Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4029: You are more familiar

This time, he was embarrassed, but the two guys who made him humiliated stood there with a face of frankness!

It is unbearable!

Tang Zaitian's breath became more and more fierce, like a long sword pointed directly at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

On the horizon, Shi Ningxue led a group of disciples from Qianji Sect standing outside watching with interest.

This woman also came.

Seeing Shi Ningxue coming over, Lin Feng's eyes flashed helplessly. This woman's methods were also very spicy. To get out of this woman's hands, Lin Feng knew that he might not be able to do it for a while. , Since this woman took the initiative to send it to the door...

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth hooked, he naturally didn't let this woman off!

This time, it was a coincidence.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed brightly, Xuanyu saw the shy disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect outside, a flash of bad luck flashed in his eyes, just about to speak, after turning around to see the bright light in Lin Feng’s eyes, Xuan Yu was taken aback. ,

Lin Feng looks like this...

"Hey, hey, there are people outside again!"

"Don't worry, they are all within the range of the formation, and no one can escape." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Just wait for the final result with peace of mind. Don't worry, since I promised you, let's You can definitely deal with these guys, you have to have confidence in yourself."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, Xuan Yu rolled her eyes.

"Please, it's not that I have to have confidence in myself, but you have to have confidence in yourself." Xuan Yu rolled her eyes and whispered, "I know I can handle the troubles in front of me!"

Lin Feng shrugged.

A psychic trainer attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pulled Xuan Yu and hid behind the formation.

Tang Zaitian's breath became more and more volatile, and seeing Lin Feng avoiding, the hostility in his eyes became even worse.

"Why don't we win the attack? If we continue to move forward just now, that old guy can't bear it anymore."

Xuan Yu said, very dissatisfied with Lin Feng pulling him away.

The attacks were all ready to go viral, but Lin Feng didn't mean to attack the opponent at all, what the hell?

"If you chase after victory, you will be the one who is injured now. How do you say that guy is Luo Tianshang Immortal Dzogchen, do you see it, although you burned a hand, it just looks ugly on the surface, but the breath on his body remains the same. Strong, this shows that this guy hasn't been injured yet!"

Lin Feng said helplessly.

"The lord of the whole hall was made like this by us. He has no love for us now, only hate, so let's avoid it, and leave it with the green hills, and don't worry about not having firewood."

Lin Feng looked at Tang Zaitian from a distance.

Shi Ningxue outside did not intend to make a move, but just stood there watching the show with great interest, and the disciples behind her did not move.

Lin Feng could feel that Shi Ningxue and Tang Zaitian seemed to be communicating with each other, but obviously, the result was not as good as he thought.

Shi Ningxue, a woman who has always had big interests, Lin Feng didn't need to think about it and knew that this woman would definitely not take action so easily.

The breath of Tang Zaitian's whole body was continuously rising, his eyes swept around, his eyes gushing with anger.

"Boy, get out of me and die!"

After living for so long, has Tang Zaitian ever been so embarrassed, especially in front of so many disciples of the Qianji Sect, if this matter is spread out, how will he continue to hang around in Wutang in the future?

The hall master was so embarrassed by others that even if he was not injured, it would be enough to be a shadow for Tang Zaitian for the rest of his life!

Especially, the woman outside dared to disobey his orders!

"Ms. Shi Ningxue, let's take action, the hall master's situation is not very good now." Outside, an old man from Qianjimen stood behind Shi Ningxue and said lightly.

"Now the formation is not in the control of the Thousand Chance Sect, but in the control of Lin Feng. Do you have a chance to make a shot at this time?" Shi Ningxue hooked the corner of her mouth, "Or you want to die. ?"

Shi Ningxue suddenly turned to look at the old man.

The old man was silent immediately.

When they have cultivated to their level, they have already become old foxes one by one. Although they are busy to help, it is impossible to give up their lives to help.

Even if Tang Zaitian lives to find their trouble in the future, Tang Zaitian will not be able to find them, Qianjimen is so big and there are so many disciples, and Tang Zaitian's shot this time is obviously not much convincing.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Shi Ningxue's mouth hooked.

"Let's not rush to take action now. Let's look at the following situation. Don't worry. As a genius of the previous generation, Hall Master Tang, let alone others, is not comparable to ordinary people."

Shi Ningxue added a sentence, and the old man became more and more calm.

Shi Ningxue was right, Tang Zaitian's cultivation base was against the sky, just two little guys, so he wouldn't kill Tang Zaitian.

"Boy, get out!" Tang Zaitian grabbed a pass during the formation, looked at Lin Feng with red eyes, and said again.

"If you say to get out, then I'm too shameless?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "I said Tang Zaitian, you are stupid, do you think I will deal with you at this time?"

Lin Feng hid behind, controlling the surrounding formation and rushing towards Tang Zaitian.

"Enjoy the gift the little master left for you. I believe you will be extremely happy."

Lin Feng squinted at Tang Zaitian with a smile, and Tang Zaitian's breath came up again.

Lin Feng's voice is not high, but it can be seen that Lin Feng has no intention of letting go of these guys in front of him.

Only at this time, Tang Zaitian knew that he didn't have much choice right under the eaves.

Although, he can't wait to eat this guy's meat~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lin Feng, you must die! "

Tang Zaitian's aura lifted up again, and with a wave of his hand, the powerful energy directly shook away the surrounding attacks.

He wanted to see how this kid would deal with him!

"Haha!" Lin Feng smiled, with a look of disregard.

To kill him, this old thing had already killed him, and at this time, this old thing was just stubborn.

"Lin Feng, do you really think Luo Tianshang has only this ability?"

Tang Zaitian sneered at Lin Feng and said.

"I know Luo Tianshangxian is very capable, but this formation is not set by me, but you set it up for us, so how powerful is the formation? It’s not that you are more powerful than us. Familiar?"

Lin Feng looked down at Tang Zaitian and said with a smile.

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