Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3895: 2 will fight

"The League of Nations and the Heroes of the League are fighting domineering." When Lin Feng returned, the practitioners below began to sigh, and said, "Tsk tsk, this time I can finally be quiet."

"It won't be quiet. I heard that this time the occupation was due to a high-level soul beast appeared in the soul forest outside. It is very likely that there is a high-level soul crystal on the soul beast, soul crystal, this If it is devoured for us, we might be able to directly hit the soul power of Dzogchen Dzogchen."

"Yes, yeah, as long as we understand the rules, we can be promoted."

"Soul Soul City is really a good place. Otherwise, if we rely on our own strength to cultivate, this will take the great sword, Daluo, Jinxian and great perfection. I don't know if the year of the monkey has gone!"

Lin Feng sat in the corner listening to the crowd's gossip.

Of course he knows that the gossip here can only be regarded as gossip.

None of these guys have a human cultivation base, and what they say is naturally not much truthful.

Soon, Lin Feng's appearance attracted a lot of eyes to look here, these people's eyes all fell on Lin Feng's body with curiosity and looked at him, Lin Feng stepped back a bit.

"Everyone, is there anything?"

Lin Feng's voice seemed a little low.

"It's you?" A big man stood up and cast a glance at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stepped back a bit.

He saw the guy in front of him clearly, and this guy was one of the big guys who had escaped earlier.

"long time no see!"

Lin Feng smiled very happily.

"Brothers, kill this guy, this guy snatched our baby away!" The big man shouted, and dozens of cultivators immediately jumped out of the entire mission hall, with flames in their eyes. Looking at Lin Feng, all his breaths came up.

The trouble is coming!

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng's eyes flashed helplessly. He didn't expect that these guys still remembered this thing!

"I said everyone, what about things, I really don’t know where it is. The most important thing is, you see, we have been fighting for a month. Isn’t it better to stop and stop? Let’s face the soul outside. Lin's big monster."

Lin Feng said sincerely.

"When did our Hero Club have you as the number one person?" Another person stood up, a pair of eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, and snorted, "Boy, when will you join our Hero Club?"

"Haha, I just joined soon." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Dear friends from the Alliance, this is the first time we meet!"

"Really?" A middle-aged man stood in front of Lin Feng and looked up and down Lin Feng, "I recruited all the members of the Heroes Association. Why don't I remember when I recruited you?"

I stepped on thunder.

Lin Feng gave a dry smile when he heard what the big man said.

If this person is unlucky, he might be able to step on **** when he walks. Lin Feng can see it. Today, he can't be kind.

"Haha, this is embarrassing."

Lin Feng's eyes turned, and his whole body quickly moved back and rushed out.

Just kidding, there are hundreds of people in the entire mission hall. If he rashly shot at this moment, wouldn't it be his own life?

Lin Feng's escape speed can be said to be very fast.

"Don't run away!"

The Heroes' Association and the Alliance Association behind them all chased them out, one by one, their eyes fell on Lin Feng's body, killing intently.

These two associations, which had been fighting for a month, were incompatible with fire and water, but at this time they were rarely united, and the goal was directed at Lin Feng.

The cultivators on the street saw these two suddenly coordinated meetings, each one was dumbfounded and looked incredible.

"This...Is this previous battle a simulation?"

Someone wiped his eyes and looked at Qiu again.

The heroes and the league members gathered together, they did not fight.

Yes, they really did not fight!

Everyone swallowed.

Only then did they clearly see the big guy in front of everyone, Lin Feng.

"The boy in front, stop for me, my League will definitely kill you!"

"My hero will want you to die without a burial place!"

The two will chase Lin Feng directly into the soul forest.

"I said you guys are stupid? If you want my life, I will stand still?" Lin Feng glanced back and dived into the soul forest. When he entered, Lin Feng gave Yang Yang a trip. message.

There are still a lot of soul sources on him, and there should be no problem persisting for seven or eight days. The most important thing for Lin Feng is to notify Yang Yang to pay attention to his safety.

After half an hour, Lin Feng killed the first member of the League to hunt him down, snatching his soul source and heading deeper.

An hour later, Yang Yang appeared in the soul forest carrying a big bag.

There were people who coveted Yang Yang's body, and after seeing Yang Yang Muyun Shen Yiyou beheading a big guy for sale, all these people were silent.

They can see that the person in front of them is not easy to deal with~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Yang Yang is burdened with a heavy burden, all the cultivators took the initiative to give up some way and let Yang Yang carry heavy things on his back. Go in.

"Lin Feng doesn't know where he is going." Lin Feng muttered, walked around, and soon confronted the people from the Tongmenghui.

"Haha, brothers seem to need healing." Yang Yang saw the members of these alliances and immediately leaned forward, "Need help?"

"Go away!"

"Several people need to be healed." Yang Yang was not in a hurry, but said with a smile, "I think the wounds on your bodies are not shallow. It is quite far from where you went back. If this continues, how many people can Even if I arrived at the place I went back, I fell to the ground because of the exhaustion of the spirit power."

Yangyang put down his backpack.

In Divine Soul City, the most pitiful way to die is that the soul power in the body has not been replenished in time, and the divine soul has not returned to his body, unable to complete the healing process, and died because the divine soul is exhausted.

This way of death is very frustrated.

"I have a lot of healing medicines for sale here." Yang Yang said with a smile, "These medicines are all carefully refined by me. They are professionally used to restore the wounded souls. Everyone can watch them. I'm clear, all I have here are treasures, this is the only one, there is no semicolon, if you miss it, there will be none!"

Yang Yang took the pill and swayed in front of the members of the League.

These people's eyes fell on Yangyang's pill and swallowed fiercely.

"what price?"

"One source of ten souls." Yang Yang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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