Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3865: Trading partners

Lin Feng didn't seem to see the gloom on Long Yu's face, so he leaned forward and asked with a smile, "How come your old face looks like you've been bullied."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Long Yu's expression stopped.

This guy is clearly on which pot to open or not to mention!

"Senior, in fact, you don't need to be so desperate when you are old. Isn't it just a meteorite from outside the sky? Wait, maybe you can get it out!"

"You kid don't understand!" Long Yu groaned.

Lin Feng shrugged.

"Come with me!" Long Yu Urn said angrily.

Lin Feng did not speak any more.

Long Yu took Lin Feng to his gambling shop.

"You had better keep the meteorite from the outer world on your body." When he was about to enter, Long Yu said to Lin Feng with a serious face.

"Of course, I had an agreement with Senior Long Yu. Don’t worry, Senior Long Yu, I’m the most faithful person. Since I have agreed to you, Senior, I won’t do that. It's a backlash."

Lin Feng smiled brilliantly, and with a wave of his hand, the meteorite from outside the sky radiated in Lin Feng's palm that Long Yu couldn't wait to pounce on it directly.

"Actually, Senior Long Jade wants to collect shiny things. Isn’t it better for Immortal Realm? The magic coin of the Demon Realm is Black Brondong. I did not expect Senior Long Jade to like it too!

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Long Yu looked at the smile on Lin Feng’s face, wishing to slap this kid fiercely. If he didn’t know what virtue this guy was, he would be easy to be caught by this kid. The guy cheated!

"Count you acquaintance!" Long Yu continued to move forward, "I have lived for so many years, I have long disliked those shiny things."

Lin Feng glanced at the layout of the casino, touched his nose and said nothing.

Seeing Lin Feng's laid-back look, Long Yu suddenly thought of teasing, this kid bullied him!

"I didn't get Shilong's remnant soul."

Long Yu suddenly said with a smile.

Hearing Long Yu's words, Lin Feng turned around and was about to leave. Long Yu held Lin Feng with a gloomy expression on his face.

"You kid can't just listen to me?"

"There is nothing, we have nothing to say, Senior Long also knows, I am like that, since it is all clear, the thing is not there, I will naturally not trade with Senior Long."

Lin Feng said solemnly. After thinking about what he said, Lin Feng nodded his head with a positive expression, as expected, there was nothing wrong with it.

Long Yu's face turned black.

"But I have invited people over for you. Whether you can get it is your own ability. No one can easily get the remnant soul of Shilong. This time, if you didn’t have a dragon on your body, I couldn’t do it. !"

Long Yu snorted.


Lin Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Long Yu would have brought the man with the remnant soul of the peach over. Should he leave?

Lin Feng knew that there were too many secrets in him, and these secrets must not be revealed, but thinking of the remnant soul...

Taozi's remnant soul is what Liusuo cares most about.

He is the master of Liusuo, but Liusuo is the first dragon, and they have their own principles of existence.

Lin Feng knew in his heart that Liusuo would do things for him, but if Liusuo could do things for him desperately, there were many differences between the two.

What he wanted was Liu Shuo dedicated to doing things for him.

"Master, let's go in. Master, don't worry, we will do everything for the master seriously."

"Yes master, please trust us."

"Master, we are right behind you."

Liusuo whispered to Lin Feng, for fear that Lin Feng would not enter.

Lin Feng nodded when hearing Liusuo's words.

"Okay, you guys are ready. If there is any trouble or grabbing over there, we will take action. We must not lose the wife and break the army again!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Things must be obtained! "

"Master, we know!"

"The master can rest assured, even if we are sleeping hard, we will not let the master make any mistakes!"

"Thank you, master."

"Everyone is always on guard, remember, at critical moments, you must also protect yourself, I don't want any of you to have an accident, know?" Lin Feng said again, "If I can't beat me, I will directly enter the chaos seed If I don’t have time to take you away, you must remember that no matter who wants you to surrender, you must surrender first and protect yourself.”

Lin Feng's mind and Liusuo pass.

He had spent countless efforts on Liusuo. Each of them had never agreed and followed Lin Feng willingly. Lin Feng's feelings for them were special, and he didn't want them to have trouble.

"Yes, master."

Lin Feng nodded, then let out a sigh of relief.

With Liu Shuo by his side, Lin Feng's heart also let go. Seeing Long Yu walked a lot forward, Lin Feng hurriedly trot to follow.

Long Yu turned his head and saw Lin Feng's appearance, and finally saw the appearance of a young man from Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng followed Long Yu up.

"You old thing, does it take so long to pick up someone?" An old voice came over, and Lin Feng stopped.

It really is……

Before the hard work, Long Po Po was not willing to let go. In the blink of an eye, Long Po Po was invited by Long Yu?

Nie Yuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng was a little bit dumbfounded.

Lin Feng sighed. Sure enough, Grandma Long was still pitting her once and for all. It turned out that Taozi's remnant soul was still on Grandma Long.

Seeing Lung Po Po's appearance, Lin Feng finally couldn't help shaking his head. This Lung Po Po...

At this moment, Lin Feng finally saw it.

Lung Po Po, a bad person, was really not an ordinary competent person. If Lung Po Po did not come out at this time, Lin Feng really couldn't believe that Long Po Po would deceive him again.

Obviously at that time, Long Po Po said sincerely and sincerely.

This old dragon...

Seeing Grandma Long again, Lin Feng's abacus had already crackled and was ready.

This time, Granny Long is not allowed to play with her again. Since everyone is angry, Lin Feng has also organized and prepared hungry. You must actually get things in your hands. If you don’t get them, he also worried!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Long Po Po, long time no see." Lin Feng greeted her first and waved to Long Po Po, let alone how pure the smile on her face was.

The long-lost familiar voice made Long Po Po's body tremble, seeing Lin Feng, Long Po Po's eyes flashed with complexity.

She didn't expect that what she was concealing would ultimately be honest and face-to-face with Lin Feng.

This kid...

Thinking of Lin Feng's actions, Long Po Po's expression became more serious and serious.

This little guy is not so easy to deal with.

"It's you?"

(End of this chapter)

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