Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4050: Cognition

"It's Yundan. Yundan is not resistant to collection. Once this pill is successfully refined, it is best to take it on the spot. Even if you break through the emperor in the future, Yundan can also play a certain role." Lin Feng said with a smile. .

The six people looked at each other, Yun Dan!

Even in Qianjimen, this pill is very popular!

They had only seen the appearance of Yundan, and now to compare it, the pill is exactly the same. Six people don't suspect that he has him, and directly swallowed the pill.

As soon as the mother pill entered, it immediately turned into a restraining force and banned the six dantians.

At the moment when the six people were confused, Lin Feng instantly included the six people in the chaos seeds.

It would take at least three days for the mother pill to function. During these three days, Lin Feng definitely couldn't put these six guys back.

Lin Feng entered the world of chaos seeds.

Six people were banned by Lin Feng.

"Boy, who are you?" Seeing Lin Feng, a few people's eyes flashed with cold light. "What do you mean by banning us?"

Lin Feng's gaze swept across several people, and then he smiled.

"Literally, how many people don't know?" Lin Feng smiled, and his body quickly returned to Lin Feng's appearance. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, all six of them stepped back, one by one. Looking at Lin Feng with alert in his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Lin Feng didn't feel flustered. He just smiled and waved his hands instead, saying, "Several people, please, it happens to be free at this time. Why don't we have a good exchange together?"

The smiles on Lin Feng's face looked a little casual. After hearing what Lin Feng said, all six of them stepped back. They didn't expect that Lin Feng, this guy, actually calculated them!

What a sinister and cunning guy!

Seeing that Lin Feng still had a smile on his face, a gloom flashed in the eyes of the six people, and they moved back a little.

Lin Feng didn't worry about the appearance of these people, just stood there with a smile, his expression still indifferent.

"Lin Feng!"

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the voices of several people raised a little, "Let us out!"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Guys, enjoy it here, the power of the mother pill will be continuously released, and your cultivation will be completely imprisoned. When the time comes, you will not be able to help you."

Lin Feng said with a smile, and the six of them looked at each other and directly slashed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the attack of the six people disappeared invisible.

The six people looked at each other, and they all saw panic in each other's eyes.

Lin Feng's expression was too indifferent, which made them completely unsure how to face the person in front of them.

Lin Feng stood there coldly, his expression didn't touch too much. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, everyone who was still thinking about it now condensed their minds, and their eyes turned on Lin Feng's body. One by one, his mind turned back and forth, thinking about how to solve Lin Feng's trouble earlier.

Seeing that the six people still did not give in, Lin Feng was not anxious.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Even if these six people have ideas, they will only be convinced in the end. After all, this is not where they say no.

Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth. Seeing that the six people looked unwilling, Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Spend your last days here." Lin Feng sighed, "As for Wali, he will come and make peace with you soon, and then you can be together."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned and left directly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the six people looked at each other and raised their heads to look at Lin Feng. They were full of thoughts to deal with Lin Feng. Seeing the appearance of these two people, Lin Feng just shook his head.

The cultivation base of these guys is certainly strong, but in Lin Feng's view, these guys are still a little poor in attacking him.

Lin Feng just turned his head in disgust.

Seeing that Lin Feng was unwilling to talk to them, the few disciples who had thoughts all stood there quietly and did not speak again.

The mother pill and the others naturally knew that it was definitely not an easy task to crack the mother pill, especially now that Lin Feng's attitude made them a little hard to choose.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He just bowed his head and played with what he was in. He looked in a good mood. No matter how much thought these guys have, at this time, when facing Lin Feng, their thoughts are simply not available. Any feedback.

Lin Feng left the Chaos Seed. When he left, Lin Feng asked the Earth Spirit Orb to greet them well.

Although the Earth Spirit Orb is fused with the Chaos Seed, it has a separate soul after all. This single soul also allows the Earth Orb to control the ground world inside the Chaos Seed.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Six have been solved.

"Master, what are we going to do now?"

Liu Suo followed the deep white girl with Lin Feng, and the guy who stayed, in their opinion, they are all the turtles in the urn. There is simply no way to stop Lin Feng, so they naturally relax, one by one. He leaned in front of Lin Feng and asked with a smile.

"Of course I swaggered back and told Wali that those two jobs had gone to be friends with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng said with a smile, "As for what to do next, it's all about It's up, we don't need to worry now. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo nodded.

Seeing that Lin Feng was calm at this time, Liusuo also seemed to be in a good mood.

Lin Feng shook his body.

"Okay, let's go, go back to the city first, Wali is probably in a hurry at this time."

Lin Feng went back to the city directly. When he went back, Lin Feng did not do much to cover up. He wore the alchemist's robe and returned to the inn with a smile along the way. Wali's people were still besieging the alchemy workshop. With the news that he had already returned to the inn, Wali immediately took his disciples back. When he returned, Lin Feng was sitting at the window drinking with a sullen face and wearing an alchemist robe.

"Yo, isn't this Wali? Want to have a drink together?"

Lin Feng smiled and greeted Wali,

"Yes, I didn't expect that we could see acquaintances in this place."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Wali immediately understood the feelings, they were all fooled by this guy, then they...

It is estimated that there is no good fortune. Seeing Lin Feng's smile, Wali pursed his mouth.

"How did you deal with six people?"

For the six of them, Lin Feng had already returned, and Wali knew exactly what had happened.

Although Wali was a demon, he was not a fool, especially, before coming, Tang Zaitian had repeatedly warned that Lin Feng was not a good stubborn.

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