Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3955: Turbulence

Suddenly, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

In front, a huge turbulence rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

The spatial turbulence was whizzing and rolled directly towards the spatial passage. Lin Feng mobilized the strength of his whole body to resist the spatial turbulence, and his body flew towards the designated place.

The turbulence left a series of openings on Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng's speed was getting faster and faster. Feeling the changing scenery around him, Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

The turbulence in this space is stronger than he imagined!

Soon, Lin Feng's body passed through the spatial turbulence. The pain in his whole body caused Lin Feng's body to convulse continuously. Lin Feng resisted his physical exhaustion and passed through the spatial turbulence, and finally his whole body fell on the ground. ,

The feeling of hitting the ground made Lin Feng breathe a sigh of relief. He took out a small concealment formation from the storage ring and concealed himself in it, and Lin Feng fell asleep directly.

The surroundings were warm, and the spiritual power continued to spread around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't know how long he had been asleep, he was awakened by the laughter of the girls.

There seemed to be a sound of being shot on the water in the distance, and Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Several young girls with good figures entered Lin Feng's sight. These young girls were bathing in the lake, bathing and playing in the water.

The girls were very happy. Their delicate bodies were swimming in the water, each with a smile on their faces, constantly tapping the water to make splashes.

Lin Feng sat there and looked ignorantly.

This place is completely strange to him.

Thinking that I seemed to have fallen asleep because of drowsiness, did I just fall here?

Lin Feng straightened up, only to realize that his clothes all over his body were damaged.

"Damn space turbulence!"

Lin Feng cursed in a low voice.


Hearing the sound, the girls immediately got together and looked around.

The next moment, the girls began to exclaim.

Lin Feng looked at the girls' eyes on his side. Lin Feng glanced down at himself. The original formation was shrouded on him, but as he stood up, the formation had lost its effect. It was exposed here, and it was exposed to a group of little girls!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screams of the girls resounded across the sky. Lin Feng quickly put on his clothes and then waved his hands, saying, "I said little girls, this has nothing to do with me, so what do you do when you come to the wilderness to take a bath?"

While talking, Lin Feng stepped back.


A young girl pointed at Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to take a peek at your small body. I'll tell you, you still need to raise your body more!"

With that, Lin Feng's body quickly moved back.

The responsive girl had already put on her clothes and quickly chased after Lin Feng.

"Boy, we are going to kill you!"

A group of girls chased directly towards Lin Feng, and felt the look of this group of girls. Lin Feng's body trembled and ran straight ahead.

"Lying on the grass, I said I didn't mean it!"


"kill him!"

The girls were like a rainbow, and they chased Lin Feng directly.

"God, you are deliberately playing with me!" Lin Feng shook his head bitterly as he ran. He didn't expect that he would get into such trouble in a good manner!

He just passed by!

Feeling the girl who is still following him, Lin Feng's face is full of tears.

He also broke in unintentionally, but at this time Lin Feng didn't even have the mind to deal with the group of young girls in front of him.

Lin Feng ran all the way, the girl behind didn't mean to let Lin Feng go, chasing Lin Feng in the mountains and forests.

Lin Feng's mind moved and wanted to take out Chitaki. However, Lin Feng found that the Chaos Seed seemed to be blocked by something, and he could not enter at all, and his mind seemed to have become much weaker.


Feeling his physical state, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise.

The power on his body seemed to have received some kind of traction, and now he couldn't use it at all.

What is this place?

Looking at the girls chasing from behind, Lin Feng did not run again, but stood there waiting for the girls to appear. The girls stood there and snorted coldly when they saw Lin Feng.

"Kill this disciple!"

The girl who took the lead rushed up first holding a long sword.

Lin Feng frequently attacked the girls, and stopped the girls from coming out soon, "Little girl, I really didn't mean it!"

"It wasn't intentional, did you fail deliberately?" The little girl snorted coldly, and the long sword flicked and attacked Lin Feng one at a time. Lin Feng frowned when she felt the little girl's action.

Surrounded by such a group of little girls, Lin Feng assassin was a little bit dumbfounded. The most important thing was that his power was blocked.

"Where is this place?" Lin Feng grabbed the little girl's hand and asked in a low voice. "I don't know why I appeared here, you tell me!"

"I want to cheat!"

The little girl didn't listen to Lin Feng at all, and a group of people snorted coldly and shot at Lin Feng again.


Seeing the appearance of a group of little girls, Lin Feng shook his head. This group of little things ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is really getting more and more reasonable.

Lin Feng's body suddenly moved, and the little girls hadn't reacted yet. Lin Feng had already withdrawn from the ground and surrounded a few people.

Lin Feng clapped his hands.

"how is it?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people quickly stepped back, still looking at Lin Feng with a guard, but their expressions became more indifferent, and Lin Feng smiled.

"Okay, now you guys answer my question, don't worry, I don't mean anything to your group of little white bone spirits." Lin Feng looked at the group of little girls up and down, and then said.

Although the little girls are youthful and vigorous, in other respects, they are still far behind.

His wives, that's really good-looking.

"Don't wait for me, I'm a person of your uncle level anymore, and I'm not interested in you." Lin Feng waved his hand and said a little disgustingly, "Now you come and tell me where is this place?"

Lin Feng pointed around, "Who are you all?"

The few little girls were still not convinced, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, got firewood and burned the fire, which may be the reason for the lowered cultivation base. Lin Feng felt that he was a little hungry.

Lin Feng walked around in the mountains and forests. After half an hour, he returned with a wild rabbit. He glanced at the girls and started roasting rabbit meat.

There was a condiment in the storage ring. Lin Feng took it out and sprinkled it on the rabbit meat. A strong scent spread instantly around. The girls sniffed the scent and swallowed their saliva one by one.

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