Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3937: Voyage

Several big guys swallowed.


"Did we lose our temper to adults just now?" You look at me and I look at you, each of them has more regrets in their eyes.

Coming out of the small restaurant, Lin Feng strolled aimlessly on the street. The town didn't hit the town, and Yao Ziyi would go back and forth in a pot. Lin Feng took advantage of the night to leave the town and went to the next city.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Candle Yin asked.

"Go to sea." Lin Feng took the little thing off his hair, "Don't be naughty."

"Going to sea?" Ji Shuo looked at each other.

"Yeah, go out and have a look, and confirm one thing by the way." Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth, "I want to know the specific location of Qianjimen. Since there is no trace of Qianjimen on the mainland, let's go to sea. go with."

Lin Feng's words are all determined, "Furthermore, there are many strong people on the sea, we can also go to see the time, exercise more, right?"

Lin Feng shook his body.

"But it takes a lot of time for us to get to the beach from here?" Hou Tu whispered for a long time.

"Let's go all the way." Lin Feng smiled, "The cultivation base needs to be consolidated, just take advantage of this period of time to exercise well, isn't it better?" Lin Feng looked forward, and the corner of his mouth was slightly smiling. Said, "Don't worry, there is enough time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo stopped speaking.

In the next few months, Lin Feng, of course, was rushing to the beach. On the way, Lin Feng was constantly on his way, traversing mountains and ridges, slaying monsters and monsters. When in the city, Lin Feng would stay in Yangyang. The imprinted city left its own message, and it took half a year for them to stand on the beach just after heading south.

There are many small towns by the sea, and this town is the one with the most sailings.

Ships go to sea every day in the town.

"Excuse me, the guest officer, do you want to go out to sea alone or with everyone?" When a business came, the boss looked at Lin Feng with a smile and asked, "Guest officer, rest assured that our ships are all year round. , Tongsao is not deceived!"

"Guest officer, come to our ship! We will also go tomorrow!"

Just in front of this black hand, a big man stopped in front of Lin Feng and said loudly, "We can definitely deliver the guest officer to your designated location as soon as possible, guest officer, what do you think?"

The previous boss lowered his head and said nothing.

Lin Feng looked at the big man in front of him.

"Why do I believe you?"

"My lord, you see, our ship is brand new, and our ship has undergone a new generation of reforms. The room is much larger than the surrounding rooms, and we have a lot of guests." The big man smiled. Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng nodded.

The big man's eyes lit up immediately.

"The most important thing is that if adults are in a hurry, we can set off now."

"That's good."

Lin Feng laughed suddenly, "Just your ship!"

Lin Feng followed the big man directly on the boat. The boss who was still greeting Lin Feng before saw Lin Feng's appearance, and shook his head, a touch of regret flashed in his eyes, a good man, this ah, Haas got on this A boat, this time there is nothing good to eat.

Lin Feng didn't laugh, and followed the big man on the boat.

There were a lot of guys in them. These guys all shuttled on the boat with smiles on their faces. Although there was no communication, Lin Feng could tell from their eyes that they should be a group of people.

This is interesting.

Seeing the appearance of these good guys, Lin Feng's mouth twitched. It seems that this time, he also picked up the treasure.

"Master, this is a thief ship." Zhuyin whispered.

"What do you know, the thief ship is good for stealing? You said how many good things are on the thief ship." Chitaki sighed and licked his lips, "Look, our master will come up alone, but these But they are all thieves!"


Zhu Yin turned his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and sat on the bed. The facilities on the boat were good and it was very comfortable to lie down. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"This place is really good."

"Master, the ship is moving." Hou Tu whispered to Lin Feng, "There are a total of forty-eight people wearing this. The one with the highest cultivation level is the appearance of Dzogchen, and there are a lot of treasures underneath. These guys should be robbed less.

"There are a lot of things coming and going on the sea, whether it's uploading or other things. It's normal for them to rob so many." Lin Feng nodded and said softly, "We still have to be careful along the way and take good care of these guys. I'm not afraid of thieves, but I'm afraid of them. Although these guys are underground, but they can stay here so late without accident, these people's methods are definitely not bad."

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded, their gazes turned here, waiting to appear.

Lin Feng’s expression was indifferent, and he swept around with a bit of coldness. No matter whether these guys’ cultivation bases are strong or not, Lin Feng can’t take it lightly. This is on someone else’s turf. What are the hidden means? May not let him know.

Lin Feng's expression was cold.

Seeing Lin Feng’s appearance, the people who were still a little cold were all silent for a while, all of them looked at the front with gloomy faces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are also very curious now, this What will happen inside.

Lin Feng stood there and looked down.

"Master, what happened?"

"There are many formations, but none of them are powerful."

"grown ups?"

At this moment, the big guy who had been soliciting came to Lin Feng’s door. Seeing that Lin Feng hadn’t closed the door, a flash of surprise flashed in the big guy’s eyes, and he entered the door of the room with a smile, "My lord, this is the spirit we prepared for you. Fruit, the journey is hard, adults eat more."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"Serving adults is what we should do."

The big man’s wooden attention glanced at Lin Feng’s body. Although I couldn’t scan how strong Lin Feng’s aura was, but Lin Feng is so young, no matter how strong it is, he cannot exceed the Golden Immortal period. They can all deal with it!

Seeing the big man's appearance, Lin Feng smiled with a smile on his face.

Seeing Lin Feng always smiling, the big man breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Lin Feng kept smiling like this, the big man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, take it easy."

After speaking, the big man went out directly, and closed the door for Lin Feng when he went out. Lin Feng sat there with a tick at the corner of his mouth.

"Tsk tusk, the price of this spirit fruit is not low."

"This is a kind of spirit fruit peculiar to the sea. It tastes very good, but if you eat too much, it is easy to dazzle people. Even the most powerful cultivator, if you eat too much of it, you will still get trouble."

"so smart?"

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