Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4011: Gentama

Not wanting to offend Lin Feng, this is the main reason, this guy's power is not generally strong.

"Come on, everyone." A disciple of Qianjimen looked around and whispered, "But it's just a Lin Feng, are we still afraid of it?"


Lin Feng killed two or three of their disciples every day in the life-and-death fighting field. In the end, this guy still took the glory, relying on their blood to transfer a hundred million immortal spirit stones!

The disciple of Qianjimen still didn't dare to move.

"Let's go up together and shoot together. This guy is very good at fighting alone. Is it possible that we will not be able to deal with that guy if we shoot together?"

The disciple gritted his teeth and said again.

"Junior Brother Nine, it’s not that we didn’t do anything, but that this guy’s methods were really too hot. Don’t forget, our outer disciple, the second-level exam was almost hollowed out by this guy. The door is now recruiting disciples, isn't it?"

Although the disciples of the Outer Sect of Qianjimen are not disciples of the inner sect, even though they are the outer disciples, they are still much stronger than the outer disciples of the general sect under the cultivation of Qianjimen. However, all those disciples are It was defeated by Lin Feng.

The disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect confronted Lin Feng in this way. The two sides looked at each other, but they didn't make any further moves.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry, Feng Tong sword was in front of him, just confronting these Qian Chance Sect disciples, and did not take action.

"Hey, you really don't make a move?" Xuan Yu suddenly looked at Lin Feng and gritted his teeth.

"Don't you want me to take action? Anyway, these Qianjimen disciples are still a little afraid of me. As long as I don't take action, we will stand up here like this. I think it's good."

Lin Feng shrugged and said with a smile, "Why, regret it, now you want me to take action?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Xuan Yu snorted coldly.

"Your kid is here, so don't pretend to be like this here. Let's solve it sooner or go back sooner. You will help me to take action with the little master, and I won't ask you to do it for nothing!"

With a smile on Lin Feng's face, he pulled out the Fengtong sword instead.

"There is also such a benefit, then I can only make a move if I don't make a move, but can we pay a little bit first?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "This way I will feel more at ease."

Lin Feng fought slowly behind Xuan Yu, and didn't mean to do his best. Xuan Yu's heart was a little blocked. This guy really climbed up the pole, and he wanted something for him!

"Here you!" Xuan Yu threw something to Lin Feng, "This thing is not available outside."

Lin Feng glanced, then nodded.

"It's really something that doesn't exist outside. It's surprising and very good."

Lin Feng put it away, his expression a little softer, seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xuan Yu gritted his teeth.

"Shoot!" Xuan Yu glared at Lin Feng. Just now, two disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect left a wound on his hand. The wound healed quickly, but Xuan Yu still felt that his speed seemed to be slow. a little.

"Here you!" Lin Feng handed Xuan Yu a pill bottle.

"You do it first!" Xuan Yu increased his voice.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, the disciples of Qianjimen looked at each other.

"What are they...what are they doing?" I only saw that the two people were communicating all the time, but the disciple of Qianjimen couldn't understand when I was hungry.

"Tang Hao, what are they talking about?" Tang Zaitian turned to look at Tang Hao, gritted his teeth and asked.

"I can't hear you clearly." Tang Hao shook his head, "The fighting sound is too loud, and we can't hear him clearly."

Tang Zaitian snorted and stopped speaking.

"I know, I want to take action." Feng Tongjian passed by Xuan Yu's side, and directly forced the disciple of the Qianji Sect who was about to shoot close to Xuan Yu back. Lin Feng and Xuan Yu stood together.

"My name is Xuanyu, a new generation of disciple of the Dragon Clan, how about you?"

"Lin Feng." Lin Feng said softly, "It has something to do with the Dragon Clan."

Lin Feng whispered, the next moment, Tai Yang climbed down from Lin Feng's hair and landed on Xuan Yu's body. He probably felt the aura of his clan, and Tai Yang was very friendly to Xuan Yu.

"What is it?" Xuan Yu glanced back while fighting. It's okay if he didn't look back. When he turned around, he immediately saw a big guy rushing forward with his mouth wide open.

"Ah, I've never seen such a dumb dragon. This attack method is a bit too clumsy. This is because the enemy hasn't killed it yet. It might fall by itself!"

Xuan Yu took a bite. In the words he disliked, Tai Yang directly swallowed the two disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect, chewed a few bites, and seemed to have some meaning.

When the big guy came out, the disciple of Qianjimen was still taken aback.

What is this big guy?

"Come out." Tang Zaitian raised his head, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, "Tang Hao, I will let the disciples solve this side first, and you will absorb the dragon blood on it later. This is just a weak dragon. It won’t take too much time."

Tang Hao nodded.

"I see." Tang Hao glanced at the little guy in the sky, a touch of unbearable flash in his eyes.

"The dragon you raised?" Xuan Yu asked Lin Feng.

"Fight first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll talk about this later." Lin Feng whispered.

Xuan Yu was dissatisfied, although he wanted to ask more clearly, but at this time the disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect were getting closer and closer, he had no chance to ask more clearly, so he could only curl his lips and continue fighting.

The two people fought very fast, but there were more and more disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect below, probably because the number strengthened their courage. When facing Lin Feng and Xuan Yu, their fighting speed became more and more. Be happy, and most of the Thousand Chance Sect disciples completely avoided their fear of Lin Feng at this time.

Every disciple of Qianjimen made their moves faster and faster, Lin Feng sighed.

There are more and more disciples in the Thousand Chance Sect. Probably the disciples from Haicheng are rushing towards this side. There are advantages and disadvantages when fighting with a large number of people. The disciples behind are swarming, and there is a sound when fighting comes out. It was huge, but the two of them were completely surrounded at this time.

Tai Yang's body shuttled among the disciples of Qianjimen.

The disciples of Qianjimen had received Tang Zaitian's warning long ago. They had to fight against this Qinglong, but they had to ensure that it was all right.

When the disciples of Qianjimen dealt with Taiyang, one side was cautious, and the other side had to pay attention.

They must listen to the above, if something happens to Taiyang, with Tang Zaitian's character, they will definitely not get any benefit!

The disciples of Qianjimen were suppressed by Taiyang everywhere, but they had no choice but to be cautious.

Xuan Yu's body once again appeared beside Lin Feng.

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