Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3907: Continue to do

More and more people follow him.

"Master, have all those guys followed?" Liusuo assisted Lin Feng in patrolling the surroundings, whispering.

"Master, shall we continue?"

"Master, there are three guys on the left whose cultivation base is much higher than the master..."

"the host……"


With Liu Shuo watching, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to those guys. After buying a lot of things in Zhongzhou City, Lin Feng went to the gambling ground.

Once again, after confirming the list that Yang Yang had given him, Lin Feng went directly into the gambling ground.

This is Qianjimen's largest stone gambling gambling ground in Zhongzhou, and it is also a large income source for Qianjimen every year.

There are three, six or nine grades in the gambling field, with the lowest entry fee of 10,000 top-grade fairy spirit stones.

After paying the immortal spirit stone, Lin Feng scoured it around, searching a full thirty pieces of rough stones at a good price. The value of these rough stones was above his original value.

After selecting the outside, Lin Feng went directly to open these rough stones, and a store that was guarding the purchase immediately ran up, confirming that it was not a Qianjimen shop, and Lin Feng directly sold the things that these rough stones had opened.

The next game is the admission of fifty thousand high-grade immortal spirit stones.

Lin Feng searched inside again.

Except for some special needs, Lin Feng sold everything else.

"Oh, isn't the price a bit too high!" Lin Bian stood opposite Lin Feng, bargaining with Lin Feng, "A 10% discount, I want it all."

"Good." Lin Feng nodded frankly.

"Or, let's be together next." Lin Bian looked at Lin Feng with a grin.

"You're waiting outside." Lin Feng shook his head, "It's best to arrange for two cutting masters to come over. I really have something amazing and I will take it away."

Lin Bian nodded.

Immediately afterwards, there was the admission of one hundred thousand high-grade fairy spirit stones.

Lin Feng was still selecting from there.

"My lord, that's the guy." The waiter who met immediately had already called the store manager over, "This guy has been picking rough stones here. The rough stones bought are basically good things."

"Have you paid?"


"Then just do it with him."

The store manager turned around and went in.

The waiter stood there with frowning brows. He always felt that this thing was a little weird, but seeing Lin Feng and all the stone gamblers beating and beating here, I was looking for good things. He was originally confused. Converged immediately.

Lin Feng put a few good rough stones into the Chaos Seed.

Lin Bian played cover around, and the speed of the two shots became more and more rapid.

Soon, Lin Feng picked out thirty rough stones.

These rough stones were cut out, naturally higher than the price of the rough stones. Lin Feng once again traded with everyone and sold them, and Lin Bian bought two yuan.

After the 100,000 top-grade immortal spirit stones were cleaned up, Lin Feng focused on the 300,000 top-grade immortal spirit stones.

As we move forward, there are naturally fewer and fewer good things.

"Is the fairy stone enough?" Lin Feng asked Lin Bian intently.

"I brought one hundred million, and almost all of it was brought here. If we can't pay back within three days, we will really have to break the capital chain."

Lin became bitter and said haha.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Lin Feng, you must be reliable in the future. Although the business of Heroes' Restaurant and Danpu is good, the total profit that can be made in a year is only tens of millions of fairy stones. The expenses are too great, so we must not miss it!"

Lin Feng nodded again.

This time, Lin Feng only took three good rough stones.

The rest is opened directly here.

Lin Feng still sells.

Lin Bian didn't make another move.

"Why didn't Young Master Lin take action?" The waiter walked up to Lin Bian and asked in a low voice.

"I don't dare." Lin Bian smiled bitterly, "Look, the original price of this rough stone was 100,000 top-grade immortal spirit stones. Now it is mined, but it is an ancient treasure. The price is definitely not low. ."

Lin Bian's eyes were helpless.

"Brother, good means, I will produce one million high-grade fairy spirit stones!" A big man walked up to Lin Feng, arched his hand towards Lin Feng, and said, "One million, brothers are willing to cut love?"

"I gave out 1.1 million!" Another person came over, "Little brother, in Xia Xiong Yun, he is the housekeeper of the first auction house in Zhongzhou. Are you willing to cut love for this thing?"

"1.3 million, Lin Feng, let's be friends too." Shi Ningxue approached with a smile, "The next rough stone, as long as you can produce good things, my Shi family is willing to accept it."

Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng with a smile, "As long as the price is not outrageous, you can decide."

"It turned out to be Miss Shi Ningxue!" Lin Feng immediately showed a smile on his face, "It's a coincidence, I am also willing to cooperate with the Shi family, but is it a little...not honest about Miss Shi?

Lin Feng pointed to the things on the table, "1.5 million, let's talk about cooperation next, how about?"

Lin Feng smiled like an old fox.

"Okay!" Shi Ningxue nodded.

One and a half million is indeed the ideal price.

The others all stepped back, but didn't walk away too much, but stood there watching the cutter open other rough stones.

They are also very curious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what other good things Lin Feng can offer next.

Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"It seems that you are fully thinking about it."

"Ms. Shi Ningxue suddenly participated. Didn't she want to get a share of the pie?" Lin Feng smiled very gentlemanly. When she saw through her own thoughts, Shi Ningxue was not angry, but just nodded and said:

"I just suddenly realized that people like you are the enemy, so it's far better to cooperate with people like you, isn't it?" Shi Ningxue smiled and looked at Lin Feng, "These surprises are not something others can provide to me. ."

Lin Feng nodded.

"That's natural, Miss Shi, you can think so. This shows that the ancestral grave of the Shi family must have been smoked!"

Shi Ningxue rolled her eyes.

Knowing that Lin Feng was teasing her, Shi Ningxue didn't get angry, instead she gave a smile and glanced at Lin Bian, who was not far away.

Lin Bian smiled and nodded to Shi Ningxue.

"Ms. Shi Ningxue, long time no see."

"Lin Gongzi hasn't seen you for a long time." Shi Ningxue pursed her mouth and greeted in a low voice. There are too many characters like Lin Bian in Zhongzhou, but the heroic restaurant's little head is nothing. Although she is a bit wealthy, it is nothing more than that. Ningxue's deepest change to Lin was his brother.

Although Lin Sifeng is only the boss of Heroes' Restaurant, he is gentle and gentle. The most important thing is that he has a strong talent, a strong cultivation base, and a good life.

"Speaking of it, I remember that when I was in the Lower Realm, I also saw Hero's Restaurant. At that time, it seemed to be..." Shi Ningxue turned to look at Lin Feng.

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