Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3805: Lise

Lin Feng also looked towards the corner. A man with a black hat was sitting there. Lin Feng could feel the strong corpse energy on his body. He was indeed a disciple of the Corpse Yin Sect, and he was still a direct disciple.

Lin Feng nodded to Ka Suo.

Ka Suo received Lin Feng's instructions and nodded.

"My lord, pay with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand." Caso said seriously.

Lin Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, and he could tell that Caso, the kid, had no auction experience at all. He was doing things like selling things like receiving small gangsters, but it was quite interesting to watch.

The man stepped forward and threw a storage bag directly in front of Ka Suo. Ka Suo counted the coins, then nodded with a smile. The corpse Yin sect's disciple stretched out his hand and took all the pills, and then turned around. Stepped down and returned to his position.

The surrounding demon cultivators moved a little to the side, giving up a separate space.

Regarding the corpse Yin sect, most of the demons still chose to stay away.

These guys are too cruel.

"Next, let's auction the second-grade magic pill, a total of eight varieties for two hundred pill..." For the first time, Caso's voice softened a lot, and he looked down and said seriously.

The cultivators below quickly jumped, and the price of the medicine has risen again and again. The corpse Yin sect disciple did not intend to take action, but just sat there watching and saw the corpse Yin sect. The disciples no longer meant to speak, and the cultivators below were relieved.

In the end, two hundred pills were taken by a firm at a price of 300,000 yuan.

There are some precious medicines, and some are not precious, but in general, they can make money even at the price of 300,000 yuan. In particular, these medicines are all equipped with pill patterns. This price is more than one and five times higher than the ordinary pill without elixir pattern!

Second, third, fourth...

The number of pill medicines is getting less and less, but the price is getting higher and higher, and the grades go down one by one. When it comes to the sixth-grade pill, Caso suddenly changed his strategy and began to sell group by group.

A group of eight types of pill, one for each type, a total of 30 groups, Ka Suo is not in a hurry, sell one group by group, the price of each group is the same as the price of the previous group, at least Need to turn over a bit.

Ka Suo's monotonous quotation pushed the following competition to the highest level. After seeing the sixth-grade pill offered by Lin Feng, all the cultivators couldn't calm down one by one.

The price of the medicinal pills given by Lin Feng was not high, but these medicinal pills finally made all of them feel unbearable.

The price is not high, but the medicines are all they need in a certain stage.

The pill grade was only up to the sixth stage, but the time was not short at all. When the last set of pill came out, Ka Suo sighed, and Ka Suo fell to the seat of the cultivator who went out one after another in Nehe. On the ground, he turned to look at Lin Feng with a look of expectation.

Lin Feng gave Ka Suo a thumbs up.

He didn't expect that Caso would do so well, but to Lin Feng, it definitely meant it, but Caso's seriousness really moved Lin Feng's heart a little bit more.

"Good job!" Lin Fengsi made no secret of her appreciation of Caso. Caso smiled a few times and stood beside Lin Feng, "Thank you, sir, for giving me this opportunity to experience."

"This is your reward." Lin Feng put the two pill bottles in Ka Suo's hands.

Casso was stunned for a moment, and raised his head to look at Lin Feng, with incredible eyes.

What Lin Feng gave was that there were at least three pills of every type, even if it was a sixth product, there was one for each!

"My lord, this...isn't this too expensive?"

"This is a reward. Next, I may still have a lot of things that I need your help. Take it. Whether you keep it for yourself or sell it, it is your own choice." Lin Feng looked down at Ka Suo , Said with a smile, "This is what you deserve."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ka Suo nodded and put the pill bottle into his storage bag.

"Thank you, my lord, I will certainly not let you down your cultivation."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded when he heard Ka Suo's words.

Except for the auction house, Lin Feng didn't rush back, but went around the city and finally found a private room in a restaurant.

Someone came up soon.

"This must be an alchemist, right?" A vigorous voice sounded, and a big man sat opposite Lin Feng, "I wonder if the alchemist is interested in sitting in our family and becoming a Keqing elder?"

The big man looked at Lin Feng with a smile and asked.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Thank you for your invitation, but I am used to being free." Lin Feng smiled, his voice was not high, and put down his wine glass. "But I will hold auctions like this in the future, and you are welcome to join us."

"Then...Is there any pill for sale? The point on this auction floor is rare." Hearing Lin Feng's refusal, he was expecting it. His purpose was also for the pill, and he smiled immediately. Looking at Lin Feng, asked.

Lin Feng smiled and said nothing, the meaning was obvious ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I wanted a pill, no more.

"It is not a pill that has a pill pattern. Our chamber of commerce is willing to give a very high price."

"There is no pill." Lin Feng smiled bitterly. "The cost of pill medicinal herbs is not low. I have sold the rest medicinal pill without pill pattern privately for medicinal herbs." Lin Feng sat there. , Said embarrassedly, "This time, it can be regarded as my life savings."

"If this is your life's continued, would you sit here so calmly?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, there was a bit of blockage there, but Lin Feng was unwilling to take it out. He had no choice but to fight. After a few haha, he turned and left.

Lin Feng was unwilling to give it out, and he had nothing to do.

"My lord really exceeded my expectations!" A sweet laugh sounded, and Lisi sat opposite Lin Feng, "I thought the adults would sell the medicine to us, but the adults opened an auction by themselves. "

A gleam of light flashed in Lisi's eyes, and her gaze swept across Lin Feng's body, "My lord...Do you think that the price we offer is not as high as the price you auctioned for your own adult?"

Lin Feng just smiled when she heard Lisi's words.

"Herbs, I gave you a discount!"

Lin Feng sat there with his head bowed and continued not to speak.

"My lord, you are saying something, the slave family is sad now that everyone has been scolded to death. It is the discount I took the initiative to give you, and you have erased the fraction from you. That batch of medicinal herbs, our auction has zero profit. !"

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