Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3961: Extraordinary

Lin Feng waved his hand and sat cross-legged directly under the spirit fruit tree.

"You can share these spirit fruits by yourself, I don't need them."

With that, Lin Feng closed his eyes directly.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, a few people look at me and I look at you, one by one looking at each other a little bit. They don't know why Lin Feng got here, and they don't want it.

"Don't worry about me, it's fine if you are busy." After that, Lin Feng closed his eyes again.

This time, Lin Feng began to perceive everything in this place through the involvement of spiritual power.

Law, energy.

Since there is aura here, there must be laws in this world, and laws can be understood.

Lin Feng's mind is wandering in Wudi.

Royal nobles, ordinary people, pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep and even some domesticated monsters, countless things entered Lin Feng's field of vision.

They are living lives.

These beings began to slowly take shape in Lin Feng's mind, countless things appeared in Lin Feng's world, and Lin Feng had a little more perception of this world.

With these perceptions, Lin Feng can clearly feel what kind of environment life exists here, and their perception of the current life.

Suddenly, a strong earth spirit power hit his face.

Thick soil appeared on Lin Feng's back.

"Master, this is the power of the Earth Spirit Orb, this is the purest origin of the Earth!"

The origin of the soil?

Lin Feng's body trembled for a moment, and then a strong joy spread to Lin Feng's entire body.

"Master, you must get the Earth Spirit Orb. This is of great use to you, Master!" Hou Tu reminded again, and Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng's mind was still spreading, but that power seemed to be hidden in an instant, and could no longer be found.

Many pagodas.

The top of the tower.

Yao Yiyi held a small pot, looked at the sky, frowned slightly.

"It's the power of the Earth Spirit Orb, has it been discovered? Is that the cultivator?" Yao Yiyi raised his head and looked at the sky, the power of his whole body formed a little bit, and then a little bit dissipated, Yao Yiyi A mouthful of blood came out.

"Without aliens, it is impossible to gather power for cultivation."

Yao Yiyi was so sure, and hugged things down to the top of the tower.

"Holy Lady."

The maids waited for Yao Yiyi at the door. Seeing that Yao Yiyi's scarf was stained with blood, they immediately rushed to support Yao Yiyi.

"I'm fine, you guys will quickly go down the mountain to find out what has changed in the three countries recently!"


The maids went out quickly, Yao Yiyi stood there and took off the scarf.

A face similar to Shi Ningxue appeared there.

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.


"Master?" Zhu Yin looked at Lin Feng.

"I saw the appearance of that woman, that woman was actually exactly the same as Shi Ningxue, candle Yin, do you think it is possible to invest in exactly the same person in this world?" Lin Feng turned to look at candle Yin and asked.

The candle shade was silent. ,

"It’s impossible for people to be exactly the same, but if one person splits, it’s possible. There was a colorful fairy in ancient things, and she divided herself into seven people to gain immortality, but in the end she still Failed."

Candle Yin frowned and whispered.

"Did the master see anything?"

"I saw three women who are exactly the same. You have also seen one. She is named Shi Ningxue. She almost came up from the lower realm with me. There is also a girl named Mo Chou from Nether City, and the other one is this pagoda. Yao Yiyi."

Lin Feng frowned.

"I don't know what these women are related to, but my instinct tells me that these people may have secrets we need."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the candlelight nodded.

"Then the master is going to explore it?

Lin Feng shook his head.

The woman had no interest in Lin Feng or trouble, but the point was that Lin Feng had the greatest skepticism about why this woman appeared here.

"grown ups?"

"My lord, you have been asleep for three months, are you okay?"

Lin Feng just moved his body and then shook his head.

Three months. ,

Unexpectedly, after such a short time, three months passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Feng's heart was a little bit more embarrassed. Seeing several people still here, Lin Feng shook his head.

"I said, you don't have to worry about me, just go busy yourself." Lin Feng looked at these people and said in a low voice.

"This was originally our home." The leader scratched his head and said embarrassingly. "My lord, you have been here for many days. Do you need me to prepare food for you?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Just prepare whatever you want. I'm not picky about eating."

Several people nodded, and Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief.

"Master, what's the matter?" The candle shade crawled out, "Is there any discovery?"

"I can't find the Spirit of Space here, but Hou Tu reminded me that there is an Earth Spirit Orb here. Would you say that the Earth Spirit Orb here becomes a spirit, so there is a Spirit of Space here?" Lin Feng turned his head to look at the candle's shade, and asked in a low voice, "It's so strange here, there are such things, and these things can satisfy the living conditions here, but it is a little beyond my expectation~www.wuxiaspot .com~Earth Orb is the supreme treasure produced by heaven and earth, and it is normal to support this space, but this kind of heaven and earth treasure has its own characteristics, and it may not be easy for the owner to find it."

The candle shade is also a little helpless.

"Yes." Lin Feng sat under the tree with a gloomy expression, "but we can't get out of here unless we find the Earth Spirit Orb. It's just that after we get the Earth Spirit Orb, this space is probably not preserved."

Lin Feng swept his gaze around, and said helplessly.

"I can feel that once I take the Earth Spirit Orb, this space will completely collapse, and the residents living here will not survive forever."

"Master, have you forgotten?" But the candle Yin suddenly turned to look at Lin Feng, "You have Chaos Seed. Chaos World is a separate world, just like Wudijie. If the master can remove the residents of Wudijie Bring them all into the chaotic world, then, won't the entire chaotic world begin?"

The candle-yin body came out of the candle-yin shuttle and circled around Lin Feng, "There are already people living in the chaos world, which proves that the world can survive. Since it can survive, why not let the master leave these people From the income, we circle a part of the site so that they can start to take care of the chaotic world. Can the owner save a lot of time?"

The candle shade looked at Lin Feng.

The chaotic world is full of aura, and Lin Feng constantly puts monsters and plants in it. The biological world of the chaotic world is quite complete, and the candle shade proposal is a very good one for Lin Feng. select.

(End of this chapter)

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