "My lord, I will let him come."


Lin Feng waved his hand, Caso turned and went out, and went out. Caso wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and then weighed the magic coin in his hand. He immediately put a smile on his face, Lin Feng's mind attached. On Caso's body.

"Master, don't worry." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qiantaki whispered to Lin Feng, "I think Master, just leave this guy alone!"

Hearing Chitaki's words, Lin Feng shook his head, still a bit serious on his face.

"This matter is not a matter of ignorance." Lin Feng's voice is not high, looking at the front, his expression is a bit cold, "Although this kid is not very good, he is still clever when he looks at it, as long as he does not lie to me, I don't mind giving him a bit more sweetness."

Lin Feng's mind still followed Ka Suo.

Caso went to a yard and didn't lie to him. He really didn't have a ticket for admission.

Withdrawing his spiritual consciousness, Lin Feng began to recover with peace of mind. During this period of time, he has benefited a lot from the cultivation of the corpse Yin sect, and Lin Feng combined what he had learned in a simple way.

Ka Suo sent the ticket for admission. Lin Feng received the ticket and sent Ka Suo to leave. He turned around and continued to practice until his cultivation stabilized. Lin Feng only left the yard and asked Ka Suo to accompany him to have fun in the city. After two days, the auction began, and Lin Feng chose to go to the auction.

The auction was held in the highest auction building in the city center, and Lin Feng took the invitation letter and entered.

The door was heavily guarded, and Caso sent Lin Feng to the door.

"My lord, I can only send you here. I wish you happiness." Caso followed Lin Feng and said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"Let's go in together." Lin Feng smiled, and then said, "An invitation letter can bring people in."

Ka Suo raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with unbelievable eyes, Lin Feng waved, and Ka Suo immediately followed Lin Feng's speed, his body still trembling slightly.

Lin Feng handed in the invitation letter and went in.

As soon as he entered, a pretty girl immediately led Lin Feng.

There was only one auction platform in the hall, and all auctioneers had separate rooms, and the maid brought Lin Feng and Caso in.

The room was small and compact, with only one table and two stools. Fresh fruits were placed on the table. They were all fruits suitable for demonic cultivation. Lin Feng asked Caso to sit down and Caso shook his head. ,

"My lord, I'll just stand here."

"Sit down, there are still a lot of places that need your help later. It is more convenient for you to sit and watch. You are more familiar with the auction items. Please explain to me later." Lin Feng has a smile on his face, Ka Suo Just then sat opposite, Lin Feng pushed Guo Guo.

"These are of no use to me."

Caso nodded, holding the fruit with a silly smile, and soon the auction began. Probably because of Lin Feng’s favor, Caso also worked very hard to speak. From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng did not make any moves. Caso felt a little depressed, could it be that his explanation was not vivid enough? /

Ka Suo raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there quietly, frowning slightly. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the thoughts in Ka Suo's heart became much quieter, sitting there again carefully. Talking about auction items for Lin Feng.

"The final auction was a bronze corpse that was said to be tens of thousands of years old. This bronze corpse was obtained from an ancient tomb at the auction house." Caso looked at Lin Feng, still a little uncertain in his eyes.

"Let's leave." Lin Feng stood up, "This corpse is useless to me."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Caso hesitated for a while, then nodded and followed Lin Feng to the outside. Before leaving the door, a demon woman blocked Lin Feng's way.

"This adult came to our auction and never bought a lot. He even appeared early. My lord, is there anything you are dissatisfied with? Or is our auction item not what you want?"

With a gentle smile on the corners of the demon girl’s mouth, her gaze swept across Lin Feng’s body, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, "If you have any thoughts, please tell me directly. Our auction will definitely be satisfied. Yours, my lord."

The demon girl has a soft smile at the corners of her mouth, "Sir, my name is Lisi, do you need me to serve you, Sir?"

Lin Feng stood there looking at the demon girl who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The demon girl stood there with a soft smile on the corner of her mouth, raised her head and let Lin Feng look at it, her delicate features with a decent smile, and her bumpy figure deliberately moved closer to Lin Feng.

"The main reason is that I can't afford the ones that are too expensive, and I don't like the ones that are too cheap." Lin Feng sighed, and said with some regret, "So I won't introduce Miss Ma Lisi to me."

The smile on Lisi's face stiffened.

Those who came to participate were basically for auction items~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She listened to Lin Feng, Lin Feng just wanted to come and sit?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lisi's original good mood immediately disappeared, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little unreliable.

"It turned out to be like this." Lisi laughed dryly, "If the adults have anything that needs to be sold, they can also be auctioned for us. We can definitely give the adults the most favorable price!"

Lin Feng thought for a while.

Of course, Lin Feng was interested in something in this auction, but to Lin Feng’s surprise, although it was only an auction in a small city, the auction price above was not low at all, so Lin Feng’s interest in magic coins The idea has also strengthened a lot.

"I really have some things to auction, but before that, will you have these things at auction?" Lin Feng handed over a list.

After getting Lin Feng's list, Lisi's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Lin Feng gave him the medicinal list, and it was densely packed with hundreds of herbs. Is this person an alchemist?

Lisi's eyes flashed starlight across Lin Feng's body. If Lin Feng was really an alchemist, there would be so many herbs.

"My lord, wait a minute, I'll get this wine for you." Lisi twisted her body and went inside. Lin Feng's hand moved, "This is the magic coin to pay for things. You can wait until you get the magic coin. Send it to me."

With that said, Lin Feng got up and went directly outside. Hearing what Lin Feng said, Caso was still a little startled, Lin Feng turned around and left.

Ka Suo stood there holding the storage bag, a little inquiring on his face.

This adult is really strange.

(End of this chapter)

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