Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3939: Jealous nightmare

"My lord, stay with me. I can steer for you. I am at the helm. I am very familiar with this sea area. I can take the adults where the adults are going!" A big man suddenly crawled out. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with a look of expectation.


Lin Feng's gaze swept around.

"My lord, I can too!"

"My lord, I can too!"

"My lord, I am familiar too!"

"Let's all go down!" Lin Feng shook his head and waved his long sword. All the disciples were thrown away by Lin Feng. "Since I want to make money from the knife edge, I should have the consciousness of being beheaded."

Lin Feng looked at the struggling pirate below, shook his head, and controlled the ship to leave quickly.

"Master, you just let them go, it's a pity that these guys should be killed!" Zhu Yin said viciously.

"Master is not a good person!" Porch climbed up and said with a smile, "Those guys should ask for their own blessings!"

Poch said with a smile.

"What did you do?" Chitaki asked in a low voice.

"My master asked me to go to the bottom of the sea to collect mobile phone monsters, and I passed." Porch said with a smile, "A group of monsters have come here. This group of monsters is not good. These guys are the most in the monsters. The possibility of life is zero."

Wu Shuo took a breath.

This is more serious than killing them with a sword.

"Got the map."

Lin Feng played with the compass and the site. "This map has this detailed sea area. Tsk, it's not bad." Lin Feng played with the map in his hand, "This is the rhythm of many big forces overseas! "

"This overseas faction is self-contained, and there are many big forces."

Liusuo also leaned forward. Everyone kept the map in mind. Lin Feng abandoned the ship and controlled Chitakisuo to move forward.

Boqi's speed is much faster than that of the boat. When the group of people in the middle passed several small islands, Lin Feng also went to the road to examine it. The small islands are not large, but occasionally people still pass by. Lin Feng found a fruit tree on the big island and transplanted it into the Chaos World.

"Master, there are novel plants here!"

There are many plants on the sea. Although Lin Feng walked this way, although the speed was not fast, he still found a lot of plants on the sponge. After putting these plants in his hands, Lin Feng began to move on again.

"The plants in the master's world have also become more and more perfect. This sea water and monsters have also entered a lot. When everything needed appears, the master's chaotic world will be more perfect.

Candle Yin whispered to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng nodded.

He still has a little understanding of the chaotic world, but as time goes by, Lin Feng also believes that sooner or later his chaotic world will show his extraordinaryness.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's heart moved.

It's a nightmare beast.

"Porch, let's go to the island in front." Lin Feng controlled Porch to the island, turning his body into the chaos seeds.

The nightmare beast is constantly struggling.

After being brought into this world by Lin Feng, Lin Feng completely restricted the freedom of the Nightmare Beast. Of course, he did not intend to heal the Nightmare Beast, but instead allowed the Nightmare Beast to vent his dissatisfaction in the Chaos World.

The result of being taken away by Lin Feng can be said to be unexpected for the Nightmare Beast. The most important thing is that Lin Feng, who did all this, seems to have never done anything bad, Qin Yanran is still watching with a smile. With all this.

This guy did it on purpose!

"Boy, do you think this small world can trap me? When my injury heals, I will break your small world!"

The Nightmare Beast looked at Lin Feng and sneered and said, "At that time, I still have to thank you very much, kid, and I will die!"

"is it?"

Lin Feng shook his head, glanced at the nightmare beast with some regret, then shook his head, and said, "You have a good idea, but do you really think this is just a small world?"

Lin Feng walked forward a bit and looked at the nightmare beast.

"Nightmare beast, I don't care how proud you are. If you don't submit to me for a day, I will keep you here for one day. If you don't submit to me all your life, you will be here and be imprisoned by me for a lifetime, how about?"

Lin Feng stood not far from the nightmare beast, and looked at the nightmare beast with a smile. "This is my site, it's up to you to leave or stay!"

"Human, shame on you!"

The Nightmare Beast looked down at Lin Feng, and the aura in his body rose again.

"I'm shameless and shameless. I know it in my heart. As for you..." Lin Feng's gaze swept across the nightmare beast, "It is better to take your own safety first."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned and left.


The Nightmare Beast watched Lin Feng again.

He didn't expect that Lin Feng would leave as soon as he said, even so sure.

He naturally thought that he would not leave so easily. After all, everything here is not so well prepared, but Lin Feng has prepared a lot here. Now that Lin Feng is really going to leave, the nightmare beast has many hearts. It's a bit uncomfortable.

If Lin Feng left, his conditions would not come out.

"Nightmare beast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am a person with limited patience, and I don’t like to negotiate terms with others. I told you my request a long time ago. If you comply, I will still say that. I support you, if you don’t comply, then I’m sorry."

Lin Feng turned and looked at the nightmare beast.

"Even if you are seriously injured, your whole body will be a treasure. I will remove all the treasures from you and give them to my son for experimentation. What do you think?"

Lin Feng moved a stool and sat.

The nightmare beast looked at Lin Feng uncertainly, and then directly attacked Lin Feng the next moment.

Lin Feng sneered and disappeared in front of the nightmare beast. Before the nightmare beast could react, Lin Feng's body once again disappeared in front of the nightmare beast.

"I said, this is my territory, and your attack will not help."

After waiting for the nightmare beast to get tired, the real dragon dagger fell to the ground, and Lin Feng just appeared in front of the nightmare beast.

"Have you thought about it? Do you want to recognize me as Lord or be killed by me, Nightmare Beast, come up with your decision."

Lin Feng looked at the Nightmare Beast, waiting for the result of the Nightmare Beast.

Under the eaves, people have to bow their heads, Lin Feng firmly believes that the nightmare beast will give in.

"Boy, you have been calculating me."

The Nightmare Beast raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with a somewhat complicated expression.

He thinks that wisdom is first-class among monsters, not to mention that monsters will be turned around by him, even if the humans planted in his hands not ten thousand or eight thousand, but now he is planted. This human hand.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju mobile phone reading URL:

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