Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3962: Way to leave!

Chapter 3957 The way to leave!

"Although the ancestors of these people were guilty, they were innocent as latecomers. By doing this, the master completely liberated them. When they reach a certain level, the master can lift them out of the chaotic world. , Let them go to the immortal realm to practice, what do you think of the master?"

The candle shade looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded.

Chaos Seed is a world he cultivated himself. This world was produced by using countless materials, Dinghai God Pearl, and even Refining Demon Pots and other innate treasures. Lin Feng is very keen on Chaos Seed and the development of Chaos Seed. , Is also very troublesome.

But on the whole, Lin Feng didn't develop many places for the current Chaos Seeds, and most of them were still barren.

The proposal of candle shade happens to be.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Your proposal is just right. Let's just do it. At that time, if this space is about to collapse, we will take away the people here, just right." Lin Feng nodded and said seriously.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the candle Yin nodded and quickly returned to the candle Yin shuttle.

Several people came over with food.

"My lord, it's time to eat. We don't have many women here, so we don't prepare much food. Adults shouldn't be used to it."

"It's very good." Lin Feng greeted several people to sit down, "Sit down first. I will ask you something. How long have you been here?"

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at several people.

Several people looked at each other.

"In the past, we were also good people. Later, we were framed by others. We had no choice but to go into the mountains. When we entered this valley, we suffered from the miasma here. We thought we would not be able to survive. Later, we picked fruits and ate them. We survived."

Several people looked at each other and said, "We used to be the same village, and we grew up together. We have lived here all these years. Later, we brought our family over. It's just that a few of them were still young and unmarried. After the mountain people, no one wants to follow us anymore."

Several people sat there and said with some regret.

Lin Feng looked at the speaker who took the lead.

"What's your name?"

"The villain is called Fushun, and most of our villages are named Fu."

Lin Feng nodded.

"In this valley, has anything unusual happened?"


Several people shook their heads together.

"We have lived here for decades. Nothing is useful here. Nothing has happened. We are all familiar with everything here. When there were only a few of us in the past, the spirit fruit here could only It was enough for a few of us to eat. Later, when more people came, we transplanted a few plants in the backyard. We still guarded the spiritual fruits of these plants for our own consumption, and we let everyone eat them together."

Fushun shook his head and said affirmatively.

"My lord, what are you looking for? If you are looking for what? You can go to Duobao Pagoda. The saint of Duobao Pagoda can only predict the good and bad and detect the future. As long as the saint is willing to help you, the adults will know whatever they need to know. It can be done for adults."

"Yes, my lord, Duobao Pagoda is a holy place, and the saints there are the saints shared by everyone, very powerful."

"Duo Pagoda?"

Yao Yiyi?

Lin Feng shook his head.

"That woman won't help me, let's talk about it..."

Thinking of that woman’s face, Lin Feng felt a little reluctant to look for that woman. Whether it was Mo Chounv or Shi Ningxue, these two women were very dangerous. Although Yao Yiyi was incapable, Lin Feng could tell that it was not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

At this time, outside the sea.

The two daughters of Mo Chou and Shi Ningxue arrived at Lin Feng on the island where Lin Feng had entered the world before.

"who are you?"

As soon as the two women met, they immediately became vigilant, and when they looked at each other, they saw the alert in each other's eyes.

"Mo Sorrow Girl!"

"Shi Ningxue"

The two women spoke at the same time, and then began to fight.

The fighting between the two women was fierce. When everything was over, both women were seriously injured and were taken back by their respective people.

As for entering the island, the second daughter's current situation is not suitable for entering the island.

"Master, are we leaving now?"

Lin Feng stayed in the valley for a while. It was night, Lin Feng left a set of simple cultivation methods, and left the valley with candle Yin.

"Master, it's not good for you to leave the cultivation method, here are ordinary people, once these people cultivate and control Chaozun, it will be no good." Zhu Yin whispered.

"Since we have all come to this world, even though this group of people may occasionally be a little uncomfortable, they are also forced to be helpless. Besides, the three kingdoms have been standing for thousands of years, and this world should always have a little turbulence. ."

Lin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said.

The candle shade no longer opens.

After leaving the valley, Lin Feng didn't know where to go for a while, and he had left where he should go. The Earth Spirit Orb didn't know where to hide. It would take a lot of time to find it.

"Master, let me take you." Zhuyin whispered to Lin Feng, "The rules here seem to be of no use to me, I can still use them."

"They were all mortals at the time. If you want to take me to fly in the sky, we are really going to be the focus..." Before Lin Feng finished speaking, he was silent, turned his head and looked happy. Road:

"Let's go, you take me to heaven, make my body a little bigger, and make it a little more magnanimous, so that the villagers will mistakenly think that we are gods descending from the earth. Let's go to the village to inquire about the news. This will definitely be easier."

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the candle shade, and said solemnly.

The corners of the candle-yin mouth twitched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Will it scare the villagers? "

Lin Feng shook his head.

People's curiosity is very powerful. Once curiosity is up, let alone scared, it is estimated that at this point, I can barely show them. Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Don't worry. It won't scare them, but it will arouse their strong curiosity."

Candlelight nodded.

The candle Yin led Lin Feng directly out of the mountain. As for the few people in the valley, Lin Feng thought, these guys probably don't have time to get out of the mountain now. The powerful force, the beginning of the immortal cultivation has been given to them. , As for their future, this is beyond Lin Feng's control.

Candle Yin quickly led Lin Feng to land on the empty space of the village. As Lin Feng said, the villagers were a little scared at first, but as time passed, they all came together one by one. There is no fear at all.

What Lin Feng said was the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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