Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3972: Unrepentant

Yao Yiyi judged Lin Feng this way.


Ji Ruoli ran to Lin Feng's side. "Master, we will arrive in Haicheng soon. Zhao Haoran is gone. Many things in his mansion have been cleaned out. I have people to keep it now. Master, do you want to go with me?"

Ji Ruoli looked at Lin Feng with his head tilted.

"Since you have a cell phone, it is yours. You can put it away. I am not interested in those things."

Lin Feng shook his head and whispered, "By the way, girl, if you have time to go back to Dasheng Village, Yangyang has a lot of new discoveries, you can also go back and arm yourself again."

Lin Feng whispered to Ji Ruoli.

"I'll talk to my brother." Ji Ruoli stuck out his tongue. "My brother is stingy, and Xuan Xuan and I will have to hand in the materials when we go to get them."

Ji Ruoli stuck out his tongue and whispered, "I have never seen such a stingy brother!"


Lin Feng could only sigh.

Yang Yang’s cultivation has almost been **** with his strength. He usually relies on his strength to complete his cultivation. The things on his body are his most important thing, so Yang Yang also cherishes it extraordinarily, and naturally he is reluctant to bear it. Take it out.

When Ji Ruoli said so, Lin Feng could only shake his head.

This result is something he cannot change.

"Master, talk to Brother Yangyang!" Ji Ruoli whispered, "We can't get him so much material!"

"The rules can't be broken. Everyone is following the rules, so don't think too much about you." Lin Feng said to Ji Ruoli with a smile, "Try hard to gain cultivation, if it's easy. If you get it, your motivation will be gone."

Lin Feng whispered to Ji Ruoli.

Ji Ruoli pouted a little unhappy, but still nodded.

"Fortunately, Zhao Haoran didn't know the baby in my storage bag. He just took what he knew, and he kept the rest for me. I decided to take out my tear gas canister and use it every day. One, want him to burst into tears every day!"

Ji Ruoli said with a smile.

Seeing Ji Ruoli's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head and moved his mind, causing Qiantaki to place Zhao Haoran in Bo Xunsuo.

"Speaking of which, Zhao Haoran is still here!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "It's in the dark room of Suodi, I will bring it out."

Lin Feng said that he was going in, and Ji Ruoli took the lead.

"I go!"

With that said, Ji Ruoli went in quickly.

Ouyang Bai stood there rubbing his nose, and fell into the hands of the little witch Ji Ruoli, Zhao Haoran, it is estimated that he is going to peel off.

Lin Feng and his party returned to the island. As soon as they got on the island, all the eyes of Lin Feng and his party fell on Zhao Haoran.

Not seen for a year, Zhao Haoran looks more embarrassed than they thought!

This guy was caught by someone!

This is simply...

Everyone saw this scene with a bit weird in their eyes, so good, this former overlord had become a prisoner of others.

All of them were hungry some distance from Lin Feng and his group, and they didn't dare to strike up a conversation with these people in front of them.

Nonsense, the person in front of you is someone who even Zhao Haoran has tied up!

"Ruo Li, don't be too ostentatious!" Seeing Ji Ruoli's appearance, Lin Feng sighed and said in a low voice, "Zhao Haoran has a lot of friends. It would be no good if someone came out to rescue him at this time."

"Hmph, this guy doesn't have any friends. Those so-called friends are all because of his face. Now he is a prisoner and no one will come to save him. Zhao Haoran, don't you think?"

Ji Ruoli patted Zhao Haoran.

Zhao Haoran raised her head ignorantly.

Although I have adapted to it for a while, but for so long in the dark world, Zhao Haoran is still a little uncomfortable with the outside light at this time. After hearing Ji Ruoli's words, he just nodded blankly. After a long time, Zhao Haoran's mind returned. In my own world.

He had a life-saving elixir in his body, so when he was fighting at that time, he relied on the power of the registered elixir to survive, but when he woke up, he found that he was imprisoned.

I don't know who it is or where it is.

Zhao Haoran thought about escape, but he couldn't escape at all. Everything here is so unfamiliar. He didn't have any way to escape at all. Time passed by a little bit, and Zhao Haoran himself didn't know how long it took. When he reacted, Zhao Haoran finally realized that he could never leave again.

But just now, he was taken out.

Familiar breath and familiar world, Zhao Haoran had not had time to resist, so Ji Ruoli was **** with immortal ropes.

The memory in his mind merged with the scene in front of him. Zhao Haoran’s gaze swept over Lin Feng and Ji Ruoli, and finally fell on Ji Ruoli.

Ji Ruoli has a pretty smile on his face, which is different from when he was under his control. Now Ji Ruoli is lively and cheerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole body exudes a strong breath, golden fairy period, Ji Ruoli After being controlled by him for more than half a year, he successfully broke through the golden fairy period!

"I knew you were a genius, and I regret that I didn't deal with you thoroughly at that time."

Zhao Haoran sneered, looked at Ji Ruoli and said.

"Do I still want to thank you for not touching it?" Ji Ruoli groaned, then opened his mouth and smiled. "Zhao Haoran, don't worry, I won't let you go so easily. You should believe that you will live happily every day next to you."

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Haoran and said with a smile, "I will satisfy you."

Zhao Haoran's whole body trembled when he heard Ji Ruoli's words.

"Lin Feng, let me go."

Zhao Haoran turned to look at Lin Feng, "I have collected a lot of good things over the years, and I am willing to give it to you as long as you let me go."

Zhao Haoran couldn't manage that much anymore, turned to look at Lin Feng, and said solemnly, "No matter what you want, I'm willing to give it to you!"

Lin Feng shook his head when he heard Zhao Haoran's words.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any interest in those things about you. The key now is Ruo Li. If Li is willing to let you go, then let you go. If Li is unwilling, it's useless to beg me."

Lin Feng shook his head.

Yao Yiyi snorted coldly.

Zhao Haoran's gaze immediately fell on Yao Yiyi, and after he realized that Yao Yiyi was completely a mortal, Zhao Haoran's expression became indifferent.

"You **** it."

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