Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3818: In hot pursuit

"as long as you are happy."

Seeing the smile on Mary's face, Lin Feng opened his heart to accept Mary's service. Mary did not stay in the room for a long time, and went out after finishing cleaning.

Looking at the closed door, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The next morning, Liz brought the map.

"The place we are going is some distance from the place you are going. Our ship will not follow you." Lisi put the map on Lin Feng's table. "There is a road on this map. Next, you will only I can go along this path by myself, here is the closest to the other side."

Lisi smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said, "I can only wish you good luck. By the way, hold this one. This is my token of the Demon Race. If you meet a disciple of the Demon Race along the way, just Take out the token, if you don't embarrass them, they will never embarrass you."

Lin Feng took it.

"Thanks a lot."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lis waved her hand, "I asked the boatman to prepare a boat for you. With your cultivation base, there is no problem in controlling the boat to the place you are going. Lin Feng, I wish you a smooth journey. , I also wish you what you wished."

Liz paused, then turned to stand up, "Mary and I won't go to see you off."

Lin Feng nodded with a smile, moved a hand, and put a box in Lisi's hand, "A gift for you and Mary."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned and went down. The boat was already tied to the side of the big ship, and the boat owner nodded to Lin Feng with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for the boatman." Lin Feng controlled the boat to leave. Lisi stood on it and watched Lin Feng's figure go away. She opened the box and placed two delicate school flowers inside.

"Does this guy think we are not enough girls?" Seeing the little flowers in the box, Lisi murmured. The next moment, Lisi's eyes flashed with surprise.

"This is a spirit weapon? This guy has such a precious thing on hand?"

Lisi looked up again, and Lin Feng's figure had disappeared where the sea and the sky met, and the two ships separated from different directions.

Lin Feng sat in the boat, and Bo Xunsuo replaced the boat.

"It's so fast." Lin Feng lay on Bo Xunsuo, with Boqi mastering the map. Lin Feng only needs to sit on the bed to recuperate.

"Is your lord reluctant to bear it?" Chitaki was in a good mood. He kept leaping around, but the violent death did not come out. The sea here is basically water spiritual power, which makes the violent death very uncomfortable.

"No, it's just that I haven't felt that kind of warmth for a long time." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Maybe this is also a different life experience."

"It's okay for adults to like it." Chitaki suffocated a word for a while, and continued to leap around here. Suddenly, Bo Xunsuo paused.

"My lord, there is a big guy coming over here, and that big guy's goal is directed at... my lord." Porch's voice was very low, "Avoid?"


"The whale shark that has been about to transform."

"Rush straight over." Lin Feng stood up and suffered a loss from Bai Cang. He hasn't exercised his body properly these days. Since he has trouble, he has come to the door, so naturally he can't miss it. Lin Feng moved a lot of imprisonment, Feng Tong sword made a clear sound and fell on Lin Feng's body, and the sword body was also trembling slightly. For this battle, one person and one sword were looking forward to this battle.

Lin Feng licked his lips.

"It seems to be a terrific little thing." Suddenly, Lin Feng laughed lightly.

The next moment, a huge figure flew out of the sea directly, rushing towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's small body flew up, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

A joke flashed in the eyes of the whale shark.

But it's just a small human, he can't solve it?

Seeing the joke in the eyes of the whale shark, Lin Feng smiled, "Don't underestimate the enemy."

Lin Feng's body landed on the whale shark's head, and a sword pierced directly, the long sword passed through the whale shark's body, and Lin Feng's fist slammed into the corner of the whale shark's mouth.


Several teeth of the whale shark were all smashed off, and Lin Feng shook his arm and attacked the whale shark again.

"Tsk tusk, my lord, this is a bit too harsh."

"Who let this guy touch the adult's mold? The adult's mood is not very good at this time."

"Hey, who made an adult angry over there? Since he is angry, according to the virtue of an adult, he will definitely find a place back."

Wu Shuo watched, turned his head, and couldn't bear to see this scene. Adults need a thorough vent to vent their helplessness, but unfortunately, the person in front has become an adult. The vent.

The whale shark was quickly solved by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the inner alchemy of the whale shark and landed on the boat, then heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, everyone's expressions were a little more calm, and each of them looked at Lin Feng with some gentleness. Seeing Lin Feng's face bowed in silence, everyone followed. Softened down.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The depression from Bai Cang was released in this battle, and Lin Feng twisted his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that there was no one worsening the big guy. , Girl.

"No, you can't bear this battle."

The whale shark's body trembled and sank completely. Bo Xunsuo passed over the whale shark. For an hour, this sea area was densely packed with sea beasts, and those beasts were constantly gnawing at the whale shark's body.

Bai Cang fell on the sea.

"Elder, it's the breath of that kid. That kid has appeared here." A pale man followed Bai Cang and whispered, "That kid probably didn't really get on the boat, but was exploring the sea by himself."

Bai Cang snorted coldly.

The surrounding sea is vast, and Bo Xunsuo's speed is fast enough to give him no time to react at all. Feeling this, Bai Cang's expression becomes more and more cold, that kid, really capable!

"Go back first, I don't believe that the kid can make any waves!" Bai Cang staggered, turning to pale a little.

Lin Feng's method did slander him, but Lin Feng didn't calculate his cultivation level, so he didn't see Bai Cang's strangeness the first time. What made Bai Cang annoyed was that the poison that Lin Feng used was like a slap. The bone maggot, no matter how he cleans it, will always get out of the corner and take a little bit.

"This **** kid!" Bai Cang's body trembled once again, and an invisible black flame burned out of Bai Cang's Dantian, and the flame quickly rushed into Bai Cang's veins. With a cold snort, the momentum of the whole body instantly rolled towards the little thing.

(End of this chapter)

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