Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3873: Behead

The cultivation bases of these Corpse Yin sect disciples are very powerful, each of them is at least in the Golden Immortal stage of Dzogchen, and there are even a lot of powers of Daluo Jinxian. Of course, behind these Corpse Yin sect disciples, they also bring With their countless doglegs, although the cultivation of those doglegs is not very good, they assisted behind and completely locked Lin Feng in this circle.

Here, in the eyes of the corpse Yin sect disciples, it was Lin Feng's burial place!

"In order to deal with me, the Corpse Yin Sect really did not hesitate to use the backbone of the martial arts."

Lin Feng sneered, took a sip, and directly greeted him with the Fengtong sword in his hand.

Under the sea, black vines entangled directly towards Bo Xunsuo. Bo Xunsuo turned into a small shuttle and flew back to Lin Feng's hair, holding Lin Feng's hair quietly. The sword field was in Lin. Feng's feet blossomed, and the flames of the heart of the earth directly confronted the black vines. The flames continued to burn around, and a strong stench quickly spread around them.

There was a crying and howling sound from the bottom of the sea. The sound seemed to be able to pass through the soul of a person, lingering in the human mind for a long time.

Among the ghost vines, a corpse was pulled out from it, and directly chased Lin Feng.

"Go!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and the copper corpse in hand was thrown directly at the corpses, and the disciples of the Yin Yin Sect surrounded Lin Feng.

Perhaps because of the smell of battle, the copper corpse seemed to be very happy, walking among those corpses, completely ignoring the bullying of those corpses.

Lin Feng is among these corpse Yin sect disciples.

The corpse Yin sect disciples kept walking around Lin Feng in a regular manner, using their physical bodies to set up a formation to trap Lin Feng.

"The news, we can spare you not to die!" A black-clothed man appeared in front of Lin Feng and said loudly, "Go back to the martial arts to lead the crime!"

"Are you fools, I killed Bai Cang, do you think Corpse Yin Sect will let me go?"

"You are still naive!"

Lin Feng sneered, "Everyone has been brainwashed by the corpse yin sect. You have been silly after practicing for a long time!"

"Lin Feng, don't go too far! Either obediently and our Tiger Hill today, or be killed by us, you only have two days to go!"

"It's fine to fight directly. As for what we can't go back, let's not talk about it." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "You see how stupid you are."


"I already knew that your teeth are sharp, everyone, don't bother with this guy, just shoot!" A corpse Yin sect disciple yelled at the back, and rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

"I'm here too!" Hehe smiled and confronted these corpse-yin sect disciples. The corpse-yin sect disciples were very strong in cultivation, but in front of Lin Feng, especially when Lin Feng was promoted to Da Luo Jinxian, those After a period of time, the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect were very surprised at Lin Feng's arrival.

This kid...

Why did this kid's cultivation become so powerful?

The disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect quickly backed away.

As these Corpse Yin Sect disciples retreated, their formation became unstable, and Fengtong Sword directly greeted the formation.


Something broke in an instant, all the disciples were thrown out, the formation was cracked, and Lin Feng stood in the sky, the aura of his whole body becoming more and more intense.

"Fortunately, Chaos Seed can provide a steady stream of spiritual power."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This formation is not easy to crack. Lin Feng has exhausted all his strength just now, and his body is still a little hollow at this time. Although the Chaos Seed is continuously recovering his strength, it is obviously not enough.

Feeling this, Lin Feng sighed.

The strength is still too weak.

The white feather sword lingered around Lin Feng, and Feng Tongjian seemed to have reached a consensus, and the two swords directly resonated a little more.

"Lin Feng, you concealed your cultivation!"

"I said you are not stupid!" Hearing these guys' words, Lin Feng rolled his eyes, "Since it's here, don't stay, let's solve it all at once!"

Lin Feng took a sip and grabbed these guys directly.

The Fengtong sword and the Baiyu sword almost didn’t need Lin Feng’s control, and they killed the disciple here. The aura of the two swords blended together very well. The sword field lingered around the two swords, and the powerful sword aura allowed The bodies of the Corpse Yin Sect disciples all twisted.

The corpse Yin sect disciples stepped back a bit, and each and every one looked at the scene in disbelief. These two swords are so powerful of willpower!

"The flame of the center of the earth, don't be greedy!" Lin Feng lowered his head, and said with a cold snort, seeing the flame of the center of the earth entangled with the ghost vine.

The flames of the flames in the heart of the earth immediately climbed up, and the fiery breath enveloped all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

The corpse Yin sect disciples all stepped back. They didn't like this breath very much.

It's so uncomfortable.

"Stop for me!"

Seeing the disciples behind them backing, the leading Corpse Yin Sect disciple yelled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone stopped, the man turned to look at Lin Feng and sneered.

"Lin Feng, these are your skills? It's no wonder that so many corpse Yin sect disciples have been damaged in your hands. Your skills are really good."

The disciple took a hungry step forward, waved his hand, and his corpse returned behind him.

All the corpse Yin sect disciples recalled their abilities. The corpse and the people stood together, as if forming a weird balance. Lin Feng stood there and took a bite. Regardless of the weirdness of these guys, he attacked directly. past.

Guiteng was so disturbed by the flames of the earth's center that he couldn't bear it.

The ghost vine dispersed, and the corpses were lying there quietly, silent.

Lin Feng sighed.

"Go ahead!"

As he said, Lin Feng's body began to undergo weird changes. In the unbelievable eyes of those corpse Yin sect disciples, Lin Feng made a crackling sound all over his body. The next moment, a huge claw directly caught one of them. A disciple squeezed this disciple directly into blood and fell on the sea below.

A few sea beasts flew out, gnawing the bodies of these disciples.

"Let’s do it, if you don’t do it, this time, you won’t be able to leave alive.",

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, all the Corpse Yin Sect disciples stepped back.

A powerful breath crushed them, and this breath made their bodies tremble slightly.

I don't know what's going on, they are naturally full of vigilance in the presence of a breath.

"You...what the **** are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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