Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4062: Immortal Emperor Strong

The disciples around      continued to spread towards this side, and feeling the appearance of these disciples, everyone's expressions changed a little, and they accelerated and moved forward.

   "Master, the formation has been set!"

   fought for a while, the formation had already been set up over there, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and flew directly with the disciple of Qianchi Sect.

  The Qianchimen disciple controlled by the formation was directly thrown on the desert island by Lin Feng. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and headed towards another small city.

   Like this three or four times, when Lin Feng rushed to another small island again, there were no more disciples of Qianjimen.

   "It seems that these Qianjimen disciples are sometimes scared!" Sensing that there are no Qianjimen disciples around, Chitaki said with a smile.

   "Tsk, this time these guys probably really know that they are afraid, I know, with your current strength, Master, you can definitely deal with these guys casually!"

   "You guys are so happy."

   Lin Feng sighed and said.

   He snatched things from Qianjimen. With Qianjimen's nature, it is absolutely impossible to let him go. Since Qianjimen has not come, it can only show that it is a bigger trouble.

   Lin Feng is not as optimistic as Liusuo, standing in the small town, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

   Although I don't know who the person is, Lin Feng is already ready for a fierce battle.

   "You are a smart, no wonder it fell into your hands in the sky."

   A somewhat lazy voice rang above Lin Feng. Lin Feng raised his head and saw a young man standing there, wearing a long gown, standing not far away with hands behind his back, with a gentle smile on his mouth.

   Lin Feng looked into the eyes of the visitor.

  The person here looks like a teenager, but his eyes are the vicissitudes of life after life.

   Lin Feng took a step back.

   At this step, Lin Feng seemed to have transferred from one world to another. There seemed to be snowflakes falling around, and the sun was shining brightly, everything seemed so uncoordinated.

   Lin Feng stood there looking at the boy.


   Lin Feng opened the corner of his mouth, and then laughed out, "I am a little big Luo Jinxian, it is beyond my expectation to be able to appeal to a powerful person."

   Someone smiled.

   "You are not an ordinary big Luo Jinxian. You have defeated the big Luo Jinxian who is in the sky. I am also very curious about what kind of family Lin Xiangyang lives in. Now it seems that I overestimated that kid."

   Lai Ren took a step forward.

   Liusuo has all entered Lin Feng's body.

   "No loss is the heir of the Dragon Emperor's bloodline chosen by the dragon clan, I like the power in you very much, but..." The person smiled.

   "The successor to the Dragon Emperor is never the only one."

   Lin Feng took a step back again.

   Come one step forward.

   "Hehe, little things, do you know you are afraid?"

   "In front of some old and disrespectful old things, of course I have to save my life." Lin Feng cracked his mouth and showed a smile, "Is it possible that I will not let me smile when I die?"

"you're funny."

   The man chuckled, his eyes rolled around Lin Feng, "But it's a pity, who wants you to be the heir of the Dragon Emperor's bloodline?"

   Lin Feng stood there without speaking.

   Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the visitor smiled, and his expression fell gently on Lin Feng's body.

   "Don't try to fight with Qianjimen, little thing, you are not the opponent of Qianjimen. If you want to defeat Qianjimen, you will have to live for decades, you know?"

   Someone raised his hand, and the surrounding heaven and earth power seemed to disappear in an instant.

Lin Feng felt that something was pulling his neck, pulling up all the strength of his whole body, Lin Feng tried to resist, and the dantian was constantly running. With this movement, the breath around Lin Feng began A little mistress.

   Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and a surprise flashed in his eyes. It seemed that this method was useful.

   However, without waiting for Lin Feng to make a better choice, a more powerful force spread towards Lin Feng from the surrounding area once again, strangling Lin Feng to death.

"Do you feel the fear that Wali had before he died?" The visitor looked at Lin Feng with a smile, his body did not move, but Lin Feng's body was being pressed by you a little bit, Lin Feng tried to resist, but he couldn't resist at all.

   Lin Feng did not speak.

   Have you felt it?

of course not.

  His path came up by stepping on other people's corpses, struggling countless times on the edge of death, freeing countless times, and then struggling again on the edge of death.

   This kind of struggle time and time again, the taste of death, he already didn't know what it was like.

   But Lin Feng knew the attitude of being alive.

   Lin Feng's whole body suddenly became warm, and the powerful aura continued to coil around. As the aura coiled, the aura from all over Lin Feng's whole body dissipated little by little.

  As this share dissipated, everything around him seemed flat. Lin Feng's eyes were firm, he raised his head and looked forward, his mouth hooked.

  Golden light burst out from Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's body disappeared, and replaced by a huge dragon. The golden dragon let out a low growl and rushed towards the incoming person.

   Lin Feng’s stomata were bleeding, and blood permeated through the dragon's scales.

   But he did not back down.

   Lin Feng looked firmly in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The light in his eyes became more intense.

   He believes in himself and can defeat the guy in front of him.

   Lin Feng's eyes flashed with golden light, his eyes fell in front, and he walked forward step by step.

   Seeing Lin Feng walking towards this side, a touch of surprise flashed in the eyes of the visitor. Lin Feng's willpower was so strong that he was a little admired.

   This kid is a good seed.

   It's a pity, such a good guy with a true roots, his home is still the same Lin Xiangyang, this Lin family, if it is not removed now, it will be a big problem for Qianjimen in the future!

   Thinking of this, the person raised his hand.

   Just when he was about to attack, a black figure fell in front of the incoming person.

"The old thing is just pretending to be tender all day long. You dare to bully my people. Have you lived too long?" Yuanta's mouth raised, with mockery in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he immediately lost him. Get out.

   "Yuan University?"

   Seeing Yuanta, the corner of the person's mouth tickled, "This is my business with Lin Feng, don't worry about it."

"Lin Feng is my person, do you want me to care?" Yuanda's gaze pointed at the incoming person, "Although Qianjimen is powerful, there are only four immortal emperors. You want to be here today with me. Have a good conversation?"


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