Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4030: copy

Chapter 4024

"And I just copied your formation. As for what means you have arranged in it, you have to enjoy it yourself."

Lin Feng sighed, and said helplessly, "I don't know exactly what kind of methods are deployed here, so please ask yourself for your luck."

Lin Feng pulled Xuanyu and continued to back away.

The candle's shade fell on Lin Feng's hair.

"Master, it's a little troublesome. Our deduction seems to be stopped by the disciple of the Qianjimen."

Hearing the words of the candle Yin, Lin Feng's expression instantly darkened.

Outside Shi Ningxue, a strong man followed.

The corners of Shi Ningxue's mouth snapped together, her face still gloating.

Obviously, it was not the Thousand Chance Gate that was blocking, but the woman Shi Ningxue.

This woman naturally wished he would die, but this woman was very capable. At this time, she obviously wanted to grasp with both hands, making both sides embarrassed.

If you deal with Tang Zaitian alone, Lin Feng probably can leave. When Shi Ningxue appeared, Lin Feng knew in his heart that it was impossible to leave safely and quickly. Seeing that this guy had no more thoughts on him now With regard to this matter, Lin Feng's expression also became more calm.

He wanted to see how this woman would deal with him!

"Aren't you very capable? Lin Feng, keep going."

Seeing the smile on Shi Ningxue's face, and seeing Tang Zaitian who was gradually approaching him, Lin Feng sighed. This time, he could see clearly. These guys, this is enough to deal with him. Up.

Seeing Tang Zaitian's breath getting stronger and stronger, the expression on Lin Feng's face became heavier and heavier. It was obviously not an easy task to deal with this guy, especially this guy, now he has come to the door.

It's another fierce battle.

Looking at the guy in front of him, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Xuan Yu.

Xuan Yu still looked expectant, as if very much looking forward to fighting Tang Zaitian.

"This time, we really need to fight together." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Aren't we fighting side by side all the time?" Compared to Lin Feng's helplessness, Xuan Yu turned his head, "Could it be that you have never used your powerful strength and won't you?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Yeah, I have been cracking the formation, but if we want to get out of the formation, we must defeat this old thing first, can you do it?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Xuan Yu.

"If you can do it, I can do it. I'm also Luo Tianshang anyway, you can see yourself, you are the big Luo Jinxian, don't you know that there is a realm and a sky?"

Xuan Yu said solemnly, Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

"You are right, but my mind power is about to break through Luo Tianshangxian, you first block this guy for me, when I break through, we have to deal with this guy easier." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Xuan Yu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, his expression unbelievable.

"This is the formation of the eighth level of the immortal product. I have never cracked it before. Originally, my soul cultivation is above the cultivation base. After the deduction just now, I occasionally realized it, so I want to break through."

Hearing Lin Feng's explanation, Xuanyu nodded.

Lin Feng seemed to have made up his mind, looked at Xuan Yu, and said seriously, "I've been suppressing my soul power just now, just waiting for the cultivation base, but this time I can't wait. This old thing has to deal with us. Called someone to guard, I will break through my cultivation as soon as possible, so that we can also leave safely."

Lin Feng's body suddenly burst into light. With these rays of light, the aura of Lin Feng's whole body suddenly became huge. The next moment, in Xuanyu's stunned mouth, a golden dragon occupies directly. Is around.


Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xuan Yu was stunned for a moment, and his mind swept around Lin Feng's body, and turned to deny his own thoughts.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just wait for me a while."

"You...you...you..." Xuan Yu looked at Lin Feng's appearance and compared his own appearance. Good fellow, this guy is actually a little longer and bigger than him, "Why are you also a dragon? "

"You are stupid, if my master is not the dragon clan, what do you think Qianjimen killed him for?"

Hearing Zhuyin's words, Xuan Yu glanced at Lin Feng's body and then shook his head.

No...No, although he is full of dragon breath, he can feel that these breaths are mixed with the popularity of looking, Lin Feng is a human race, but maybe Lin Feng’s opportunities are different from others, so he There will be such a powerful force spreading around.

To put it bluntly, the dragon bloodline on this guy is strong enough to bring about what kind of ending.

No, you must never mention this guy in front of the elders in the future!

Lin Feng might still use other powers!

If the elders in the clan find out, Lin Feng might not survive!

Chitaki fell on Lin Feng, "Little thing, come up and control me, let's take action against that old thing together!"

All the six shuttles gathered together, Xuan Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then the whole body fell on Chitaki's console.

Before Xuanyu could realize what was going on, he felt that the world in front of him had completely changed, and it was the shuttle in Lin Feng's hand that changed everything.

Xuan Yu's gaze swept around, and a weak figure appeared in front of Xuan Yu.

"You...who are you?"

"I am the tool spirit of the treasures around my master. Now, I will pass you some methods to control me, and I will help you deal with Tang Zaitian."

Chitaki's gaze glanced over Xuanyu's body ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There seemed to be some disgust in the words.

The spirit powers of Liu Shuo each have their own ideas. Lin Xiangyang added a unified console to them, so that under the unified console, after the merger, what they want to do will naturally be much more convenient.

Xuanyu only felt a pain in his mind. Soon, countless information entered his mind. A touch of surprise flashed in Xuanyu's eyes, and she raised her head to look at the person in front of her, her eyes twinkling with stars.

Although Chitaki is a transparent instrument soul, Xuanyu did not dare to underestimate the person in front of him at this moment.

There were too many powerful things in the message Chitaki gave him just now.

If he is a little careless, maybe these big guys will kill him!

And all of this is in the grasp of this old man.

It's no wonder that Lin Feng's cultivation base is so powerful, it turns out that this guy has such a heaven-defying treasure at his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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