Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3902: Transfer station

Seeing the appearance of the little thing, Lin Feng shook his head. It seemed that he had thought of a way to improve this little thing.

God's words...

It may be more troublesome to get Soul in other places, but this is Soul City!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and Mu Jiancai swept around, his eyes filled with excitement.

There are too many souls here, since little things like it.

Lin Feng shook his body.

He naturally wants to satisfy the little things!

"Let's leave now!" After solving the last one, everyone quickly walked away, and returned to their respective schools with the spirits they needed.

Lin Feng still handed in two of them this time.

Seeing the two soul beasts in Lin Feng's hands, Yan Feng's eyebrows jumped.

This guy, wouldn't he really plan to hand in two every day?

Instead, Yan Feng shook his head.


Da Luo Jinxian level's own spirit can exist in the spirit city for only three days. During this, if you continuously improve your ability through other powers, there is no problem in surviving there.

However, even if there is a soul source, Lin Feng's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, so it is absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to completely survive here!

After thinking about this, Yan Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng glanced at the list.

Of his four, it can only be said that they are in the upper-middle appearance, and the most of them have already killed nearly forty.

The disciples of the Yuan Sect were really strong in their cultivation base.

Lin Feng waved his hand and turned to leave.

After walking around in the mountain forest, Lin Feng sensed that a dozen low-level spirit beasts had been killed. After beheading a few spirit beasts, Lin Feng returned to the stronghold where Yuanmen was located.

Its daybreak.

The battle of a new day begins again.

The battle is getting fiercer, and there are more and more things to deal with.

With the passage of time, soon, the fatigue on everyone's faces became heavier and the shots became slower and slower.

Until the last day, when these spirit beasts disappeared, all the disciples of the school were relieved.

This time, they fought for twenty days.

Lin Feng and the girls left the school and returned to the Soul City.

The next thing was naturally counted. Lin Feng knew that the Yuanmen would definitely not occupy the things that belonged to him this time, so Lin Feng didn't bother to stay there. For a short time, Lin Feng returned to the shop with a few women.

The things were all sold out, Yang Yang didn't deliver them. There were soul sources on the boxes. These soul sources were the purchase price. Lin Feng counted the number, no more, no more, just right.

Assign the soul source to several women.

After eating these soul sources, the women swept away their previous fatigue and suddenly became energetic again.

"Let’s eat something. Speaking of which, I haven’t eaten in Divine Soul City either. However, when I saw this Divine Soul City, there were quite a few teahouses and restaurants. Let’s try this too.

Lin Feng's face was a bit cramped.

"Hate!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, the women rolled their eyes, but they still watched Lin Feng prepare the ingredients.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows at the women, quickly picked out the ingredients, and set up the hot pot.

The shop is not very big, but the second floor is their separate space. The whole room has nothing but simple furniture and facilities. It looks pretty good at first glance, and the decoration is very warm.

While eating hot pot, everyone communicated. Lin Feng just quietly listened to the women talking and laughing. After the meal, the women took the initiative to pack their things. Under Lin Feng's urging, the four women all rolled together.

The fusion of souls.

The breath on their bodies became more sensitive as they touched each other, and the faint voices of the four girls lingered in Lin Feng's ears, making Lin Feng's whole heart upset.

What kind of feeling is that?

Lin Feng couldn't tell.

However, Lin Feng can be sure that there is a reason why the brothel is popular in Soul City.

That kind of real touch, especially the women who are more sensitive than they are outside, and the feeling of soul and soul, like water and milk, perfectly interpreting everything.

This feeling is great.

A little bit of time passed.

It took three full days for the five people to separate.

The four women lay tiredly on the bed, while Lin Feng stood up vigorously.

"Would you like something to eat? I'll prepare it for you."

Lin Feng looked down at the four women and said in a low voice.

"I want to eat fish soup." The four women hugged each other, looked at Lin Feng, and whispered.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Soon, a strong fragrance came from the direction of the kitchen.

The four daughters hugged each other and didn’t mean to get out of bed. When Lin Feng came over, the good body of the four daughters made Lin Feng’s Adam’s apple roll a little, and the feeling of water and milk rushed into Lin Feng’s heart again, Lin Fengxin As soon as you move, you must jump on it.

The four girls got up with a smile, glanced at Lin Feng's body, and sat at the table and started eating.

Lin Feng sighed.

"Husband, we will leave later." Qin Yanran stuck out his tongue and said in a low voice, "There are still some things to deal with in the school. By the way, my husband, there seems to be a martial event in Zhongzhou next month. We will all attend. Oh, husband, we won’t let you."

Qin Yanran put out her tongue mischievously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said.

"This is the chasing order of the Thousand Chance Sect." Chen Lingsu's expression was a bit heavy, and he put a chasing order into Lin Feng's hands. "Our sect has a deeper relationship with the Thousand Chance Sect, so we got the chase first. Ling, it was your husband and Yang Yang who were chasing after him."

Chen Lingsu looked at Lin Feng with some worry.

The eyes of the four women were placed on Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng smiled and took a look at the killing order, and said, "It's okay, it will be a matter of time for the Qianjimen to find the door. Fortunately, I will find them too."

Lin Feng licked his lips, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes, "Since I want to go together, it's fine."

The four girls looked at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng smiled.

"Tang Hao of the Thousand Chance Sect, he just happened to have a copy of the dragon's blood that I needed. I met him when we were in the Demon Realm. At this time, it is normal for the Thousand Chance Sect to give me a kill order. As for Yang Yang, Yangyang doesn't want to talk about this matter. He wants to solve it by himself, so let him go."

The four women nodded.

The five people were tired again for a while. The four girls turned and left. Lin Feng opened the shop. Xiao Er received the message and came over quickly. Lin Feng put the goods on the shelves and paid Xiao Er's salary for another month.

"This is a month's worth of goods. No one will come up this month. Look at the arrangement." Lin Feng whispered to Xiao Er.

Xiao Er nodded and didn't speak, but just sat in front quietly. Lin Feng turned and left the shop. After a long time, Xiao Er looked up at Lin Feng's back, and his eyes were a little more complicated.

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