Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4006: Not small

Tang Hao's love for Qianqian was really deep-rooted.

"You fool!" Lin Feng shook his head, "Do you think it's amazing to absorb the blood of the dragon, do you really take yourself seriously?" Lin Feng's gaze swept across Tang Hao, "but you It also reminded me that it’s okay if you want someone. Tonight, at 12 o’clock east, leave Haicheng 30 miles away. Let’s go to a death fight. If you win, you can take Qianqian as your own. how is it?"

Lin Feng's attitude was very clear. Tang Hao didn't dare to make any trouble in battle. He knew that he was not Lin Feng's opponent.

He couldn't beat Lin Feng before Lin Feng broke through. Now Lin Feng has broken through the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and he has more than one dragon bloodline. Tang Hao dare not fight Lin Feng at this time.

"I only want Qianqian, she is my woman!" Tang Hao said viciously.

"Your woman?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, "Did you sleep with her or held hands with her or kissed her?" Lin Feng looked down at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao stepped back a bit, his expression a little gloomy and uncertain. Naturally Qianqian didn't want to do this.

Looking at Tang Hao's appearance, Lin Feng smiled.

"But unfortunately, I not only hugged her, I kissed her, and I slept with her."

Lin Feng's gaze fell on Tang Hao, and he said with a smile, "How?"

"Lin Feng, don't go too far, Qianqian is not that kind of person!"

Tang Hao's face was full of anger, this guy, at this time, was clearly provoking his relationship with Qianqian!

Lin Feng smiled.

"Of course I know Qianqian is not such a person, Lin Feng, don't think you can defeat me in this way, I tell you, I won't surrender!"

Seeing Tang Hao's appearance, Lin Feng just shrugged.

"It's okay if you don't surrender, let's fight, and use battle to decide everything, what do you think?" Lin Feng still smiled happily.

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Tang Hao stepped back.

"I'm not your opponent, but Lin Feng, do you really think that our disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect appeared here by accident?"

Tang Hao sneered and looked at Lin Feng.

"I tell you, my Thousand Chance Gate will not let you go! If you hand over Qianqian, I can consider letting you live here!"

"But I don't like it."

Lin Feng shrugged and said innocently, "I like to shoot directly at you, and then take the dragon blood from you, do you think it's okay?" Lin Feng looked at Tang Hao with a smile.

Tang Hao took a half step back, his face on guard.

Seeing Tang Hao's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head boringly.


Waved, Lin Feng turned and left directly.

Tang Hao stood there without moving.

Seeing Lin Feng's departure, his nerves relaxed. Once relaxed, he immediately heard the unusualness in Lin Feng's words. Lin Feng clearly knew that he could not deal with him. The most important point was this. It is in the city, where fighting is forbidden from time to time, and none of them can fight here!

Thinking about this, Tang Hao's face became more and more gloomy, and he was fooled by this kid again!

"I said, he is a man with a hard heart, now you believe it?" Lin Feng left, Shi Ningxue appeared next to Tang Hao and said with a smile, "The Qianqian you want is already his woman. , He won't give it to you."


Tang Hao turned to look at Shi Ningxue.

Shi Ningxue was beautiful, but Tang Hao couldn't love Shi Ningxue at all, especially, this woman was with his father at night.

Tang Hao knew what was behind a strong man, but he especially looked down on a woman like Shi Ningxue.

Tang Hao turned around and left, ignoring Shi Ningxue at all.

Shi Ningxue just smiled, her eyes were somewhat predestined.

She still exudes a powerful aura that does not belong to her, and the aura of the two seem to be a little imperfectly fused, but it is obvious that Mo Chou's aura is dissipating a little bit.

Shi Ningxue solved Mo Chou's girl.

Lin Feng stood in the teahouse watching, then shook his head.

"This Shi Ningxue is really good at it. She was obviously injured, but she solved the problem of Mo Shou's daughter. But looking at the way this woman is now, it is estimated that she has been mixed with Qianjimen. Woman, sometimes it is only necessary to achieve success Just have a good skin bag, Shi Ningxue shows her skin vividly."

Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

"What is the difference between this kind of woman and the female branch of Goulan Yard!"

He snorted coldly and said, "Women should respect and love themselves like a wife, not such a silly thing."

"This woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's not surprising to be able to do this." Lin Feng nodded, and shook his head looking at Shi Ningxue's direction. "But this woman probably hates me. It is very likely that she will take action against me. Shi Ningxue's ability is more than just climbing into a man's bed. This woman was originally only from the lower realm. To be able to get to this realm today, she has to pay more than us. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng's fingers tapped lightly on the window frame.

Shi Ningxue raised her head and looked at the window where Lin Feng was, and showed a charming smile at Lin Feng. Shi Ningxue's eyes turned black and red, and a strange force flowed between her eyes, a strange The breath of Lin Feng came directly towards Lin Feng.

Feeling this breath, Lin Feng sneered.

This woman's methods are really unambiguous at all.


Lin Feng's eyes condensed, and that breath was directly crushed by Lin Feng. Shi Ningxue's body moved back a bit, and a mouthful of blood came out. Look at the window sill, where there are traces of Lin Feng, Lin Feng early Has already left.

Such a powerful pupil power.

Shi Ningxue vomited a bit of blood, wiped off the blood from the corners of her mouth, didn't stay too much, turned around and left.

Behind Shi Ningxue, two disciples from the Qianji Sect followed Shi Ningxue step by step, saying that they were serving Shi Ningxue, rather than monitoring Shi Ningxue.

This woman really won't miss any chance.

"But Master, why is this woman mingling with Qianjimen?"

"Aren't you familiar with this?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Liusuo, "I don't know much about these hidden families and sects, but judging from the current situation, Shi Ningxue, this woman and the one of the thousand opportunities In the meantime, there should be some cooperation. However, in this cultivation world, interests are paramount. Shi Ningxue’s appearance is probably because this woman has fully admitted that she hasn’t yet, but this woman’s ability is pretty good. ."

(End of this chapter)

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