Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3810: Search

Chitaki murmured.

"The women around the master have always come to find the master on their own initiative. This is the point." The silent Poch suddenly said, "Let's follow the master with peace of mind. Since the master proposed that woman, maybe that Women will give us unexpected surprises!"

"Porch understands me." Lin Feng said with a smile, "My whereabouts, Lisi, must have been obtained from Caso's hand, so let's wait for the woman to come here with peace of mind, just don't know that woman has Did not come with the news I wanted."

Thinking of the news of the Dragon Tomb, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly burst into light.

The last dragon tomb in the Demon Realm is now, and since there is news about the death of the dragon tomb, it means that the tomb of the dragon should be destroyed by Gong Bu. This is his best chance!

The blood of the dragon.

Thinking of what he needed urgently, Lin Feng couldn't help but clenched his fist.

As long as he can obtain the blood of the dragon, Lin Feng believes that his cultivation level will surely rise to the next level.

"What a great expectation." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a little more excitement in his eyes.

Haicheng is on the border, but because this auction has become extraordinarily lively, Lin Feng spent a lot of thought to get an admission ticket, and found a small place to settle down. .

In a small city with people coming and going, and the strong breath of the sea wafting around, Lin Feng cleaned up his room, turned and walked out of the small city slowly by the sea.

"What a beautiful place."

Looking into the distance, Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh and said.

"Yes, it's really beautiful." A delicate voice rang behind Lin Feng, and Lin Feng turned around, and a young girl stood in front of Lin Feng, "Do you like this place too?"

"I like it very much." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Although it is a big city, it has a bit of tranquility. No one would like such a beautiful place." Lin Feng's voice was not high.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, the girl smiled and nodded, her eyes swept around.

"I like it too, I grew up here." The girl said to Lin Feng with a grin, "I'm Mary, how about you?"

"Lin Feng."

"Are you from outside? We rarely have such a name in our small town!" Mary turned her head to look at Lin Feng, and said with a smile, "You are here to participate in the Haicheng auction."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"It's an honor that you can like our city!" Mary said with a grin, running barefoot by the sea. Lin Feng stood and watched, and suddenly took out the camera and took a few photos of the girl in front of her.

Mary turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and handed over the two photos.

"very beautiful."

"It's amazing!" Seeing the photo given by Lin Feng, the girl's eyes were incredulous, "How did this come out? It's so beautiful. I have never seen it before!"

Mary exclaimed. When she raised her head, Lin Feng was gone. Mary's face was flushed, and she put her hand back to Ali. Thinking of the strange person just now, Mary couldn't help but evoke a faint look. Come with a smile.

The uncle just now is really a very strange person!

Leaving Mary, Lin Feng returned to the city.

The auction will be held three days later, and Lin Feng's position is relatively backward, some distance from the front.

It was Lisi who presided over the auction.

Lin Feng was not surprised to see Lisi at the auction.

Lin Feng didn't do anything when the lots came out one by one. Lisi's gaze swept around, watching the people below Mu Yunshen who were constantly crazy about the lot, and the corners of Lisi's mouth raised a faint smile.

She is now, after all, making money from these people!

Lisi's gaze suddenly saw a pair of familiar eyes, those of Lin Feng.

Lisi was stunned for a moment, her eyes fell on the people in that corner. Although the stands over there were very high, because the people in front of Lin Feng were too high, she couldn't see Lin Feng's face at all. I only saw Lin Feng's smiling eyes, looking at him.

Thinking of her being frivolous before, Lisi quickly turned her head, this guy is not a good thing.

Thinking like this, Lis snorted coldly and continued to offer her price.

Lin Feng never spoke up after each auction item went down.

Thinking that Lin Feng was like this at her own auction earlier, Lisi's thoughts drifted away again, and she did not control the following quotes.

This guy doesn't participate in the auction, but just comes and sits, what is it for?

Such thoughts constantly washed away Lisi's thoughts. Before the auction items were completely sold, Lin Feng went out of the auction. A strong smell of blood spread in the city, and Lin Feng's body quickly moved towards Went outside.

On the beach, several people in black are constantly gnawing at the dead bodies on the beach.

"These **** corpse Yin sect!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a shadow of prey, and Feng Tong sword rushed towards the few corpse Yin sect disciples with thousands of sword energy.

"Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not the corpse yin sect, but another demon sect." The violent body was full of flames, directly facing the disciples.

"Master, this should be the guys we had dealt with when we thought about Yan Xuan Continent, but these guys have a much stronger cultivation base."

Lin Feng quickly ran over.

"Help...help me." A faint voice lingered in Lin Feng's ear. Lin Feng's expression changed a bit, and he quickly moved to the other side. Lin Feng suddenly stopped. In front of him, there was a A girl who is dying.

There are still photos taken by him in the girl's arms.

"Boy, spoil my good deeds and die!" The demon cult disciple directly assassinated Lin Feng, his eyes glowing strangely red, and opened his mouth to bite towards Lin Feng.

"Kacha!" Fengtongjian and the guy were facing each other. Not only did the demon cult disciple have no hands, he only left a slight wound on his body. Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes grew darker and darker. .

The power of this guy is too strong!

"Looking for death!" Xing Ningsuo shuttled past the body of the demon cult disciple. The demon cult disciple had a big hole in his heart, but he was not afraid, still rushing towards Lin Feng.

Bai Yujian flew behind Lin Feng and confronted the disciple of the Demon Cult. Lin Feng hugged the little girl in front of him.

Mary opened her eyes, and when she saw Lin Feng, a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Thanks...thanks...thank you."

Mary's body trembled, and a mouthful of blood was spit out. Lin Feng quickly took the poison pills to Mary to eat, and Mary shook her head with her eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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