Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3941: Island

Haitianba continued to block Lin Feng's path.

Lin Feng looked down at Haitianba.

Haitianba waved his hand.

"Six Pin Pills."

Lin Feng remained indifferent.

"Outer meteorite."

Lin Feng still did not speak.

"The blood of the beast."

Lin Feng still stood there, his expression indifferent.

"It's all yours." Haitianba pushed things in front of Lin Feng.

"I'm not interested, sir, please go back." With that, Lin Feng turned and went to another direction, Haitianba immediately followed Lin Feng.


"Friend Fairy, if you have something to say!"

"Friends fairy, if these don't work, I still have baby!"


No matter where Lin Feng goes, Haitian will always follow Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked back at Haitianba. Haitianba has an extraordinary temperament. Even if this guy is in the Sea Lion Sect, Lin Feng can be sure that his status must not be. difference.

"Friend Fairy, I just lack a good ship. I think you have a good treasure, Fairy Fairy, so I want to make a move. Fairy Fairy, you can be accommodating!" Haitianba still follows Lin Feng. Around.

Lin Feng went to the material store.

"Store, these are all I need." Lin Feng handed over a list of materials. The list of materials is not much, but the quantity is large, but this quantity should be within the range that every store can bear.

The shopkeeper glanced at Haitianba behind Lin Feng and nodded to prepare.

When he came out, Lin Feng found that the materials were better than he had imagined. Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at Haitianba.

Haitianba immediately smiled at Lin Feng, showing a friendly smile, Haitianba immediately looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"Friend Fairy, are you moved by my words, so you agree?"

"I definitely can't use it." Lin Feng said with a certain face, "but I still have a lot of spiritual weapons, and there are also shuttle-shaped ones. They can go to heaven or a sea of ​​people. If you like it, I can sell it. One for you, the price is not high, just follow the outside price."

Lin Feng's mind moved, and a small shuttle fell into his hands.

The shuttle is made in Porch's style.

When Yang Yang was free, he made a batch of these shuttles and sold them, which was actually to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

"it is good!"

Seeing the little shuttle in Lin Feng's hand, Haitianba's eyes lit up immediately. He held it in his hand and played with him, then nodded, "Brother Guangliang, how much?"

"Five million top-grade immortal spirit stones. The spirit weapon for transportation is inherently expensive. This shuttle is for both offense and defense. The price is higher than the average."

Lin Feng put the method and function of the shuttle into Haitianba's mind.

"It's worth it, it's worth the money!" Haitianba's eyes lit up immediately, with stars shining in his eyes. "Thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "If you still need it next time, just ask me and prepare my contact information. These things are all produced in Dasheng Village. Our Dasheng Village will come out every three months. , If you need it, just go to the place I specify to find someone."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Haitianba's eyes immediately brightened. He took the list, walked a few steps, then turned back and gave Lin Feng a token.

"Thank you little brother. Little brother gave me such a good opportunity. I also gave me a small thing. This is the token of our Sea Lion Sect. With this token, all shops in Sea Lion City can give it to little brother. You get 20% off!"

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately!

This is a good thing!

Lin Feng turned his head to look at Haitianba. Haitianba waved his hand and left. When he left, he put a friendly attitude towards Lin Feng.

Wonderful person.

Looking at the things at hand, Lin Feng smiled. With such a wonderful person by his side, Lin Feng knew that what he had to do was easier to handle.

Holding the token, Lin Feng laughed out loud.

Lin Feng didn't stay here long enough. After cleaning all the shops, Lin Feng left with his things.

Leaving the sea area where the Sea Lion Sect was sitting, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he also got a lot of good things.

"Master, where shall we go next?"

"The next school, we will mainly collect materials!"

Lin Feng said seriously.

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Boqi controlled himself to go to another direction. With maps and navigation, they didn’t need to worry about getting lost. Lin Feng also recorded the address of this sea area along the way. Included.

With this complete map, Lin Feng believed that it would be more convenient when everyone came to play.

"Master, or let's move Dasheng Village here too." Chitaki said with a smile, "There are many desert islands on the sea, and it's easy for us to develop."

Lin Feng shook his head.

"It's a good place, but our Great Sacred Village must not be placed here." Lin Feng said with a certain expression, "These places are good for experience, but it is too comfortable for people to stay in such an environment for a long time. "

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "Such ease will easily wear down everyone's fighting spirit~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is not a good thing."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo, who had thoughts, fell silent one by one.

"Qianjimen can be said to be the first martial art in the hidden world. As a school that masters the most cutting-edge technology in the fairy world, I think everyone can imagine the power of the Qianjimen, but it is such a big guy. In the land of quicksand, Yuan Qi said he would make a move."

Lin Feng sighed.

"Competition can cultivate the combat effectiveness of the cultivators. Qianjimen lacks competition, so it will become weaker and weaker. With Yuanmen transactions, Qianjimen is now more and more careful."

Liusuo remained silent and stopped speaking.

Lin Feng lay on the tail of the shuttle, enjoying the quiet with his eyes closed.

A sea beast passed by Lin Feng, and after feeling the breath of Lin Feng's body, the sea beast immediately turned and left.

The aura on Lin Feng's body was very strong, and the sea beast kept a natural guard against this aura.

Lin Feng smiled when he felt the look of the sea beast.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry to travel, as long as there are small cities and other places along the way, Lin Feng will not let it go. He will definitely collect the resources here. Officially under Lin Feng's collection, Lin Feng's The pockets are getting thicker.

These are all needed by Yang Yang.

When it came to the next Haicheng, Lin Feng finally gave up buying materials for the first time, but started to walk in Haicheng.

This is the largest sea city in this sea area, and the only city not controlled by the sect and controlled by the immortal army.

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