Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3923: 2 at the party

This is the elite unit of Yuanmen!

Originally, they wanted to find out and solve Lin Feng, but they did not expect that they were now surrounded by Yuanmen disciples!

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Someone leaned forward and said with a smile, "It's just a misunderstanding, really, really a misunderstanding!"

"Really?" Lin Feng stepped forward, "You didn't say it was an accident just now!"

Lin Feng sighed helplessly. "This time we are here for the nightmare beast. These minutes are very expensive. You have delayed us so long, shouldn't we pay something?"

A group of Qinghe disciples took a step back and looked at Lin Feng, somewhat uncertain.

They didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

"Lin Feng, what do you want?"

"Of course it is payment. What do you say? Yes, yes, every inch of time and every inch of gold, let's calculate it according to one inch of time and one fairy stone. Let's barely calculate it, and it will be 10 yuan a minute. The fairy stone is ready, ten yuan a minute, just now you delayed us for half an hour, that is thirty minutes, that is three hundred yuan."

Lin Feng nodded, speaking solemnly.

Three hundred high-grade fairy spirit stones?

The disciple of the Qinghe School looked a little weird, and the disciple who took the lead immediately took out a storage and brought it, "Here you!"

Lin Feng did not answer.

"Didn't you say it?"

The disciple of the Qinghe faction raised his head to look at Lin Feng and said.

"Of course I said it, but what I'm talking about is that each of you is three hundred high-grade immortal spirit stones." Lin Feng smiled heartily, "Otherwise, we will earn it back by ourselves."

Fengtong sword haunted Lin Feng, and the sword aura continued to spread, surrounding Lin Feng, exuding a deep cold light.

Lin Feng's sword field is basically above the average person. After the Qinghe Sect disciples felt the layers of sword aura in the middle, they only felt that their whole body was completely cold.

Lin Feng is forcing them to submit!

The disciple of the Qinghe School looked a little ugly.

Three hundred high-grade immortal spirit stones per person is nothing to them, but this is their aggrieved

They were pitted by the spirit stone!

"Give it or not. If you don't give it, just fight directly, otherwise you will have to add spirit stones again!" Lin Feng said impatiently.

The disciple of Qinghe faction glanced at each other.


Finally, a disciple said with some humiliation, at this time, they didn't dare to talk about fighting at all!

Let alone Lin Feng's powerful combat effectiveness, and the two golden flowers of Yuanmen plus a Yuanchen, these four people are all genius disciples of Yuanmen, no matter which one comes out, they can't deal with them!

"Say early!"

Lin Feng smiled happily, "In this case, it's hard work."


The disciples of the Qinghe faction stood there, resigning and handed over the fairy stone.

"Thank you!"

Lin Feng divided the fairy stone in front of the Qinghe faction. A group of Yuanmen disciples turned around and left, each with a smile on their faces.

The disciples of the Qinghe faction stood there and watched eagerly as a group of people turned and left. At the moment, one by one was very aggrieved, but in the face of true strength, they could only squat on their feet and could not say anything else.

Yuan Chen followed Lin Feng.

After walking for a while, Lin Feng stopped directly.

"The matter has been resolved, and the spoils have been divided, everyone, can you leave?" Lin Feng looked at Yuan Chen directly.

"We are originally Yuanmen disciples, so naturally we want to be together." Yuan Chen said immediately.

"I said Yuan Chen, you know what we are related to, don't grind here, just go." Lin Feng waved his hand with a look of disgust, "What else can I say when we meet in the future!"

Lin Feng waved his hand with a look of disgust.

"Let’s stay together. We have fought a lot these days. The Nightmare Beast is not something we can easily deal with." Yuan Chen said in a low voice, "We four are together, maybe we can meet the Nightmare Beast next time. Kill the Nightmare Beast directly, don't you think this is suitable for us?"

Yuan Chen took a step forward, "When the time comes, let's share it together!"

"Let’s talk about it then, we still have things to go ahead. If you encounter a nightmare beast, tell me, I think you are very right. If we work together, it will be easier to get the nightmare beast."

Everyone who had thoughts was relieved when Lin Feng said this. As long as Lin Feng agreed, Yuan Chen would naturally not care where Lin Feng would go next.

Anyway, what Lin Feng wanted to do would definitely not leave the territory of the Nightmare Beast.

If Lin Feng were to trouble the nightmare beast alone, they would be even happier. Lin Feng couldn't kill the nightmare beast anyway. Lin Feng was going to toss it, then it would be easier to solve it!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen nodded.

"Okay, we will exchange messages and I will send you directly when the time comes."

Lin Feng nodded and exchanged messages with Yuan Chen, Lin Feng left with her two daughters.

"That Yuan Chen, this time is refreshing." After walking, Zi Xia snorted.

"I couldn't chase us originally, it's better not to chase, this guy has become a lot smarter now, but he is still too self-centered." Yu Tong smiled and said lightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng nodded.

"This guy doesn't have any good things in his head. In Soul City, he guessed my identity when he provoked the two parties to deal with me, and kept shooting hidden. Let's be careful about this guy."

The second woman nodded, and the three of them moved forward, following the trail of the Nightmare Beast.

With Lin Feng's breath of stagnant water, the traces of the nightmare beast quickly appeared in Lin Feng's perception.

"Sure enough, greedy!"

Lin Feng hooked the corner of his mouth, speeding up his pace.

"Chitaki, you go to the three o'clock position, the thick soil, you drill through from below, and Chitaki, and the candle shade, you go to six o'clock, Xingyi assists, Yun Xiuxiu." Lin Feng put the hair inside Xiaolong pulled it out. Because the little guy is too young, Lin Feng basically won’t bother this little thing. He is also very conscious. He has been eating and drinking all day long. After eating, sleeping and eating, he has grown a lot during this time. meat.

When Lin Feng took out the little thing, the little thing opened his eyes in a daze, and turned his tail up, and his whole spirit immediately recovered.

"Master, don't go, he is too weak." Poqi said helplessly.

"It's okay, you are with him." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen this little thing so powerful yet!"

"Very powerful," Zhu Yin whispered, "Let's go."

Six lights and shadows disappeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Xiao Feng, what are we going to do now?" Li Yutong turned to look at Lin Feng, frowning and asked.

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