Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3876: Tricky

The disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect gathered together, looking at Lin Feng over there, their eyes flashed gloomy.

The silent explosion sounded suddenly from the sea. Before the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect could react, Liu Shuo directly shuttled among the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect. The Netherworld Karma burst into the sky, enveloping half of the sky in it. .

"What a powerful formation!"

"As expected of the corpse Yinzong..."

The cultivators below saw this scene, and their eyes were incredibly unbelievable. They did not expect that such a powerful formation would appear here. Everyone swallowed their saliva and couldn't help but retreat a little. , Corpse Yinzong, they still don't offend.

As for the candle shade of the formation itself, he was hiding in the Nether Karma fire at this time, and was constantly wandering around.

As they wandered, those corpse Yin sect disciples couldn't avoid this explosion at all, and they were all obediently thrown into the battle circle.

The soul power of the candle-yin was released, and his soul attack was very powerful. Most of the corpse-yin sect disciples were caught by the soul attack of the candle-yin a little carelessly. At this time, they were constantly rotating around, and it was impossible to avoid it. Open candlesticks.

A disciple of the Corpse Yin Sect, naturally, Lin Feng had a candle that could control his mind.

Soon, some of the corpse Yin sect disciples began to turn to each other.

"Are you crazy?"

"Look clearly, don't you find that you are attacking the same door?" These corpse Yin sect disciples looked at each other, and each of them was gloomy, but those corpse Yin sect disciples had scarlet eyes, and their attack speed became more and more rapid. stand up.

"It's the appearance of those disciples of the previous Demon Cult!"

Seeing this, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect quickly reacted. You look at me, I look at you, and their eyes become more and more gloomy.

This hand is too spicy.

Feeling this, all the people who were still thinking about taking action were quiet at this moment, sitting there in silence one by one, watching this scene flash with cold light.

Lin Feng didn't seem to see everyone.

"Master, is it all right?" Zhu Yin returned to Lin Feng's side and whispered, "Although my methods are powerful, they are outside after all. This is not my world. The time I can control is limited."

"These guys will wake up soon."

Lin Feng nodded, speeding up his shot.

Wushuo joined forces to fight, and their bodies were all modified, and bullets hit the bodies of these corpse Yin sect disciples and their bodies. Soon, these corpses showed a faint grayish brown.

"Lin Feng!"

A disciple yelled.

"What's the matter with Grandpa?"

"I'm going to kill you!" The disciple yelled and walked through the crowd.

"I satisfy you!"

Fengtong Sword passed through this disciple's side, and the potential energy position and the sword field locked the big Luo Jinxian powerhouse of the corpse Yin sect. The next moment, the white feather sword passed through this person's body.

"Tsk tusk, it doesn't seem to work." Lin Feng shook his head, "The means are not ruthless."

A corpse appeared from behind Lin Feng and slashed directly on Lin Feng's neck.

Lin Feng's body moved back quickly. Although he was attacked, the speed at his feet did not slow down at all.

The disciples of the Corpse Yin sect were infiltrated by the formation of Candle Yin, but these corpses, they did not have any scrutiny, at this time, they were not under any control at all.

"damn it!"

Looking at the corpses rushing towards him continuously, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a fierceness. These corpses are basically of the copper corpse level. Although his can handle these, in front of these bronze corpses, it appears Still some are not enough.

"Master, bullet!" Chitaki flew back to Lin Feng's side. "These bullets, Young Master Yang Yang, are used to research and deal with Da Luo Jinxian and below. The damage to these Corpse Yin Sect disciples is too low."

Chitaki said helplessly.

"Or, master, let's throw an atom and pop it up! In this case, it will be solved in one go."

Lin Feng glanced at the bottom. There were countless disciples watching the battle below. None of these disciples were from the corpse Yin sect. They only appeared here because of curiosity. Lin Feng was not the one who killed the corpse. He almost didn't blink his eyes, but if the innocent people below were all killed under the atomic bomb, Lin Feng was still a little unhappy.

"Not now." Lin Feng shook his head.

"First restraint. When the people below realize that there is less error, let's circle these guys with a formation method and throw an atomic bomb to solve it."

Lin Feng held the Fengtong sword in his hand and attacked again.

"The candle shade is releasing information. The disciples below will soon feel the soul power released by the candle shade. Then they will naturally feel the reason for the candle shade to do so. When the time comes, they will be able to deal with these guys. "

Lin Feng pointed Wu Shuo.

"These people are just curiosity. We don't need to make so many murders in this place."

Lin Feng's failure to make a move was a good thing for the corpse Yin Sect.

The bomb attack shuttled through the small world ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect adapted to the darkness here. After they adapted, it became more and more difficult for Lin Feng to take action against them.

The fighting between the two sides was hard to separate, and the disciples below looked at the darkness above, one by one, very anxious.

"What the **** is going on? Is there any solution to the enemy?"

That's right, why is it like this?

"It's really hard to accept!"

"No, the corpse Yinzong seems to have won, and they seem to be ready to deal with us."

"The disciples of the corpse Yin sect, as long as they see other disciples, they will take action. They don't have any mercy at all..."

"The disciples of the Dead Yin Sect are all beasts..."

There are more and more people watching the theater below, but their minds seem to have received some traction. They seem to feel different things, and these things prompt them to step back a little bit. Soon, news of Lin Feng's encounter with the corpse Yinzong spread.

Gossip, no matter where it is, is the latest hot spot.

But it was just a traitor from the Corpse Yin Sect. In the eyes of everyone, it was absolutely only a very short time to deal with Lin Feng.

However, two hours passed, and Lin Feng was still fighting these corpse Yin sect disciples.

Five hours...

Eight hours...

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

For three whole days, the fighting above can be said to be endless. After three days passed, everything finally became quieter. Lin Feng stood on the sky and nodded to the candle.

(End of this chapter)

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