Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4162: Depressed【37/100】

Lin Feng did not move, still sitting cross-legged.

"Wait." Yu Shi's gaze swept across Lin Feng's body, and then he said, "All his current state should be focused on the things in front of him. At this time, even if you talk to him, he will You may not hear it."

Wu Suo nodded, the five figures occupying different positions, protecting Lin Feng as if they were outside.

In this way, they are used to it.

Every time Lin Feng is promoted, fights, or absorbs the blood of the dragon, they will accompany Lin Feng to guard Lin Feng and protect Lin Feng's safety.

Yushi looked at it, and it took a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief.

When Yu Shisuo was handed over, he was actually ready to follow Lin Feng. He could see Lin Feng’s combat effectiveness, wisdom and wisdom all this way. The most important thing is that all his partners are there. Lin Feng's side.

This feeling may not be very good, but at least this time, it is very comfortable.

Lin Feng is a good host.

Thinking like this, Yu Shi's body also softened.

"You have decided."

Hou Tu turned his head and looked at Yu Shi, and whispered, "Although we are all masters' combat weapons, the master treats us very well and keeps improving us. You will not lose out if you follow the master."

Hou Tu breathed a sigh of relief, "After waiting for so many years, it is finally time to see the sun again. Our Twelve Dragonsuo is about to complete our mission."

"You good old man, just listen to half of it." Yu Shi paused and said, "But this person is really good. You can follow such a master all the way to this day. Owen admires you very much."

"It's a pity, Chitaki is not there."

After a long time, Xingzheng said, "I don't know what that guy is doing now."

Yuya also moved a bit. Chitaki and the other Eleven Shilongs had a good relationship. Speaking of Chitaki, everyone's mood inevitably improved.

"What can that guy do, me and you, who has a bad life, that guy’s life is definitely the best. We’ve known this guy for so many years, and we all know whether it’s a troublemaker, but this The life of troublemaker will definitely go well."

"Furthermore, it is much better to have a beautiful woman with him than we are here to accompany the master to absorb the blood of the dragon. This time, the master will absorb two copies of the blood of the dragon. This will take a long time."

"It's safer here."

"With the virtues of that fellow Chitaki, it is more likely that he has quickly hid in Dasheng Village at this time!"

With the blue sea and blue sky, Chitaki was flying with the tail of the fish.

"Chitaki, where are you taking me? I just want to go home."

Fishtail pouted and said with an unhappy expression, "I miss everyone, and I want to go back and see what happened to Lin Feng, Chitaki, you can take me home."

As soon as the fish tail came out, he was brought out by Chitaki before he could feel it well. Before returning, the fish tail was very depressed and unhappy.

"Oh my little aunt, grandma, I was also ordered to act. Besides, look at what you look like now, little aunt, grandma, your experience has just been completed, but you still have to absorb a lot of things. Take advantage of this time. Absorb the benefits of this experience for you."

"Little fishtail, let me tell you that this opportunity is a rare opportunity. After you learn to return to the murloc clan, your clan will definitely be proud of you."

"The patriarch, grandfather, sister Zhiyu, and many older sisters are already proud of me. They said, I am the cutest and most beautiful princess of the murlocs." Fishtail said with his face pouting. "I really miss the patriarch, grandpa, and know Yu."

"I can't go back." Chitaki said directly when he couldn't persuade him to come down when Yutail looked like this.

"Fishtail, you can't go back at this time. If you insist on going back, you won't be able to survive." Chitaki's voice was not high, and Fishtail was stunned.

"The murlocs were controlled by disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect first, you said, can we go in at this time?"

Chitaki didn't say any extra words, but Fishtail remained silent.

"Your clan chief told me to take you away, just to protect you. By the way, your clan members will come and meet you soon. During this time, you should cultivate well."

As soon as Chitaki's voice fell, the fishtail eyebrows suddenly lit up.

Fishtail's body trembled.

What Chitaki said is true.

"Patriarch, grandpa... sister Zhiyu..."

The whole body of the fishtail was trembling, and the breath was lifted up a little bit, and then fell again, so I don't know how long it lasted, and the last force disappeared from the body of the fishtail.

The fishtail lay all over Chitakisuo.


Seeing the appearance of the fish's tail, Chitaki was shocked and fell into the sea. A large amount of seawater was poured into the fish's tail to soak the fish's tail. Chitaki breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the heart of the fish's tail still tremble.

"Girl, pay attention to your body, the master took a lot of effort to save you. If you are like this, all the master's efforts will be wasted."

Chitaki's voice was not high, and he was chattering around Yutail's ears.

"Girl, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, you have to believe in yourself, you will become strong earlier, one day, you will be able to kill your enemies, and you will be able to achieve that kind of vigilance, right?"

"Girl, the most important thing to be a demon is to be happy..."


At this moment, Chitaki suddenly regretted telling the fish tail all this, and felt that the fish tail was not alive, and Chitaki followed along.

After walking like this for several days, the state of the fish tail suddenly improved, and he lay down on Chitakisuo and began to practice.

"Thank you Uncle Chitaki, I will practice hard."

The corner of Fishtail’s mouth hooked, "Don’t worry, I won’t trouble you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s okay, anyway, I’m not afraid of more troubles, little girl, you’re fine, just fine. , Wait, we will be there soon. When we get out of the sea, we will directly take the teleportation array to Zhongzhou."

Chitaki whispered.

"You haven't played in Zhongzhou yet. I'll take you to take a good look. When we finish watching, we will go back directly through the teleportation array."

Fishtail nodded.

On the next journey, the fishtail was practicing.

After two months, Chitaki finally left the boundless sea, with the fishtail constantly shuttled through the formation, and after half a month, returned to Dasheng Village.

When entering the village, the fish tail finally recovered a little.

"That... Brother Lin Feng is okay?"

(End of this chapter)


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