Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3989: Encounter in the Soul Forest【Part 2】

Yuan Chen said while thinking, more than a hundred soul beasts, it is not a small appetite!

Could it be the Tongmenghui?

The disciples of the following heroes are a little sluggish, and the loss this time is too great for them.

"Then President, what shall we do?"

A disciple looked at Yuan Chen and asked cautiously.

They dare not act rashly until they don't know the specific situation.

"Don't worry, let's continue as one of us. Some people will go back and send these spirit beasts to the mission hall for business. By the way, see if anyone or the group brings back more spirit beasts than they can usually afford. Scope, and, are those soul beasts the same as ours."

Yuan Chen looked at the disciples below, "That person or group is the one who stole our soul beasts. Don't be stunned. When the time comes, we will take action together and we must deal with those guys!"

Yuan Chen spoke, but Lin Feng's face flashed in his mind, could it be Lin Feng?

Instead, Yuan Chen shook his head.

Although Lin Feng's character is not good, he can leave in front of him. Besides, these soul beasts cannot be brought back with the power of the storage ring. They can only rely on something called a soul bag to bring them back. The number of soul beasts that the bag can hold is limited, too much can't be put back.

Furthermore, the soul bag cannot reduce the weight of the soul beast, so even if Lin Feng's soul power is strong, it is impossible to achieve more than a hundred soul beasts.

Based on this, Yuan Chen affirmed that Lin Feng had not done anything.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen looked better.

If it was Lin Feng, he really didn't know what to do with Lin Feng! Lin Feng’s combat effectiveness is placed here, and his cultivation base is above him. The most important thing is that Lin Feng provoked the battle between the Heroes’ Association and the Alliance Association some time ago, and he still had some lingering fears. Later, he also told Lin Feng’s pursuit and killing. He, Lin Feng, whether he is in the Soul City or the Lower Realm, once he makes a move, it is a trouble. 1

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it wasn't for Lin Feng to take action, he could face it calmly, no matter if it was an enemy or whatever. To be honest, Yuan Chen was only shocked at this time. It turned out that Lin Feng's attitude had long been left in his heart. Impression, this guy looks good on the surface, but in fact, this guy is the worst.

"Everyone, go ahead. There are still two missions of soul beasts to be killed. First complete the mission, and then we can get the soul source to restore our own soul power. When the soul power is restored, let's deal with those It's time to **** our soul beast guy!."

Yuan Chen waved his hand, and all the disciples immediately followed in vigor.

"Listen to the chairman!"

Everyone was so powerful that they adjusted their spirit power to the best.

Yuan Chen is in a great mood. Everyone here is obedient to his orders. Thinking of his father’s explanation, Yuan Chen is more concerned about the following disciples of the Heroes’ Association, not just as their superiors. In his spare time, Yuan Chen will collect everyone's troubles in cultivation, and then go back to ask for advice, and then come up to discuss with everyone.

"It has won the hearts of everyone in the hero meeting. It seems that we must fix the hero meeting."

Lin Feng turned and left, Yuan Chen, this kid, had done a good job of making the Hero Club.

(End of this chapter)

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