Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4020: Routine

Lin Feng nodded, "Don't worry, even if there are intersections in the future, I definitely say I don't know you."


Xuan Yu rolled his eyes, the ridicule in Lin Feng's words was too obvious, but this guy did fit his taste very well.

"Why, entangled again?" Lin Feng smiled, "I found out that you guy still likes this kind of beating style."


Talking to Lin Feng, he was completely clear. It was simply uncomfortable for himself. There might not be the word shame in this guy's dictionary.

Lin Feng continued to study the formation, Xuan Yu followed behind Lin Feng, watching Lin Feng study a little bit, the expression on his face became more and more surprised, Lin Feng's speed is not fast, but Xuan Yu can clearly feel it. With Lin Feng's movements, the changes in front of them became more and more rapid.

The speed of this guy is too fast.

He didn't even know how this guy researched, he just looked at the results of Lin Feng's research, and his eyes were surprised standing there and couldn't say anything, because under Lin Feng's research, the whole formation was really true. It collapsed at the beginning.

"This... is that it?"

Xuan Yu looked at Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"It's early, but don't worry, this is a good start. My guess is correct." Lin Feng's mouth curled up slightly and said with a smile, "We will be free from here soon. As for the outside ..."

Lin Feng looked at Tang Zaitian and his group. The disciples of Qianjimen below were all studying the formation, while Tang Zaitian was constantly pointing.

Let it go?

of course not.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the next moment, the formation began to revolve again. Soon, the two large formations merged together. The Zhoutian Star Dou formation overlapped with the outside tactics, and the killing formation was in constant motion. As if found a vent, he poured out directly.

Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

"Zhu Zi An dare!" Tang Zaitian raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, his eyes eager to breathe fire.

"I have done everything, what dare you dare to do? Isn't this bullshit?" Lin Feng smiled, "Enjoy it. In fact, the formation outside is just a seventh-level immortal formation, your people. No, a seventh-level difficulty formation can't be solved, Tang Zaitian, it seems that you are in the Thousand Chance Sect, and you are just a secretly rejected existence."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, Tang Zaitian's body trembled a bit when he heard Lin Feng's words.

Tang Zaitian's eyes swept across the disciple below.

The formation of these disciples is certainly strong, but when facing battles, they are much weaker.

Tang Zaitian greeted him directly.


very powerful!

What Lin Feng had to say was that Tang Zaitian’s combat effectiveness was really strong. Tang Hao was completely protected by Tang Zaitian behind Tang Zaitian. As for the following disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect, with Tang Zaitian present, they only need to study the formation well. Law is fine.

"True Nima is a pervert!"

Xuan Yu swallowed his saliva. He had only heard of Tang Zaitian's power. At this time, he really saw Tang Zaitian's ability, and it was considered surrender.

Spiritual power training lingered beside Tang Zaitian, and the powerful momentum directly resisted the attack of the killing array half a meter away from Tang Zaitian's body.

"Tsk tusk, it's no wonder that he can become the master of the martial arts hall, this guy's combat effectiveness is really strong."

Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

"That's not nonsense, when Tang Zaitian was in Daluo Jinxian, he was already able to withstand the three attacks of the immortal emperor powerhouse, and he was a true genius in Tang Zaitian's era!"

In Xuanyu's voice, there was a little more worship in it unconsciously.

"What about you?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xuan Yu.

"Our dragons are naturally different..." Xuan Yu turned his head, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "The cultivation way of our dragons is different from that of the humans. Besides, the life span of the dragons has been longer. Humans only need to cultivate a small nebula when they are cultivating, but our dragons, with such a huge body, besides, the long training time of our dragons is beyond your humans."

Xuan Yu glanced back, "Don't believe me, let me tell you, our dragon race is like this, we are not compared with your human race, among the three realms, our dragon race is supreme!"

In Xuanyu's words, there is pride.

"Tsk tsk, this kid is really a brain-dead!" Over there, the candle Yin suddenly whispered, "Master, or you know how to throw this guy out, it's shameful!"

"I think so too!"

"It's even more mouthful than me, I also think this guy can just blast away!"

Lin Feng cut off Liusuo's complaint, and instead smiled and nodded, looking at Long Yu's eyes a little more inquiring.

"Does the Dragon Race really exist?"

"Of course!"

"I always think this is a lie to me, otherwise the dragons exist, why are there no dragons on the whole road? This is ridiculous, besides, you look at yourself now, don't you think you are a human being at all?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Xuanyu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com once again shot.

Xuan Yu was taken aback for a moment.

"I can't tell you clearly, but our dragons do exist."

"Where is that..."

"The place where our Dragon Clan is located is naturally the shore of Litu, nine days..." Xuan Yu also said, and suddenly turned to look at Lin Feng, "You are playing my words."

Seeing Xuanyu's reaction, Lin Feng sighed.

This guy is still very clever sometimes. He has spoken twice. This guy is wary of not telling him every time. Lin Feng shook his head. It seems that there is no way to tell where the dragon is. .

"I can't tell you. Besides, you are a human being with the blood of our dragon. If you are known by our dragon, the blood will be taken away. No matter how you get it, you will be hurt. Our dragon!"

Xuan Yu said solemnly, "I think you are a good person. You should stay away from our dragon clan in the future."

Good guy?

Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded.


"Maybe I took the blood of the dragon to your dragon clan, and your dragon clan will be friendly to me." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's absolutely impossible!" Xuan Yu denied directly, "I tell you, you'd better not have such a mentality. If I meet you before fighting the Qianchimen, I will tell you that I will directly face You shot and took away the dragon bloodline from your body. Our dragon race is arrogant. It is absolutely impossible for a human race to defile our bloodline!"

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