Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3882: Yun Xiuxiu's guidance

"This sentence is wrong for you. Share it with me. You still have the possibility to leave a part of it. Moreover, I still have a way to help you promote the formation again. I guarantee that those guys can't find you. , If you work with those guys, you should know too."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Xiaoyi.

"Those guys spend so much manpower to find what you snatched away, do you think they will leave you even a little bit?"

"They won't stay at all."

"So, are you thinking about it? Don't worry. I am a person who is very trustworthy. If I promise you, I can do it. Quickly show it and share with me. We are one and half, and I will be conservative for you. Secret, how about letting you go safely?"

Xiaoyi was speechless.

He couldn't wait to tear the smile on Lin Feng's face, but Lin Feng just sat there with an easy-going face.

"share it!"

After a long time, Xiaoyi gritted his teeth and said viciously, "You must share!"

"That's right!" Lin Feng smiled very happily.

"Let's go, let's find a place where there is no one to chat." Lin Feng took Xiao Yi and turned around.

A formation was thrown on the ground by Lin Feng, and the formation quietly merged into the ground. The next moment, the entire formation changed, and the center of the formation pointed directly outside the city.

"You... how did you do it?"

Xiaoyi swallowed and asked.

"Of course it's a secret."

The three quickly entered the small alley. Just as Xiaoyi was about to escape, Lin Feng made a booing motion, and with a ‘pop’, he took a talisman on Xiaoyi and Yun Xiuxiu’s bodies.

"At this time, the invisibility talisman can be very useful."

Lin Feng looked at Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi stopped at his original pace of fleeing, and could only stand pitifully beside Lin Feng.

Just now, Lin Feng photographed a restriction on his body, and this restriction is above his soul. No matter where he goes, Lin Feng can feel his presence, whether it is the soul city or the immortal world. .


Yun Xiuxiu and Xiaoyi couldn't laugh or cry. Yun Xiuxiu was because of Lin Feng's invisibility charm, and Xiaoyi was because of Lin Feng's harshness.

"You still carry this with you!"

After breaking through the human and immortal period, everyone can basically hide in the air. As for the invisibility talisman, it will never be brought to the body at all.

"Yes, bring a little. Sometimes, some things can always play a certain role in key places. This effect may not help you a lot, but with this little smile, many things need to be handled. Much more convenient."

With a gentle smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, he said with a smile, "Furthermore, sometimes there are things on the body, and you can sell them to make some immortal spirit stones, so as to relieve others' needs.

Listening to Lin Feng's words at this moment, both of them began to meditate. For the first time, they felt that it was good to have something with them.

Lin Feng stood there with two people, all three of them concealed their breath, and the group of people went straight ahead without noticing the three people in the alley at all.

After half an hour, the group of people left with regret. They were basically sure that there was no one here.

As for the formation, it has long been outside the city.

"Damn it, let this kid run away!"

"It's a pity, this kid doesn't know when he will come up. Even if he comes up, the thing is gone, there is no use."

"The president must scold us!"

The group left with regret, and did not notice the three people hiding under the wall.

When everyone left, Lin Feng walked out with two people.

Although Xiaoyi was not convinced, but got rid of the group of people over there, Xiaoyi breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked at Lin Feng with scarlet eyes.

These guys just bullied him for not having enough cultivation, so they came to take advantage of the fire.

"Hand it over." Lin Feng was not polite and stretched out his hand directly towards Xiaoyi, "Don't try to fight with us, our cultivation level is similar, but don't forget, we have two people."

Lin Feng smiled very much.

Yun Xiuxiu stood aside and did not speak by default. Although only people like Lin Feng could do robbery, she would be happy to participate in such a good thing as the profit of the left-handed fisherman. Good thing Ah, who would dislike too much?

Yun Xiuxiu blocked his way.

"Little guy, hand it over." Yun Xiuxiu also said with a smile.

There are jackals in front and tigers behind.

Xiaoyi looked at Lin Feng, and then at Yun Xiuxiu, knowing that this time he was really planted here.

Xiao Yi's breath languished.

"Send me where I left, and I'll give you the things." Xiaoyi gritted his teeth and said viciously.

As long as he reaches the teleportation array, he can leave.

As for how to return to the lower bounds.

Even if there are restrictions on him, Lin Feng may not know where he is!

The immortal world is so big, there are ways for him to hide, and when his cultivation level improves, he can remove the restriction!

He looked high, his smile eased a little, and his attitude improved a lot.

As long as he did this, he could get rid of Lin Feng for granted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thinking that he could get rid of Lin Feng, Xiaoyi was in a good mood.

"Okay." Lin Feng nodded, and walked outside with Xiao Yi, out of the city, Lin Feng stopped Xiao Yi.

"Okay, it's a safe zone from here, hand in something, don't think of avoiding me like this."

The mind was punctured, Xiao Yi was a bit ugly, but seeing Lin Feng's posture, it was clear that you would blame me for being ruthless if you didn't hand over anything, Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and still reluctantly handed over the things.

"That's good."

"What is this?" Lin Feng glanced up and down while holding the thing.

"It's a unique product of Divine Soul City, used to moisturize Divine Soul. This thing can't be found. I didn't expect this guy to get a bottle." Yun Xiuxiu said softly to Lin Feng, with stars shining in her eyes.

"Is it valuable?"

Lin Feng turned to look at Yun Xiuxiu.

"It's worthless for the time being, but this thing will be very valuable in the future, especially after being in Divine Soul City for a long time, our souls will inevitably be contaminated with something not good. With this, it can help us wash our souls and restore our souls to their original state. ."

"Also, this thing is the best thing to repair the soul. Whether it is a broken soul or a serious injury, as long as you drink it, the soul can be quickly repaired. This thing is outside, and it is impossible to meet, even if it is in the soul. In the city, this thing is also sky-high."

"The things in Soul City cannot stay, but this thing is not limited by the Three Realms. This is a real treasure!"

With Yun Xiuxiu pointing, Lin Feng quickly figured it out.

(End of this chapter)

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