Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4184: Pursuit【59/100】

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately upon hearing Yushu's words.

"Then thank you senior, please don't worry, senior, when I need help, I will speak, and I will arrange the situation there. As for the interests of the gambling field, I have someone here who will talk to senior you. ."

Lin Feng smiled and arranged everything, Yushu nodded with a smile.

Lin Feng went to find Sifeng and Lin Bian. Yang Yang focused on research and business, but he was more familiar with Sifeng and Lin Bian.

Thinking of wind is in the mountain city.

When Lin Feng passed by, the whole mountain city was bustling.

"Lin Sifeng is a bastard!"

"Lin Bian is a bastard!"

A group of people were fighting on the street. Lin Feng was taken aback by the momentum. What did these two boys do?

"Father, here we are!" Two gray-headed and gray-faced people ran out of the alley, pulling Lin Feng and running into the alley.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the two people look ashamed, asked somewhat amused.

"It's not Xuan Xuan. I don't want to practice in a good school. I have to come to Qingshan Academy to be a teacher. Then the girl will be a shield after a short distance. If this is not blocked, there will be an accident. Boy."

Lin Bian gritted his teeth and said viciously, "That guy claimed to be Xuan Xuan's suitor. After he got here, he not only pursued Xuan Xuan frantically, father, I told you, he was too much, he actually moved the mountain city. Everyone from here comes to deal with us, daddy, let me tell you, our family of European-style peaches, this guy is so shameless, I can’t wait to beat him up so his parents don’t even know him!"

"Want to marry my sister?"


"Don't even think about it in this life!"

"Dongfang Ming, it's really not suitable for Xuan Xuan." Lin Feng nodded and said, "Xuan Xuan is the youngest, not sensible. You all give way. Besides, as brothers, you should bear more."

"Dad, you are a little weird."

Lin Sifeng's gaze swept over Lin Feng, "When you are qualified, shouldn't you stand by our side? Help us."

"Isn't I helping you to train you?" Lin Feng smiled very much, a breath spreading towards this side, Lin Feng's body stepped back, and said with a smile: "The Lord is here, you guys Feel it well, I won’t bother you anymore, let’s go.”

Lin Feng turned around and left. You look at me and I look at you. For a while, I couldn't figure out what kind of routine Lin Feng was playing.

"No, Dad, what do you mean? How do you leave and leave, you should always tell us what is going on?"

The two looked at each other, looked at Lin Feng who was going away, and quickly followed.

"I said Dad, do you know that Dongfang Ming?"

"It's a acquaintance, I can't say it's Lin Feng." Lin Feng nodded, hesitated and said, "Anyway, the relationship is still in the acquaintance column. I have seen others, very good, and the combat effectiveness is not bad. You have just exercised well, and I am waiting for you to come back at the Hero's Restaurant."

After that, Lin Feng turned around and left.

The mountain city was lively, and the eldest sister's alleys were full of noisy figures. Lin Feng sat by the window and watched the show.

"I said, Dean, your Qingshan Academy is getting better and better." Dean Hong Shan was in a good mood while drinking and boiling vegetables on the opposite side.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Dean Hong Shan nodded, “Of course, Qingshan Academy is now the first of the five academies. Let me tell you, my dean is now proud of the spring breeze, bait this young man to live in the mountain city. Not bad, otherwise this mountain city would be a little too monotonous."

Lin Feng shook his head.

After drinking for three rounds, the faces of both of them were a bit drunk. Dean Hong Shan's eyes fell on Lin Feng. After a long time, he sighed and said, "You have matured a lot these years. Is it inflammation?"

Dean Hong Shan's mind was in a daze, "When she was on a mission last year, she died away. That girl is a good girl, what a pity."

Dean Hong Shan shook his head, "I remember, she was your mentor that year."

"Tutor Hongyan..." Suddenly hearing the name of the deceased, Lin Feng's heartstrings still trembled, and Dean Hong Shan shook his head.

"That was a hardworking girl. Later, she left Qingshan Academy and had a family with a child. Now that Dan Changsheng is taking it with him, it's not bad."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Her life has been wonderful."

Dean Hong Shan also nodded,

"I just like the cheerful look of you young people. The time is too long. I don't even know what I have experienced over the years. My old body will never be the emperor for life. Maybe in the future, I can still watch the Lin family flourish."

Dean Hong Shan's gaze fell below, and a touch of red entered the hero's restaurant.

"This Dongfang Ming is not bad."

Lin Feng nodded.

"The person is good, but this kid belongs to the Eastern family. The relationship between Qianjimen and us is the same. From now on, it's not easy to say." Lin Feng shook his head, "I hope that girl Xuanxuan can see clearly."

"Can't see clearly?"

Dean Hong Shan looked up at Lin Feng.

"I just hope that they will not participate in this right and wrong. Avoid it. Xuan Xuan is my daughter. I never ask her to be rich. I just ask her to be compliant and comfortable for the rest of her life."

Lin Feng smiled and said.


Dean Hong Shan waved his hand, and the two looked down again.

"Brother Lin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I felt your breath right after I came up, and I knew you were here." Dongfang entered with a smile, "We really have fate, this is in Qingshan Academy You can still meet, Brother Lin, but what surprises have you prepared for me?"

Dongfang Ming's gaze fell on Lin Feng, and he said with a smile.

"There are no surprises, but there are a lot of shocks. Brother Dongfang has a lot of possibilities these days, why has he come to this mountain city?"

"No way, my heart is here."

Dongfang Ming pointed to the position of his heart, "Man, this is always the pursuit of this life, I can't give up, right?" Dongfang Ming said with a smile, "Brother Lin, let me tell you this. I finally found out the two malignant tumors around Xuan Xuan. Xuan Xuan didn’t know what was going on, and she mingled with these two malignant tumors all day long, but in general, after my efforts during this period of time, It is absolutely impossible for these two malignant tumors to get closer to Xuan Xuan."

Dongfang Ming shook the fan in his hand and said with a smile on his face.

Lin Feng shook his head speechlessly.


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