Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3842: Breakthrough, Da Luo Jinxian

In the world of mind and spirit, Lin Feng's battle continued.

There are endless cultivators, endless battles, but such battles have no end at all. The only thing that can be found is their increasingly distant figures.

Lin Feng began to get tired.

Tang Hao stood not far from him.

"Lin Feng, do you really think you are a great master?" Tang Hao's voice was full of sarcasm, "You are just a coward who has been cast aside by the world and your woman."

"court death!"

Lin Feng rushed towards Tang Hao, but before he passed, a lot of cultivators came out to fight him, and the battle seemed to have no end.

Not reconciled?


Looking at the battle below, Lin Feng's eyes flashed gloomy.

The battle continued, Lin Feng looked at the people below, and his expression was finally a little more certain.

He wants to fight.

A stronger battle.

However, the strength is not enough.

"Lin Feng?" A gentle voice sounded in the distance. Lin Feng stood there with his eyes closed. His body was crumbling. In the outside world, the breath of Lin Feng's body remained silent for a little bit, if it wasn't candle shade. Saying that Lin Feng's mind was still there, Wusuo had already shot.

"Lin Feng..."

The voice was soft and soft from far to near.

"Qianqian." Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes, Qianqian stood in front of Lin Yuan and took Lin Yuan's hand.

"I said, I will never leave you for life, Lin Feng, you saved me and taught me how to do it. You saved my people and saved me."

Qianqian's voice was soft and soft. Lin Feng looked at the woman in front of him and nodded solemnly.

"I know, none of you will leave me!"

A powerful light burst out of Lin Feng's body. Under the light of this light, Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"Roar!" With a huge roar, a golden dragon rushed directly into the sky, hovering in the sky, and the noble aura spread around. Under this aura, the sea beasts below squatted down one after another. It's panic.


It is the breath of the dragon.

Those sea beasts didn't dare to move, their pious thoughts turned into a year and flew directly towards Lin Feng.

In his mind, the ball of thoughts began to expand continuously, and under the blessing of these thoughts, suddenly, a small sound came from Lin Feng's body.

Among the dantian, the dantian that was originally shrouded by the nebula suddenly began to crack, and below, a Yuan Ying slowly rose up.

Yuan Ying looked like a child waiting to be fed. He slowly opened his eyes, and a golden light was reflected in Yuan Ying’s eyes. Under this golden light, Lin Feng’s entire body returned to the ground. Then, Yuan Ying directly It fell on Lin Feng's head.

"the host."

"Congratulations to the host!"

Wusuo happily landed on Lin Feng, and Lin Feng turned his head to look at Candle Yin.

"I don't regret it." Feeling Lin Feng's gaze, Zhu Yin whispered, "One day, I will always find a master. You are more suitable for me than them."

Lin Feng nodded.

There was a thunder in the sky, and the next moment, the whole island suddenly moved.

"No, Master, this small island has not been moved before, and it hasn't been damaged too much. Why did it suddenly move at this time?" Chitaki was fattening around and said a little sullenly.

"It seems... not the island."

Lin Feng gave a wry smile.

Around the island, with his head and four feet stretched out, he smiled unmovingly, but at this moment he went to the depths. Then, a vigorous voice sounded around.

"Boy, you have already been promoted, and you are not going to get out. Why, want my old bone to accompany you through the robbery?"

"Damn!" Chitaki sank down on the ground, then bounced up and hid in Lin Feng's hair.

"It's him!" Xingzheng also looked incredible, "Are you still alive?"

"Roll the calf!" The voice said again. Lin Feng has already flown into the sky, and his mind swept around. Lin Feng gave a wry smile. It seems that this time, the initiative is going to cross the sponge. Except for this'island' which he called an island, all the places he went to were vast seas.

The sky is full of dark clouds.

"It's going to break through."

Seeing the dark clouds rolling in the sky, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and directly greeted Lei Jie.

A shocking thunder fell on Lin Feng's body, and then landed on the sea. The sea was stirred up to a height of tens of meters. The fish and beasts in the sea were constantly struggling in the waves. The next moment they were all ruined under the thunder. Fell on the sea.

In the sky, Lin Feng continued to fight Jie Lei.

A cultivator in the distance spread towards this side, and after feeling the battle here, the face of the cultivator Anxi changed immediately.

This battle is a battle they simply can't participate in.

It's too spicy!

This is nothing short of life!

"It's amazing!" Those cultivators swallowed their saliva after seeing Lin Feng bathing in thunder.

"Which genius is here to advance? One hundred and eighth~www.wuxiaspot.com~This...this is considered to be in the devil world, and it is unique!"

"Yes, yes, I have been in Haicheng for tens of thousands of years, and I have never been a manager of Gu Hong."

Too strong!

The cultivators who came over looked at the scene in the sky with unbelievable eyes. They didn't want to fight. They just came to look at it, but they perceive such a powerful battle.

If they had come here because of the abnormal changes, then now, they dare not approach at all.

A powerful force, a powerful Thunder Tribulation, especially, that guy actually went toward the sky under such a powerful Thunder Tribulation.

Many cultivators began to choose to retreat. They knew in their hearts that they were not opponents.

After a long time, Lin Feng completed the thunder robbery.

The surroundings were still quiet, all the cultivation had retreated, even if they had not retreated, they would hide in the dark at this time, hiding their cultivation base and never dare to come out again.

Lin Feng shook his body.

Such a powerful Thunder Tribulation is definitely not an easy task to deal with.

Fortunately, he dealt with it.

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Feng's mouth evoked a gentle smile, and it was definitely an exciting thing for Lin Feng to be able to handle Lei Jie thoroughly.


As soon as it fell, Lin Feng couldn't wait to say, "Da Luo Jinxian."

Feeling the power of the law initially formed on his body, Lin Feng's mouth raised a faint smile. The next moment, Lin Feng felt the golden Yuan Ying in his body and opened his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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