Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4047: 0 machine door disciples gathering

Lin Feng smiled, "During this period of time, let's move around in Haicheng, collect some resources and bring them to Soul City. Yangyang needs a lot of resources."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo nodded.

"During this time, we have also killed many disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect. Although these disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect are not very rich, there are still a lot of Eastern things. Now, shall we take out all these things? "

"Don't worry, many of us are definitely going to exchange for resources. Let's put away the rest. The big guy in Yangyang will soon complete the test. Let's wait a few months before the big guy comes out. , Let's give Qianjimen a gift again."

When Lin Feng said the big guy, Liusuo's eyes lit up.

The big guy studied by the young master is the big guy who can directly deal with the strong above the big Luo Jinxian. If the big guy is placed on them...

Liusuo looked at each other, and they all saw excitement in each other's eyes. If they were placed on them, they would stand alone in a dangerous state, or they could leave spontaneously.

In this way, what they can save for Lin Feng is Ah Jin, and of course, they can also help Lin Feng complete many better tasks!

"Master, when will the young master come up?"

All Liusuo cultivated in front of Lin Feng like doglegs, and each of them asked with excitement on their faces.

"It's still being tested. I have to wait until the test results come out." Lin Feng smiled when Liusuo was so excited, "This is just an itchy idea for the time being. If it is really implemented, it will take a lot of time. So, we still have to prepare with both hands when the time comes. If the big guy can't reach it, we still have to deal with it ourselves."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, and Liusuo nodded.

"The young master can succeed, so don't worry, master!"

"Yes, Master, you should believe in Young Master!"

Lin Feng just smiled when he heard Liusuo's words.

In science, there is no success or failure, only continuous progress.

Lin Feng wandered around in Haicheng, and finally booked the most conspicuous box in the most conspicuous restaurant in Haicheng. Living on it, Lin Feng could almost see the place where the disciples of Qianjimen were staying.

After half a year of chasing these disciples, all of them have learned to be smart now. They just stood in the distance and watched. The digging team would not appear in front of Lin Feng, feeling the way these guys look like. Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, joining the WTO can make them mature earlier.

"Master, there are a total of six Qianjimen disciples at the level of Luo Tianshang who live in this restaurant. These six Luo Tianshangxians are coming to you, the master." Chitaki checked from the bottom and whispered to Lin. Feng said, "Are we going to shoot?"

"Although the master's spirit has broken through Luo Tianshangxian, he is still some distance away from Luo Tianshangxian, so at this time it is impossible for the master to fight them in a tie. At this time, it is most important to protect the safety of the owner."

Candle Yin frowned and said.

"We still don't know the enemy's power, so it's better not to take action."

Violent also spoke, and said solemnly, "Once we make a move, we can't leave the opponent with any handles. We have to complete the blow and let the opponent off guard."

Lin Feng nodded.

"There are some good pills here, but we still have to find a way to get them to buy them." Lin Feng tapped his forehead and whispered, "Also, let's be careful of the woman Shi Ningxue, that The woman has merged with the Mo Chou girl, and their bodies are already united. No matter how the two women fight for control, the two women should always collide with us in the end."

Lin Feng paused, and whispered, "Shi Ningxue is okay, it is absolutely impossible for Mo Chou's daughter to let me go."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

Indeed, at the beginning, Lin Feng released all the resentful spirits in the entire Nether City, and even opened the gates to guide those resentful spirits in. Although I don’t know what happened to the Nether City behind, it’s just a look at Mo Chou's hatred. , The original Nether City, certainly not much better.

Thinking of this, Liu Shuo became a little heavy.

Counting this way, the master's enemies seem to be more and more, and these enemies seem to be getting stronger and stronger.

Liu Suo swallowed his saliva, and saw Lin Feng's casual look, but their hearts were all lifted up.

"Master, I think we'd better go directly to the place where you want to confirm, and then we will start looking for the next dragon tomb. Only yo? You have become stronger. These guys, it is estimated that they will not be entangled. Master you."

Chitaki swallowed and said.

"Since they are all enemies, it is absolutely impossible for these guys to let me go, so even if I go to find the dragon tomb to absorb the blood of the dragon, in the end, I will still be restrained by these guys. Rather than doing this, it is better to completely To teach them a lesson, I don’t believe that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Daluojinxian of Qianjimen, Luotianshangxian is also a large amount of Chinese cabbage."

Lin Feng's face was determined.

He was still a little embarrassed to deal with Luo Tianshang, but when dealing with Da Luo Jinxian, Lin Feng was confident that he could still do it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Liusuo followed Lin Feng silently. They chose to obey Lin Feng's choice unconditionally. In general, Lin Feng would not cheat them anyway. Since Lin Feng said so, then so it is done.

Liusuo followed Lin Feng to live in the city at home. For the next month, Lin Feng would not go out. Every day except for practicing, he walked around, looking in a good mood.

The disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect had always been in the range of tracking, and completely enveloped Lin Feng. For this, Lin Feng did not have much insight, but only remembered all these people in his heart.

Lin Feng's expression was somewhat indifferent.

In such a month, the disciples of Qianjimen hadn't decreased, on the contrary, they had become more and more. These disciples of Qianjimen were all gathered together, surrounding Lin Feng's room.

A month later, Lin Feng finally figured out all the cultivation bases of the disciples of the Qianjimen who lived here.

Although both were Luo Tianshang's cultivation bases, there was still a gap between their cultivation bases, and although most of the cultivation bases had reached the level of Luo Tianshangxian's level, they were actually a little bit worse.

After clarifying, Lin Feng put a smile on his face.

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