Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3853: Ming Family 0 Gold

"But Longyu is already at the highest level in the world we know, so if he makes a move, he can get things in his hands without so much effort, since someone can get it without so much effort. Here, we naturally want to give him such a good opportunity, right?"

Lin Feng smiled happily.

"Besides, what if Long Yu gives us false news?"

Indeed, if Long Yu had given Lin Feng a false message and exchanged the meteorite from the outside world, they would be in trouble if Long Yu turned his face and refused to admit it.

Even if Long Yu gave the real news, they might not be able to get the remnant soul.

What if the remnant soul still carries the blood of the dragon?

Lin Feng couldn't give up even a drop of the dragon's blood.

Thinking of this, Liusuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng's method is the best.

With the existing conditions, let Longyu hand over something, if Longyu really can't hand it over, they will seek information.

Thinking of this, Liusuo also became happy.

After receiving a piece of news that was not too big or small, it was barely good news, Lin Feng also had no intention of shopping, and turned around and went back to the inn directly.

The lady proprietor and the boss were sitting by the window talking, and when Lin Feng came back, smiles immediately appeared on their faces.

"Little brother is back, have you eaten? Do you need to prepare it for you?"

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Thank you, lady boss, no need to prepare."

Lin Feng glanced at the boss. The boss was a middle-aged man. He looked honest and honest. He was probably like Jin Xian’s initial cultivation. He was similar to the wife of the boss. The couple sat together. The eyes of the boss were always the same. Walking with his wife.

This is a happy couple.

"Well, if you don't need to prepare, I won't prepare." The lady boss smiled, "Call us if you need it."

Lin Feng nodded and went straight upstairs.

Even though he said that he didn't need to prepare, Lin Feng still received the Lingguo prepared by the proprietress. The Lingguo was placed on the small table outside the door. The proprietress did not disturb Lin Feng and left directly.

Chitaki lay on the door.

"The little rich is peaceful, simple, this kind of life is really good."

"Personal pursuit." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "But this is a happy family."

Lin Feng stood by the window and looked at the small alley outside. There were not too many people in the small alley. Occasionally, when a few giant men passed by and met acquaintances, the lady boss would smile and greet him.

There is a kind of city gas that is not available elsewhere.

"A happy life, a simple place, so good." Lin Feng sighed and closed the window.

Chitaki turned to look at Lin Feng.

The next day, Lin Feng still went to the gambling ground.

This time, his luck was a little better than the previous day. In exchange for the appearance of three or four stones, only one stone did not produce anything, and one stone produced good things.

"Good luck, son." The old man raised his head and was still taken aback when he saw Lin Feng, then he smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"Probably because there were too many bad things in the past, so all the good luck has been gathered today." Lin Feng smiled, then waved his hand, and said, "This is the gambling stone I started at the beginning of my life."

"Betting on rocks has always been a lot of luck. The son's luck is really good. Even if I have worked here for decades as an old man, I haven't seen many people with luck like you."

Lin Feng smiled modestly a few times, and then left directly.

After leaving the casino, Lin Feng began to wander around the shops.

There are many things in the magic city, many of which are not available outside.

Whether it’s medicinal materials or refining materials or other materials, Lin Feng bought a lot and sold a few things that he didn’t need much on hand. These few things have been in the gambling yard these past two days. Opened.

It was nothing more than some weapons suitable for the demons, but they were of no use to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sold these things to the biggest auction house in the magic city.

Just about to leave the auction house, Mingzhe appeared with a smile.

"I just came over to check, and I saw Brother Lin, you came out of it, do you need to buy something? Just tell me, I will give you a discount." Mingzhe looked at Lin Feng with a smile. .

"Thank you Ming brother, I'll come over and sell something." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I bought some things I don't need from the stone gambling ground in the east of the city, so I came over and sold it."

With that, Lin Feng looked at Lisi behind Mingzhe.

The corners of Lisi's mouth were slightly open, and she did not expect that the kid Lin Feng would actually appear here.

"Lin Feng?" Lisi took a step forward. "Didn't you go to Haicheng? Why did you come here?"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, how should I say, to be precise, he came to the magic city from Haicheng.

"Do you know each other?" Mingzhe turned his head and glanced at his little sister, "I would like to introduce you guys!"

"I saw it in Dharma City." Lisi curled her lips and said disgustingly, "This is my elder brother Mingzhe, I tell you, you can't bully my elder brother."

Hearing Lisi's words, Lin Feng shook his head a little bit dumbfounded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I said grandma, I dare not even bully you, I still bully your elder brother, your elder brother's cultivation level can be above me. "

Upon hearing Lin Feng's words, Lisi snorted coldly and curled her lips in disgust.

"Who knows? You are always very cunning. Although you don't like to deal with lakes like you very much, you are..."

Lisi looked up and down Lin Feng.

This guy, but even the old guy who stepped into the Immortal Emperor level halfway dared to provoke, Lisi still felt a little lingering when thinking of Lin Feng provoke Bai Cang.

Lisi didn't say this, but she still maintained a high level of guard against Lin Feng.

Suddenly, Lisi's eyes rolled.

"Or, let's talk in private?" Lisi looked at Lin Feng with a smile, "I promise to give you unexpected surprises."

Seeing the smile on Lisi's face, Lin Feng shook his head.

The little woman said it was light, but he could see that the girl didn't mean to prepare him for so-called surprises.

To Lisi, Lin Feng got along a few times, and she still had a little bit of abacus in her heart. On the surface, this woman looked harmless to humans and animals, but in fact she was very clever. One point, even Shi Ningxue, Lin Feng believed that she might not be better than Lisi.

Although Shi Ningxue was fierce, she was hesitant in many things.

But Lisi is different. Lisi is really brave. She will ask for what she wants to do and what she wants without hesitation.

Lin Feng stepped back calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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