Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3914: Badly Wounded Nightmare

"This time I went to basically the level of Daluo Jinxian. Everyone hopes that everyone can improve their cultivation level through this experience. I think we still have a way." Li Yutong's mouth twitched, "Yuanmen here. Our sisters will be prepared. As for the other schools that can compete with us, there are also sisters who are in control."

Zixia nodded.

"There are still us!"

Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo said grinningly, "The nightmare beast is full of treasures. We may not get anything for those martial sects, but if you take it, Brother Lin, then we can make a lot of money. "

Xiaobai obviously looks like I really want.


Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Big Brother Lin, don't worry, we can take action." Qing Luo said with a smile.

"Don't, the pregnant woman will meet us from the back." Zixia immediately shook her head, "Let’s do it together. In the end, we will definitely need someone to assist us. We can leave as soon as possible if you are behind to meet us. ."

Lin Feng also nodded.

"Yes, you and Xiaobai will pick us up at the back. Your husband and wife can fight together by themselves. The most important thing is that when we rob things, the big sects have worked hard for so long, it is impossible to let us go."

Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo looked at each other, then nodded instead.

Although Xiao Bai is a lot stronger, the fighting power lies here. Zhao Qingluo is a pregnant woman. The battle needs people to watch. Instead of this, it is far better to let the battle start over there and assist them behind.

Qian Takisuo went all the way, when all the disciples of the school rushed to the land of quicksand, Lin Feng and his party also arrived.

This time, it was Yuan Sect and the following sects to deal with the Nightmare Beast.

The nightmare beast had already been severely wounded, it was almost a sect thing, only to experience the disciple, once again circled into this area familiar to the nightmare beast.

Lin Feng walked in the quicksand.

"Tsk tut, it's really a painstaking effort."

Xiao Bai followed behind, sighing, "I remember when we came back then, I didn't even think there would be such a big guy here!"

"I have encountered it." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Almost killed my life."

"Huh?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng, Lin Feng smiled and did not speak.

At that time, he was not the opponent of the Nightmare Beast at all. Lin Feng was still thinking about waiting for the powerful to come and deal with the Nightmare Beast, but in the end, the man was not as good as the sky, and he was found first by Yuanmen and used it as a reward for his disciple.

And, this time, Lin Feng was not in the notice at all.

If it hadn't been for Sister Tongtong and Zixia to tell him, Lin Feng would still be kept in the dark.

Yuanmen's move was obviously to beware of him.

As the group of people walked forward slowly, Xiao Bai began to say that he and Zhao Qingluo had experienced a lot of difficulties during this experience journey, but he also had the person he loved by his side, and the smiles on Xiao Bai's face A flower appeared, and the so-called experience of danger is just a talk.

Everyone was talking and laughing along the way. When they were approaching the center of the site, Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo stayed with Chitaki. Chitaki had a lot of invisibility charms, and the two of them hid in the dark with a single shuttle.

"With Chitaki, I guess Xiaobai and Qingluo will never think about it for a lifetime when they wait for them to come out."

When he left, Xingzhen sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lin Feng patted Xingzheng's body, "You should believe in Chitaki's character, besides, Xiaobai himself is a silly talker, and it might be too late to meet him."

Lin Feng said affirmatively.

Lin Feng took the two daughters forward. Because of Yutong and Zixia, everyone around them put their eyes on Lin Feng, each with envy in his eyes and jealousy on his face, such a beautiful beauty. , Why would you be willing to follow such an ordinary-looking guy?

"Lin Feng?" An uncertain voice rang in Lin Feng's ear, and Lin Feng raised his head and stopped.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I probably didn't read the almanac when I went out today. I just met an acquaintance." Lin Feng stood there with a smile, "Isn't this our big brother Yuanchen?"

Lin Feng's gaze swept around Yuan Chen, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

Yuan Chen glanced over Lin Feng's body, and finally settled on Li Yutong and Zixia.

In the past few years when Lin Feng went out, he did not know how many times he went to find the second daughter to confess, but the second daughter always turned him away. Even the entire Yuan sect disciples, except this Lin Feng, were rejected by them. Out of the door!

Yuan Chen is a little gas blocked, what is so good about this guy?

It doesn't matter if Dad is satisfied with this guy, but the second girl only follows this guy!

Yuan Chen's face became more and more gloomy.

"Why are you here?" Yuan Chen stepped back a bit, and the meaning of walking away from Lin Feng was very obvious.

"It's such a fun thing, how can I be worthy of myself if I don't come?" Lin Feng smiled very sweetly, "Besides, the scenery here is so beautiful, why should I bring my wives over to enjoy the scenery and enjoy life?"

Lin Feng hugged the second daughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The second daughter coyly released it, but in Yuan Chen's eyes, this was clearly flirting!

Yuan Chen clenched his fists and stared at Lin Feng with a pair of eyes. Lin Feng shrugged with a faint smile on his face, "Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will go first. Up."

Lin Feng is about to leave as a gesture.

Yuan Chen stopped Lin Feng.

"Hold on!" Yuan Chen's gaze swept across Lin Feng, "I want to fight you!"

"At this time, we are all waiting for how to deal with the nightmare beast. If you want to fight with me, you will accidentally get injured, and then you will be prone to big problems." Lin Feng said with a helpless look, sighed.

"Change time!" Yuan Chen gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, come again when you have time, but there is no time at this time, so wait." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

"Lin Feng, don't go too far!" Yuan Chen's voice suddenly rose, and he gritted his teeth while looking at Lin Feng with a fierce expression.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Yuan Chen. After thinking for a long time, he chuckled and said, "Do you know why you are not liked by girls?"

Yuan Chen was still waiting for Lin Feng to deliver the goods, but Lin Feng changed the subject, and his expression was a bit difficult to change for a while.

Lin Feng's topic suddenly changed. Yuan Chen still couldn't react. When the reaction came, Yuan Chen didn't speak, but waited for Lin Feng to say it. He wanted to see why he was not affected by girls. See you soon!

Yuan Chen's eyes were cold.

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