Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4034: Suffering from gains and losses

Chapter 4028

The most important thing is that, despite this, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to Tang Hao.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention, but the breath in Tang Hao's body was constantly undulating.

At this time, Tang Hao became a little bit worried about gains and losses.

He didn't believe it!

Tang Hao once again attacked Lin Feng, this time, he would never let Lin Feng go!

Tang Hao's breath came up again. The attacks of Lin Feng and Xuanyu fell on Tang Zaitian at the same time. A bomb was dropped silently by Lin Feng. The next moment, the whole formation trembled. When he got up, the Qianjimen disciple below was seriously injured, and Lin Feng's eyes fell on Tang Zaitian.

Tang Hao's long sword passed through Lin Feng's shoulder, and Tang Hao's eyes were fierce.

"Lin Feng, you forgot there is me!"

Lin Feng shuddered, Tang Hao only felt a powerful force rushing towards him directly, but he still didn't react. The next moment, a breath locked Tang Hao.

Anyone else?

Feeling this breath, Tang Hao's body trembled for a while, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, his eyes were all incredible, could it be that this guy still arranged someone here?

Seeing Tang Hao's appearance, Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

"The level is not good." Lin Feng sighed, and glanced at Tang Hao, "Learn more with your father. If you look at your father's ability, you are less than one-tenth."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, but this natural voice made Tang Hao's body tremble. The next moment, a stronger force rushed towards Lin Feng again.

Feeling this power, Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

This guy's shot is indeed strong enough, but that's it.

Tang Hao only felt his body sway for a while, and soon disappeared in front of Lin Feng, Qian Takisuo aimed at Tang Hao, and the bullet was directly thrown out.

"You are so courageous, you just lied to me that I don't have resources in my body. At this time, I have resources to deal with the enemy." Xuan Yu gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"I just filled up the resources. If I don't fill up the resources, I really don't have much resources in my spirit." Lin Feng sighed and whispered, "The resources on this guy are all I prepared for them. "

Hearing Lin Feng's affirmative words, Xuanyu nodded.

"Continue to take action. This big problem has been resolved soon, and we will go back soon."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I still can't bear you." Xuan Yu suddenly whispered, "Although you are not reliable at all, but we are still very happy to cooperate in this battle, right?"

Xuan Yu turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's long sword had already attacked Tang Zaitian.

"Go to fight so soon!" Xuan Yu mumbled, and quickly followed Lin Feng, and followed Lin Feng's side and attacked forward. Although he mumbled, Xuan Yu didn't want to make a move. Vague, the sword pointed to the front, his eyes were cold.

The two ‘dragons’ entangled forward, locking Tang Zaitian one after another, not giving Tang Zaitian a chance to make a big move.

Tang Zaitian wanted to escape, but couldn't escape.

However, Tang Zaitian was the only one who still didn't suffer much damage. He just watched this scene with gloomy eyes, and his expression became colder and colder.

Tang Zaitian shot faster and faster, and the two people soon felt the pressure.

Xuan Yu curled up a little.

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, seeing Tang Zaitian's appearance, once again attacked Tang Zaitian.

"Boy, you know you are not my opponent. If you surrender now, I can let you go." Tang Zaitian raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, and said lightly, "Hand over the Dragon Emperor bloodline on you, and I can spare you not to die. "

Lin Feng sneered.

"What kind of dog thing are you, you just shut up and ask Xiaoye to hand over what I have on my body. If you have the ability, you can get it by yourself!" Lin Feng's aura was raised again, and Tang Zaitian was right together.

The two collided, and a strong explosion sounded from below. The explosion sound had not stopped. The next moment, a more powerful force spread over here.

The flame of the heart of the earth and the fire of the Netherworld were united together, and rushed towards Tang Zaitian with Jie Lei.

The collision between the two seemed to evoke something, and the whole formation trembled.

Lin Feng's body stepped back a bit.

Although his mind had broken through Luo Tianshangxian, Lin Feng's strength was still too weak to deal with Tang Zaitian.

Can not be done!

Looking at his hands, Lin Feng sighed.

It's still too weak, I can only use that method!

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Tang Zaitian. Tang Zaitian stood there with his hands behind his back, looking at Lin Feng from a condescending position, his face was sure to win.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body trembled.

A flash of madness flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and the power of his mind began to flow out continuously.

Tang Zaitian's mind power directly crushed Lin Feng's power. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, he sneered, "Do you really think that this way you are enough to deal with me?"

Lin Feng's expression became more and more indifferent. He only sneered when he heard this sentence. The next moment, a steady flow of power rushed forward again.

Lin Feng's soul power was poured out by Lin Feng, a steady stream of soul power shuttled through the formation, and soon became entangled with the formation.

Tang Zaitian stepped back a bit, looking at Lin Feng, he couldn't believe it.

This kid...

Lin Feng's expression didn't touch too much or anything else.

Tang Zaitian increased the output of his soul power, and directly surrounded Lin Feng's soul power. Never give Lin Feng such a chance!

The power of the two collided around, Lin Feng only felt that the surrounding power seemed to be continuously leaning in this direction, Tang Zaitian's body quickly retreated, but Lin Feng did not mean to stop~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Lin Feng is going to devote all his money to a fight with him!

This is an out-and-out lunatic!

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, Tang Zaitian's body trembled, looking at Lin Feng, there was a bit more sympathy between geniuses.

However, this kind of thought was only for a moment. Soon, Tang Zaitian adjusted his state and rushed forward again. If he wants to solve the trouble in front of him, he must increase his shot!

Lin Feng's methods must not be allowed to succeed!

Once Lin Feng's method succeeds, then everything that follows will become an unknown.

Tang Zaitian himself was not sure to deal with this guy!

Lin Feng only felt that his mind was hurting badly. Tang Zaitian's mind power could not circulate in his mind for a long time. The two collided, and a little bit of blood flowed out of Lin Feng's seven holes.

(End of this chapter)

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