Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3857: mutual benefit

Lisi pouted her mouth and looked unhappy.

"This guy deliberately bullied me!"

Lisi stood up, bumped into a person's arms abruptly, and stepped back, only to see Lin Feng standing there with a smile.

Lisi patted her chest smoothly.

"How can you walk without a sound? It scares me to death!"

Lin Feng smiled upon hearing Lisi's words.

"Give you."

There are a few boxes that will be given to Lisi.

There was a pill bottle in the box. Lisi opened it. They were all pill pills, and there were more than ten pill pills in each bottle!

Lisi smiled and collected the pill. Seeing Lisi's happy face, Lin Feng followed with a sigh and said, "Don't guard my yard, don't worry, I will notify you as soon as there is a pill. of."

"You still have to keep it. You are my God of Wealth now. If I won't keep you, who will I keep. By the way, I have brought back all your rough stones. What are you going to do?"

Lin Feng walked around the original stone pile, then nodded and said:

"It seems that your people are quite smart, they are all the rough stones I need."

"Of course, you have said so clearly. If I still find you a bunch of rough stones that you don't need, then I am losing a lot, how? I am doing a good job of favor."

Lis stuck her tongue out and said with a smile.

Hearing what Lisi said, Lin Feng shook his head, "Thanks a lot."

"You do things for me, and I do things for you. This is a reasonable use. I can't say thank you." Lisi waved her hand and said with a smile, "But you have to come on, but there are still many things you need to work on. !"

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Come on!"

After speaking, Lin Feng went back to the yard directly.

In the matter of benefit, Lin Feng can be regarded as seeing that the woman Lisi is a complete benefit complex, and everything can be put aside for benefit.

Lin Feng entered, Lisi still greeted the people below to do things, but she did her best to do things for her.

Lisi was happier after taking the medicine, and she was even more sad when she did things. It can be said that Lin Feng’s things are put first. In order not to cause trouble for Lin Feng, Lisi arranges different people to go to Chengdong every day. Gambling gambling gambling stone out.

The gambling stones are all piled up in the yard, not cut.


Mingzhe frowned when he saw the gambling stones piled up in the yard.

"How is this going?"

"Lin Feng asked me to get it out. I don't know what he is going to do." Lisi shrugged, sticking out her tongue and whispered, "I guess this guy is going to empty the gambling ground in the east of the city. Two pieces, the contents are pretty good."

Mingzhe nodded.

"Brother Lin has good luck, otherwise he won't be barred from entering Longyu's gambling ground."

"No entry?" Lisi opened her mouth slightly, and smashed the corner of her mouth instead, and said: "This is a good way. This guy is a scourge. If you can't help it, I don't know what this guy will do. Things come."


Mingzhe said helplessly.

Lisi stopped talking immediately, this guy is still in the yard!

"I said Miss Liz, there is bad talk behind this, but you will be poked in the backbone."

Lisi turned her head to look at Lin Feng.

"You... why did you come out?"

"Of course I came out to see you." Lin Feng said with a smile, "How lonely Miss Lisi is here."


Lisi looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

"The medicinal materials are not enough." Lin Feng sent a list to Lisi, "Since they are all refined, one-stop service will be provided. I am not easy to deal with. By the way, except for what should be given to you. , You can calculate the price of other medicines and convert them into herbs. Just give me the materials. I don’t need magic coins.”

Lin Feng looked at Lisi with a smile.

Lisi opened Lin Feng's list.

The dense list is all medicinal herbs. Although they are not very expensive herbs, the Ming family really can’t come up with so many herbs at a time. If they go to the whole city to buy them, their Ming family will become everyone’s The target of attention!

It's no joke that so many herbs come out all at once!

"You are still not too much." Lisi's words were squeezed from between her teeth.

"You said, you only need ten of each. I will give you at least thirty. You won't want me to suffer? You see, I have been sleepless and depressed for the past three months. Get it through, now that I have reached an important point, and you want to stop doing it again, I won’t be able to work if this continues."

Lin Feng smiled happily, very thief.

Lisi's hand holding the slip was trembling. Lin Feng understood very well that we are now grasshoppers on a rope. If you don't make a move, I can't continue. If there is no way to continue, we will lose money together.

Lisi's face was speechless.

"I didn't say that I won't pay you, but our materials are not enough to pay you for the time being." Lis gritted her teeth and said viciously.

"It doesn't matter if it's not enough for the time being, let's continue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng smiled happily.

Lisi rolled her eyes when she heard Lin Feng's words.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to prepare the materials." As she said, Lisi turned and left.

Mingzhe gave a wry smile.

"Brother Lin, my little sister, I have been spoiled by me since I was a child, and there are some lawless things. Don't take it off."

Hearing Mingzhe's words, Lin Feng waved his hand, "Brother Ming joked, Miss Lisi is very cute."

Mingzhe just smiled.

"Brother Lin, these gambling stones are going to be opened?" Mingzhe pointed to the gambling stones above. "Brother Lin has a good eye. These stones are not artificial stones."

"I have practiced the pupil technique. Although I can't tell what's inside, I can still tell the truth from the false." Lin Feng smiled, "Although there are many stones, in my eyes, they are divided into this stone. Just a stone."

Lin Feng walked around the stone and picked out a few rough stones. Mingzhe stood and watched. He often picks rough stones. The rough stones picked out by Lin Feng are very good!

"No wonder."

Mingzhe smiled and nodded, his eyes flashed a little, "I said that Brother Lin's method is so good, it turned out to be practiced."

"Yes, my pupil power is different from others. My pupil power is a bit special. Although I can't see through the rough stone, it is much easier than ordinary people choose rough stone."

"Is this why Senior Longyu forbids you to enter?"

"The old man is very shrewd, for fear that I will take away the good things." Lin Feng waved his hand, and said helplessly.

However, in a few words, the relationship between the two people immediately got closer.

(End of this chapter)

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