Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3993: A full man does not know that a hungry man is hungry

Lisi has been depressed since Lin Feng left. The whole person has been silent a lot. The girl’s feelings are pure. Lisi’s feelings are not only pure but also very passionate. Lin Feng’s departure may not be a big deal, but to Li For silk, it is unbearable.

The two were placed in front of Mingzhe. On the one hand, Mingzhe was making business progress, and on the other hand, he was helpless from the family. This made Mingzhe's heart somewhat entangled.

It took a long time for Mingzhe to speak.

"Brother Lin, Lisi rejected Kuaqi's marriage proposal."

For a while, Mingzhe looked at Lin Feng and said bitterly.

Thinking of Kuaqi's lonely back, Mingzhe still feels helpless now.

That girl, in terms of feelings, has always been willing to go out. You want what you want, and don’t want what you don’t. Mingzhe also has nothing to do with her, but Mingzhe also knows that he is not Lisi, his Behind him, there is a whole family here.

Lin Feng's expression was stunned for a moment, then turned to a wry smile, and said: "This girl... Actually speaking, Kuaqi is more suitable for her than me. Brother Ming should also persuade her if he has time, a woman, or find one. The man who can give her a bright future is the best, so that, no matter when, at least one man will guard her by her side, protect her, and make her happy and worry-free forever."

Lin Feng knew that he could not give Lisi these.

Lisi is a nice girl, but Lin Feng knows in his heart that he has no other affection for Lisi except for his good friends. This woman is very smart, very enthusiastic, and she is very beautiful, but she is too smart. Now, Lin Feng doesn’t like this kind of woman who puts her intelligence on the bright side.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mingzhe had completely understood Lin Feng's mind.

"Thank you, Brother Lin."

Mingzhe suddenly spoke and said with a smile, "When I arrive in the Demon Realm in the future, I will definitely invite Brother Lin to drink tea."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

He knew in his heart that Mingzhe was reluctant to bring Lisi to him.

Some feelings can be reluctant, but some feelings cannot be reluctant, just like him and Lisi. Lisi, as the daughter of the Ming family, is also favored by the royal family. If Lisi insists on going her own way, or many Ming families , Is a fatal blow.

It was precisely because of his clarity that Lin Feng boldly rejected Lisi.

Lin Feng's mind flashed with a somewhat smart face, still a bit lonely, but his face was a little more calm.

This transaction was all aimed at the Demon Race. The items that Lin Feng brought out were naturally the items needed by the Demon Race. What he wanted to exchange was something called Bingxin Iron. This Bingxin Iron was only produced by the Demon Realm, and almost They are all concentrated in the magic city. The amount of ice core iron produced each year is limited, and Lin Feng naturally has some on hand, but the ice core iron he has on hand is not enough to complete the amount he needs to forge the Fengtong sword and the white feather sword.

What Lin Feng took out to exchange with the Demon Race was the ancient foreign weapon that the Demon Race could use for his opinions from the rough stone.

The price of this foreign weapon was about the same as the ice core iron that Lin Feng needed.

During the period of time in the magic city, under the guidance of Lisi and Mingzhe, Lin Feng still knew a little bit about the prices there.

"I have some ice core iron here, but I don't have as many as you need. Can I exchange it with you?"

A low voice rang in Lin Feng's ears, Lin Feng looked up, and a big man with a few pieces of ice core iron in his hand was about to come to trade with Lin Feng.

"This big guy is definitely not good, but I still have a lot of equivalent things in my hand to exchange with you."

Lin Feng's mind moved, and a few small things were placed on the table, "This is a weapon mined from the rough stone. This is a sixth-grade magic pill, and this is an equivalent ore."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the big man, "These, the price of the ice core iron in your hand is about the same, and even the price of my stuff is still above. What do you think?"

"Sixth-Rank Demon Pill." The big man made the decision very quickly. He placed Bing Xin Tie on the table and turned to look at the sixth-Rank Demon Pill in Lin Feng's hands.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Thank you!"

The big man turned and walked directly, Lin Feng sat there and waited.

Lin Feng's shot caused a flash of surprise in the eyes of the surrounding demon races. What was the sixth grade demon pill just now?

Does this guy still have such valuable things on hand?

Is it possible that this guy is a demon? Just pretending to be an adult to sell things here?

Instead, these demons shook their heads. At this trade fair, it was obvious that the demons were more popular. If this guy was really a demons, he would definitely not appear here as a human being.

In addition, ice core iron is a good material for forging weapons, whether it is human or demons.

Lin Feng just sat there with a smile. Seeing the demons looked at him, Lin Feng nodded and took out a lot of materials.

"As long as you have Bingxin Iron, I can definitely give you equivalent items in exchange. What do you think?"

Seeing Lin Feng's friendly appearance, all those demons turned their heads, but soon some demons came with Bingxin Iron.

"I want to exchange magic pills."

Lin Feng nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The value of a piece of ice core iron is equivalent to a grade 4 magic pill, how about? "Lin Feng raised his head and looked at this man of the Demon Race. The price Lin Feng gave was very fair. A piece of ice core iron is worth a fourth-grade magic pill. In the Devil City, such a good deal is not easy. .

Is this kid a fool?

Do this kind of transaction?

After such a long time, several Demon Clan disciples all redeemed the pill from Lin Feng's hands. They were all in a good mood. At the same time, they wondered where Lin Feng's pill came from, and felt that Lin Feng's shot was not worth it. Up.

Even if they were giving two third-rank magic pills, they were willing to trade!

However, Lin Feng gave a fourth-rank magic pill.

Mingzhe stood aside watching Lin Feng's move, twitching the corners of his mouth, and then sighed and shook his head.

Sure enough, the man who is full does not know that the hungry man is hungry. Lin Feng has no idea what these magic pills mean to the demons.

Mingzhe sighed.

He finally understood this, and he should talk to Lin Feng in the next step. Lin Feng's shot was really beyond his expectation.

And Lin Feng had a better understanding of the ice core iron possessed by these demons.

The number of these guys far exceeded his expectations.

It seems that this time enough Bingxin Iron can be collected.

Lin Feng stood there with a smile, still with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth. Seeing that Lin Feng was really taking the pill for ingredients, soon, all the demons’ eyes were on Lin Feng’s body, and they took out one by one. Bing Xin iron on his body came.

(End of this chapter)

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