Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4130: Fish tail (five/one hundred)

Lin Feng had already memorized the entire map by heart, but Yuwei obviously had no intention of going back.

"Master, this girl is crazy. During this time, we have basically played in the sea. To enter the murloc tribe, we still need this girl to lead the way, but this girl is too slow. Or, let's go straight to it. Tie this girl and take it home."

The violent face was full of disgust, and said, "In this way, we don't need to spend much effort to bring that guy back."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly when he heard the violent death.

"We are here to solve the problem. We are not here to enmity. We really have to do what you said. I guess our life will not be kept."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Violent lowered her head and stood there without speaking. Lin Feng patted Violent's body, then smiled, and said, "Okay, don't think about this anymore, just wait. , That girl just came out to deal with something, and it won’t take too long to play.

Lin Feng looked at the locator at hand.

Although he was playing, he came all the way towards the central waters, only a few days later than him.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't pursue it, Liu Shuo didn't speak any more. After all, if things here really need to be arranged, then it's basically Lin Feng making arrangements, and they have no reason to speak.

Lin Feng began to wander around this sea area, selling some of the pill formation and other things he had on him, and Lin Feng exchanged a lot of resources for it.

In such a big place, Lin Feng walked around in exchange for resources every day, and the change of place from place to place would not be felt for a while.

"Master, so many resources, what do we bring with us?"

Seeing Lin Feng's continuous collection and delivery as far as the Chaos Seed World, Chitaki finally couldn't help it.

If he wants to be in the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm, he can still understand that Lin Feng collected resources and brought it back, but now he is in the Immortal Realm. If necessary, the young ladies can send them to the address that Lin Feng left before. Array construction, and then just come over and buy directly.

"What do you know? Didn't you see that the owner's mobile phone is all five-attribute resources? The owner is collecting resources for the five spirit beads to use.

Xing Ying said with a sharp voice, "When the master has gathered all the resources, the master can directly use the five spirit orbs, and the Chaos Seed World will be completely completed."


Lin Feng suddenly put away Liu Shuo. After putting it away, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, Lin Feng felt that there was a breath of good play in his body spying on his body, but the spying only left in an instant.

Lin Feng looked down at the cosmetics in the box. After making sure that there was nothing, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It was just that Lin Feng's mind was still tense at this moment for the divine consciousness that spied the sky just now.

Very powerful force!

Lin Feng did not release Liu Shuo again, but began to wander around alone.

At this time, Lin Feng knew that safety was the top priority.

Lin Feng just breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to the yard, and all Liu Shuo flew out.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"It's okay."

Lin Feng shook his head, concealing his own perception just now.

In the next few days, I paid attention to the surrounding state from time to time, trying to find out who was performing such a prank on him. However, no matter how Lin Feng thought, the prank that looked at Ye never appeared again, which made Lin Feng's I couldn't help muttering in my heart.

Is it just his illusion?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's original vigilant mind relaxed a lot, and after a period of rest, he continued to collect resources.

This collection took a full month, and within this month, I thought it had finally reached the central waters.

Lin Feng followed Yuwei.

Fish Tail is like a happy child looking for food everywhere, and from time to time he will look back and smile and take photos with everyone. He soon gained a lot of fans in the central waters.

Lin Feng followed Yuwei to the restaurant.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Yuwei realized that there seemed to be something different. Fishtail turned his head and just saw Lin Feng standing there, smiling at him.

"It's been a long time, Yuwei Gu Nian."

"Lin Feng?"

Seeing Lin Feng, Fishtail's eyes lit up immediately, "Why are you here?"

"My original purpose was the Central Sea. It shouldn't be weird to appear here, right?"

Lin Feng smiled, and then said, "On the contrary, you, as a member of the Demon Realm, love you with such a long mobile phone, it seems even more abnormal!"

"Of course I am to protect myself!"

Fishtail wanted to argue, but when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed it all.

Seeing the appearance of the fishtail, Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand, and said, "It just so happens that I will come over to say hello when I see you, it's okay, I'll leave first."

With that said, Lin Feng turned around to leave.

"Hold on!" Just when Lin Feng was about to leave, Fishtail stretched out his hands and blocked him in front of Lin Feng. After hesitating, he spoke, "Um...I want to go shopping more here, you Can you stay with me?"

Just as Lin Feng was preparing fiercely, Xingzheng stopped Lin Feng's topic immediately.

"Master, this is also easy to handle. In this case, the master can learn more about this girl. Maybe at that time, the master can ask the place where the murloc is in advance."

Lin Feng nodded.


After a while, Lin Feng sighed and said, "I will be with you tomorrow."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Fishtail's eyes immediately brightened, and the stars flashed on Lin Feng's body, and he nodded heavily.

"Then...what restaurant are you in, I'm going to find you!"

Lin Feng swept around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and walked three streets there, there was a restaurant where I stayed temporarily. "

"I am coming too."

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, the fishtail interrupted Lin Feng and said directly, "It's too far."



Lin Feng sighed, looking helpless.

"Hehe, you're such a good person, that, and, I don’t have too much entanglement on my body. You can help me count the room rate by the way." Fishtail said with a smile, his small body not jumping in front , "So fun!"

"Master, I think this girl is looking for you to pay for her." Zhuyin said with a smile, "Very weird girl!"

Lin Feng smiled and followed Yuwei to pay her. It was nothing more than a few small things, and it was not enough for a top-grade fairy stone, but when Yuwei was happy, Lin Feng let her go.


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